Daigo VS Jeff Schaefer 1 hour video....and

Okay, so I finally see the vids.

NOW I know the difference between CE Guile and HF Guile: Retarded damage. Every single hit trade was way in Guile’s favour just because it was CE damage. (Oh, and possibly CE Guile’s c.forward having better priority; I would need the game itself to check that). Had that been HF Guile or even SSF2 Guile, the damage would have been less, and Schaefer would have had to do more work. It was only a notch below WW Guile, really… :bluu:

Fuck. Does anyone use CE Bison? If CE Guile is fair game…


Ryu IS really powerful in the older versions (well, at least in HF), but he’s very VERY hard to play at the very highest level compared to, say, Guile (though Guile is very hard to play against really good shotos; dunno as yet how AE screws that up though, since the earlier the Guile, the easier it gets).

re: New book

Huh. Sounds rather strange. I’ll believe it when I see it. shrugs

wheres the video? i want to see:)

Have patience…


on the sagat vs guile vid, which version of sagat did daigo use and i assume jeff schaefer used ce guile?

also, is there any difference between the ce and hf sagats?

he used old ST sagat. Which is the best one, hands down.

I used CE guile. There is no difference in the moves between CE guile and super Guile, or old ST guile that I know of. Same ranged, priority, etc. I have to test how many kicks it takes to kill somebody with the different versions.

Daigo didn’t know Guile works Sagat. Its the opposite in Japan. To us, Guile is the pick against Sagat.

Thomas Osaki in his prime, played Guile vs my sagat in a big tournament before too. But I won, and his guile got destroyed. He was not prepared for the match. But if we played it awhile, and he could get used to the highest level of play, he would have learned what to do and could have won.

Might as well put a CROWN on Guiles head. He is a King.

Thanks for the videos

Man, I just can’t keep up. First it’s Bison, now it’s Guile. Things haven’t changed this much in sf2 in almost a decade. Insanity!

What week is it going to be DeeJay’s turn? Let’s put a crown on his head.

Afaik, there are some differences between the CE/HF and Super Guile’s moves. The Super version Sonic Boom comes out further from the body so you can’t stop a fireball at point blank range like CE/HF ver. The Boom also travels slightly higher, this is why ST.Blanka can slide under it and Sim can C.Feirce under it, but not the CE/HF Boom.
I suspect that the C.Forward lost some priority with the ST. O.version and maybe the Super version. Anyone know for sure?
CE/HF Guile still retains the CPS1 chains ofcourse and also Super Guile has a different jump up Forward (not important tho I think).

BTW does anyone know how to get the ST.O. version 2player colour in AE? In ST it used to be joystick code then Jab + Short. Guile’s ST.O. version 2player colour is his best by far.

actually he does have a kind of hair crown already, doesn’t he.

Jeff what to you think of WW Guile? He seems disgusting to me, should be banned along with rest of the WW’s. I’ve had that C.Forward beat Chun’s lightning leg, DJ C.Forward etc…

Shirts what’s the difference between ST.O. Sim and Super Sim?


Wrong…There is a big difference. CE guile’s “crouch Forward kick” has more priority and much LONGER range than super and old ST guile. In every version after CE the Japanese weakend guile more and more until he was the weakest character in the game in Super.

CE guiles crouch Forward is longer and stronger-much better for punishing whiffs from a greater distance, keep away and for poking, his sonic boom has less delay (comes out faster)-making it more difficult to hit him out of it on reaction and more damaging, his razor kick has greater horizontal range and does a lot of damage compared to the versions after, and his throws do more damage, his stand Roundhouse and crouch Fierce have more priority, etc. Overall CE Guile does more damage…Super and STold and new guile take a lot more work to win with.

Crayfish: the World Warrior Guile shouldn’t be banned for that reason. Its a good thing that he can hit that annoying bitch out of her lightning leg and etc. The only reason why they should ban WW mode characters is because of the dizzy system is fucked up.


I only played Guile on CE and Hyper, you could be right. All I know is CE and Hyuper Guile feel exactly the same.

World Warrior Guile isn’t that great.

He only has 1 speed sonic boom, and he has no hop forward.

He might be ok VS dhalsim though, and Balrog perhaps.

I dont know, CE is a better pick.

Also, Im going to get a higher quality recording on the matches of me and Daigo, put it on a few CD’s and mail it to the people with the servers.

make it easier.

Also, might include a Tomo match or 2.


lemme know about that cd and I’ll host it for you like I did with the diago matches.

I asked mike watson today about the difference between ce and hf guile. He said that the only diff is that ce does more damage.
You should thus only pick hf guile if you think winning in blue army pants makes you cooler.

Bro is it ok if I can get a copy of the tape of Tomo matches that you have?

I would especially like to see his Guile against Ryu, Ken, guile, chun li and Sim.

re: Guile

I haven’t gotten a chance to confirm it myself, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Guile’s c.MK priority got tweaked, like a number of other “god pokes” from CE to HF. I know for sure Bison’s c.MK and s.MK had their priority and range decreased, making it harder to perform his corner trap and poke people in general. I think they reduced Vega’s priority a LOT; hell, I think even from the Jpn. to the US versions they toned down Vega’s s.strong, which did retarded block stun in the Jpn. version of CE (he could do a semi-standing lockdown with s.strong, walk up, repeat).

If this is true, the higher priority coupled with the higher damage made it so that Schaefer had to do less work against the ST characters.


Hey I remember this thread.

:clap: .

co sign aswell

Anyone got a link to the vids? They’re all broken.

Dont know why people are posting on this thread, its all going on over here (you can get the vids here too):
