Daigo VS Jeff Schaefer 1 hour video....and

No WW?CE Guile and I’m in.

Where you live?

Sorry for going off-topic, but…

Daigo’s played on US sticks what, maybe two or three times before at previous events? I can guarantee that the transition can be quite painful even on working sticks. You can’t realistically expect Japanese players to be able to adapt to US joysticks perfectly when they don’t have access to them at all in their own country. I’m the last person on earth to make excuses for the Japanese because they don’t need them but this is true. It’s different for us because we usually have access to both US and Japanese-style sticks, be it at various arcades or through consoles.

You pussies just don’t get it do you…Jeff is shit talking to get people to have the hunger to want to challenge him on SF2 AE in LA. I agree with Apoc when he said that “competition is too friendly these days” and its true because when ever someone says “I Will beat you all” or ego boosting on this board, you sissies start acting dicks using flaming and arguing on this board instead of showing up to play and thats ridiculous. This is a competition…its supposed to be taken seriously (not friendly) and rivalries should be created like the North Cal vs So Cal…A better response which is what I believe Jeff is after should be something like:

“I got what it takes to defeat you, so I challenge you at SF2 AE”

Daigo SHOULDN’T be your hero…he should be someone that pushes you want to be better than him and your goal is to defeat him with what ever it takes to win…Never settle for mediocrity.


Battosai’s twin brother,

Jarrod McDermott

Sorry but this Japan sticks excuse is running thin. What is so different that means that all of these matches are invalid? What the stick isn’t a bat form but a stick and ball? Oh wait, the buttons are convexted? I’ve played on both, the difference isn’t that drastic that all of you try to make it seem.

It wasn’t a tourniment so it doesn’t count?! Too bad in the end they were both taking it very seriously and were trying their hardest to win.

Honestly using the sticks as a crutch just isn’t working. Jeff had an even more valid reason for not doing well, and he still held his own against Diago.

In earlier SF2 games where you need to execute perfectly at high levels, I would say the difference is actually pretty drastic. When you’ve played on precise sanwa sticks all your life, chunky US-style sticks feel awful. It’s hard to get a good grasp of the thing, find diagonals, get used to the shape and size of the hole, etc. Convex buttons also make it very hard to double tap efficiently which Daigo uses all the time. That’s already a lot of differences and I’m probably missing some.

Did you notice how Daigo and Dan also entered a 2-on-2 CvS2 tournament on US sticks at FF and ended up taking LAST place because they couldn’t adapt? Why do you think they always insist on playing on Japanese sticks when they travel? Why do you think they get upset whenever they’re promised Japanese sticks but have to play on US sticks instead in the end? Because they fully know this “the best players can adapt to any stick” myth is garbage.

Note that I don’t think all the matches are invalid and agree that Jeff had hella crutches too. He deserves props for doing so well imo. Daigo was fully aware of what he was getting into before the challenge and agreed to play on US sticks. This will be my last post here because I don’t want to look like I’m taking away from Jeff’s performance, I just wanted to address the stick issue with the Japanese in general.

Anyone here can tell me how many videos in total have been released? I got 9 on my hard drive and thought they were 14 of them.

Thank You,

Hell yeah, I campaigned for time before Evo 2k4 to get it included, lets try get some more input for next year:


It would be great to have AE there next year with Jeff competing, if he can cause this much fuss with just a single SRK thread imagine how much fun the Evo 2k5 AE tourney would be, plus he might bring his mate…dare I say it…TOMO.
Haha bringing the war into it, this guy know’s how to get publicity he should go into music management ala Malcom McLaren. Wow the old school scene in the US must have been so fantastic.
I repeat again is there ANY footage Tomo playing in the golden era WW thru HF??? Even if its on some dusty Beta Max under someones bed, there must be something?


Blaming the sticks is a joke. I can’t even remember the last time I played an arcade game on I stick I thought was good. I’ve played on covex buttons, concave buttons, buttons that didn’t work, clicky sticks, muddy sticks, sticks set at an off angle, etc. I think for a lot of US arcade players, their favorite stick is a WORKING stick. It’s crazy to talk about things like button concavity.

And yes, the scene is too friendly. You see tons of splits, bracket manipulation, etc. (SC2 finals anyone) It’s rare to see big tournaments that have legitimate competition all the way through. Which is strange. You figure people would want to give it their all and prove they are the best every match, right?

The more talking Jeff does the better IMO.

Bump Bitches

last one is up

I got video footage of TOMO beating people down. I have it.

BUt the thing is, half these fucking pussies and bitches here DONT DESERVE TO SEE IT.

the good people here, I will release them with the book, for you to watch.

to the rest of the people who are clowns and make excuses for everything that doesn;t fit their agenda…

suck it down dickheads.


Is is Tomo facing Daigo and company or is it from years back?



Holy Shit…I MUST see that footage and the book Jeff.

Yeah fantastic news, which book are you refering to? The Super SF2 one? I’ve never seen that, would love to. We never got it here in the UK, only the Hyperfighting one with the Tomo interview (that I still own to this day).
Jeff, I’m sure there are loads of people here who can help with encoding and hosting so you could use a much better format than quicktime.

My hosting is always up for some good fighting game action.

No he is creating a brand new book with Tomo’s input I believe.

Wow, this place is rocking lately, thanks for posting the vids! It might be more fair if you posted some of the vids where he did some of his more amazing stuff (since the vids uploaded are mostly just a collection of the matches where you overwhelmed him or at least came very close to beating him in losing). Ya know, it is this same sort of “selective editing” that the Dems do when they attempt to make Bush look bad ya know…

But then again, I suppose that sort of thing is just part of being competitive & human…still would be nice tho to see cr.LK x3 into super :slight_smile:

Give me a break

You actually think beating Daigo with CE/HF edition Guile and O.Sagat is some sort of masterful art. Anyone with fingers can play a mean O.Sagat in ST, and Guile is so powerful in the older games he seriously makes me question playing AE over ST in the future.

Give me a break

Umm, Daigo was the one playing O. Sagat. In addition, ST O. Sagat has some delay when fireball connects either blocked or hit so he’s not AS uber as in his original game. And if you think about it Ryu was pretty powerful in the older games too but I don’t hear anyone complaining about him

:eek: WHOA, first AE released, then Jeff coming back and fighting Daigo, now this…finaly gona get to see Tomo play after 11 years of reading about the legend in the HF guide, and a new SF2 guide book…this dreams come true stuff. What format will this book take? A PDF document or something like that? Hope it concentrates on character matchups and tactics (thats what SF2s akll about afterall) and not page after page of (mostly useless) combos.

Again WHOA :eek:
Thanks Jeff:)