CvS2 Trivia v2

Dang I should take my own advice and put parameters. Anyway I was going for “they can all do at least 3 supers one after another” but your answer works too.

A-groove and P-groove obviously only get to do 2 and 1 in a row, respectively. I’ve only seen K-groove do 2 in a row, never 3 (I think it’s impossible)

EDIT: Thinking about it…doing 3 supers in one combo in A-groove sounds like an interesting challenge…

My turn to ask:

  1. Which characters can combo a lvl 3 super into a lvl 1 super in N/S-groove? (list the character and the combo, combo must begin against a grounded opponent, can include special moves, traded supers don’t count)

  2. Which systems are available in custom grooves but not in any regular groove?

  3. Which SNK based sub-systems are available in the Capcom grooves?

  4. Which characters have some sort of chain combo? (canceling a normal into another normal/command normal, rapid-fire light attacks don’t count)

  5. Who is the only low tier character (according the tier list here at SRK) ever used in Evo final 8, and which player used it?

  1. morrigan, Kyosuke (Air), Yun, Maki, Terry (standing fierce (one hit) to df + fierce)

  2. Haohmaru (Justin Wong). And Yun (used by Ken)… though I forget if he was considered low tier.

  1. the ones you listed are correct, but there’s still several characters missing

  2. Haohmaru/Justin is correct. Yun was mid tier last time I checked.

k, i’ll toss my hat in… though i don’t really remember what questions i asked in the previous quiz

  1. what are the differences between 1p chun and 2p chun?

  2. 1p and 2p rugal?

  3. how does iori do 60 stun in one combo, starting from a command grab?

  4. what’s the one character-specific change that maki received in cvs2 EO?

  5. what’s the easiest way for a character do a running 720 super (though it’s really only useful with raiden)?

  6. which groove(s) can do stronger level 3 supers than normal?

  7. who is the tallest female character while crouching?

  8. which character can run straight under moves like sagat high tiger and ken funky kick?

  9. if vega is knocked down in the corner, what is sagat’s universal counter to all of vega’s possible wakeup RC attacks?

  10. what is the easiest way to cancel a single standing attack into geese’s raging storm?

i wont be back in front of a computer till probably tuesday. answers then

  1. what are the differences between 1p chun and 2p chun?
    some weird boshit about the flip kick/headstomp?

  2. 1p and 2p rugal?
    some weird boshit

  3. how does iori do 60 stun in one combo, starting from a command grab?
    total guess: cmd grab, strong, f+strong, lvl2, cmd crab, strong, f+strong, rekkas

  4. which groove(s) can do stronger level 3 supers than normal?
    C, S, N, K

  5. who is the tallest female character while crouching?
    Cammy, i told that bitch to lose some weight

  6. which character can run straight under moves like sagat high tiger and ken funky kick?

  7. if vega is knocked down in the corner, what is sagat’s universal counter to all of vega’s possible wakeup RC attacks?
    sj back rh

  8. what is the easiest way to cancel a single standing attack into geese’s raging storm?
    id love to know the answer to this one

  1. which groove(s) can do stronger level 3 supers than normal?
    S groove for sure

  2. which character can run straight under moves like sagat high tiger and ken funky kick?
    My guess is geese, since i know he runs under Yamazakis mp slash

  3. what is the easiest way to cancel a single standing attack into geese’s raging storm?
    Mashh hcb like crazy duh

  1. how does iori do 60 stun in one combo, starting from a command grab?

Yeah, I’m a cheater.

  1. what’s the one character-specific change that maki received in cvs2 EO?

Something like whiffing an air normal then activating I think

  1. who is the tallest female character while crouching?


  1. if vega is knocked down in the corner, what is sagat’s universal counter to all of vega’s possible wakeup RC attacks

Backdash, Tiger Uppercut


Looks like everybody will skip the questions I posted here. :arazz:

  1. 1p and 2p rugal?
    2p rugal can corner dive punch to reverse sides?

  2. what’s the one character-specific change that maki received in cvs2 EO?
    Can’t CC off her punch throw

  3. which groove(s) can do stronger level 3 supers than normal?
    C, S, K, N

  4. who is the tallest female character while crouching?

  5. which character can run straight under moves like sagat high tiger and ken funky kick?
    I know Geese can go under high tiger cannon but I think a lot of people can. Maybe Cammy, Nako or Mai

  6. if vega is knocked down in the corner, what is sagat’s universal counter to all of vega’s possible wakeup RC attacks?
    Jump over Vega with cross-up lk?

  7. what is the easiest way to cancel a single standing attack into geese’s raging storm?
    Does it involve which standing normal has most active frames? Maybe start at db, hcb+hp, df+p? Or does it involve the command normal in corner?

Your old trivia involved Morikawa getting knocked off by Sawada at SBO2, 2 frame jabs, best AC, throw reversals I think, guile and chun being juggleable lower to the ground and devil’s reverse being safer by holding the stick one direction I think.

  1. Which characters can combo a lvl 3 super into a lvl 1 super in N/S-groove? (list the character and the combo, combo must begin against a grounded opponent, can include special moves, traded supers don’t count)
    Geese: DR finished early into, c.lp, xx Raising Storm

  2. Which systems are available in custom grooves but not in any regular groove?
    Special Cancel

  3. Which SNK based sub-systems are available in the Capcom grooves?
    Isn’t rolling and tactical recovery snk based?

  4. Which characters have some sort of chain combo? (canceling a normal into another normal/command normal, rapid-fire light attacks don’t count)
    Terry can cancel his s.fp into df+fp

  5. Who is the only low tier character (according the tier list here at SRK) ever used in Evo final 8, and which player used it?
    Man w/ the sword.

  1. Correct, however ending the combo with s.LK, c.LP, c.HK xx RS doesn’t work iirc. When I tested it in training mode even ending the combo with s.HP xx RS didn’t work because the s.HP pushed the opponent out of range. Ending the combo with s.LK/c.LK xx RS works fine, though.
    Let’s see if people will come up with a full list for this one.

  2. not sure what you meant in here, from my understanding special cancel is canceling a normal/command normal w/ a special move.

  3. Roll is right. Tactical recovery isn’t. There’s still another one.

  4. Correct. There’s more characters, though.

  5. Correct.

By special cancel I mean cancel the special into a super, like in SFIII. Rising Tackle xx Raising Storm as an example.

In terms of Geese’s lvl 3 to lvl 1, I believe you can also stop the DR and do a low jump fierce that hits twice canceled into RS. Hard as hell and only works on Gief or Chang probably.

OK you got it right then. Usually people call that super cancel (that’s the term used in the EX groove edit thingy).
There still more systems, though.

Let’s see if people can figure all the answers out.


3.) Roll, Small Jump

4.) Yun’s s.lp,, combo, and also Yun’s, s.hp, qcb + P?
Terry’s s.hp into df.hp
Morrigan chain combos
Kyosuke Air combos
Maki’s Final Fight combo

Thats it i think

Doesnt the Iori 60 stun combo not really work in actual game play since you can mash out of the pillar super really quick?

  1. correct
  2. correct, but there’s a total of 10 characters

nah he cant

id guess nako or mai

  1. what are the differences between 1p chun and 2p chun? Kick throw sets up 2P glitch for 1P Chun, not 2P. (wtf)

  2. 1p and 2p rugal? shrug

  3. how does iori do 60 stun in one combo, starting from a command grab? shrug

  4. what’s the one character-specific change that maki received in cvs2 EO? Her punch throw, activate no longer works.

  5. what’s the easiest way for a character do a running 720 super (though it’s really only useful with raiden)? shrug

  6. which groove(s) can do stronger level 3 supers than normal? S, K, N, C in that order.

  7. who is the tallest female character while crouching? King

  8. which character can run straight under moves like sagat high tiger and ken funky kick? I’m gonna guess Vice.

  9. if vega is knocked down in the corner, what is sagat’s universal counter to all of vega’s possible wakeup RC attacks?shrug

  10. what is the easiest way to cancel a single standing attack into geese’s raging storm? shrug

…I’d like to hear the answers to these, sounds interesting.

Oh, and the chain question, I’ll try that one…

Morrigan chains
Kyosuke air chains
Yun 1 2 3, and s.MP, s.HP, b+HP, and j.LP, j.b+HP
Maki FF chain
Terry fierces
Iori MP, f+MP
Athena close s.MP, f+MK
…Does Bison’s j.MP, j.MP count?
If so, then Chun’s j.HP, j.HP too.

…Ugh, this last one’s gonna piss me off. Does Kim overhead into stance normal count as a chain? O.o

Nice job! That’s 9 out of 10 (Kim one doesn’t count).

I’m kind of disapointed only one person tried to answer my first question.

That OG chart that listed S-groove as having the most damaging super is wrong, I think someone once stated that that chart was devised using the Unlimited setting for the groove gauges, so I think K-groove (maybe N, I think K) has the strongest lvl3.

2p Chun can’t use 2p glitch, but 1p Chun can…and yeah, some flip kick shenanigans that somehow tie in, it’s all in the Chun subforum

Any shoto can dash back from any of Vega’s RC attacks and DP(usually)/sweep(if it’s flip kicks)/super(best results with Ryu or Sagat)


  1. Chun Li - (corner) lvl 3 Kick Super, lvl 1 Puffball Super
    Dan - (corner) lvl 3 Shinku Gadouken, lvl 1 Rush Super
    Geese - Deadly Rave, stop at HK, s.LK/c.LK lvl 1 Raging Storm
    Hibiki - Deadly Rave (root 2) stop at MK, [close s.HK x qcb+HP xx] lvl 1 Dash Super
    Honda - (corner) lvl 3 Headbutt Super, lvl 1 Headbutt Super (tested against Chun Li)
    Iori - lvl 3 Pillar Super, lvl 1 Rush Super
    Kim - lvl 3 Launcher Super, lvl 1 Rush Super
    Kyosuke - lvl 3 Pillar Super, jump cancel, lvl 1 Air Kick Super
    Rock - Deadly Rave, stop at HK, [close s.HK] xx lvl 1 Shine Knuckle
    Rolento - lvl 3 Steel Rain, lvl 1 Tripwire
    Rugal - lvl 3 Dash Super, lvl 1 Anti-air Super
    Ryo - lvl 3 Super Punch (opponent dizzied), lvl 1 Rush Super
    Terry - lvl 3 Buster Wolf > lvl 1 Power Geiser
    Yun - (corner) lvl 3 You-Hou, dp+HP, lvl 1 Sourai-Rengeki

Obviously, not all of them are practical. Rugal & Geese can get up to 11K with their combos, Chun Li can get around 10K. For Hibiki’s & Rock’s combos the part in brackets can be ommited (their supers are fast enough to be comboed into directly).

  1. chain combos, air chain combos, super cancels, cancel any move

  2. roll in C/A, low jump in P

Don’t know if it’s true but I heard that including low jumps in P-groove was Capcom’s attempt to make up for the lack of universal overheads. Also, who would imagine a SNK system would become one of the most important features in a Capcom game (roll, RC)?

  1. Athena - s.MP > f+MK
    Bison - j.MP > MP
    Chun Li - j.HP > HP
    Hibiki - close s.HP > HP
    Iori - s.MP > f+MP
    Kyosuke - air chain combos
    Maki - s.LP > s.MP > s.HP > s.HK/c.HP
    Morrigan - Vapire Savior chains
    Terry - close s.HP > df+HP
    Yun - SF3 target combos

  2. Haohmaru, Justin Wong