CvS2 Trivia v2

I feel hella stupid now.
I should drop Hibiki :sad:

  1. what are the differences between 1p chun and 2p chun?
    A few differences, all involving df+roundhouse:
  • 1p chun can cross up cornered opponents that are knocked down, 2p can’t. opponents do not have to have their feet in the corner
  • 1p chun’s df+rh does not hit most standing opponents in the corner at point blank range
  • 1p chun’s df+rh generally knocks opponents away from the corner, 2p’s knocks them into the corner
  1. 1p and 2p rugal?
    if 2p rugal hits the opponent with a godpress super and leaves the opponent in the 2p corner, he can then cross up the rising opponent with jumping mk

  2. how does iori do 60 stun in one combo, starting from a command grab?
    (c-iori vs rolento) grab, walk up, close jab, close fierce, level 2 rushy super, level 1 pillar super, jump fierce, close fierce, fierce dp

only rolento is fat enough to make the combo work. you can get close fierce, low fierce against a lot of characters, but that leaves you at 59 stun

cancelling the level 2 super on the first hit into the level 1 results in more net damage; the combo results in less hits, so the post-dizzy combo doesn’t scale to all hell

  1. what’s the one character-specific change that maki received in cvs2 EO?
    maki can no longer juggle a CC after her punch throw in EO. hibiki still can, for whatever reason

  2. what’s the easiest way for a character do a running 720 super (though it’s really only useful with raiden)?
    run, whiff low jab, chain into low short, kara cancel that low short into 720

not as difficult as it sounds, and really useful for raiden. gief’s jab goes too far to easily do this, and maki’s 720 doesn’t have enough range for the tactic to be that useful

  1. which groove(s) can do stronger level 3 supers than normal?
    only s-groove (10%) and kgroove (5%)

most people are still under the impression that cgroove and ngroove get damage bonuses to their supers from that old faulty chart that was shown on srk years ago

  1. who is the tallest female character while crouching?
    king is as tall as a shoto. she’s so bad!

  2. which character can run straight under moves like sagat high tiger and ken funky kick?
    hibiki’s run is at least as short as iori/maki/athena’s crouch

attempting to guess and run under moves like ken funky kick and dhalsim roundhouse is an interesting application of risk/reward

  1. if vega is knocked down in the corner, what is sagat’s universal counter to all of vega’s possible wakeup RC attacks?
    backdash, fierce dp

for pretty much every character with a dp and non-useless backdash (cammy), backdash, fierce dp (on reaction to vega leaving the ground) counters every wakeup RC attack vega can do

if he uses either off the wall move, the dp will tag him as soon as his invul runs out. if he does rolly claw, you get a full dp. if he does flip kick, you get the tail hits of the dp

  1. what is the easiest way to cancel a single standing attack into geese’s raging storm?
    hcbx2 + attack, df+punch

standing short as the cancelled attack results in the most damage

really easy, and is actually the most damaging way to combo into raging storm against most characters. sweep into raging storm causes the raging storm to lose a hit, and i dont think any character is fat enough to be hit by a medium or hard attack into level 1 raging storm

so bad! NAUGHTY king…gross