Boredom at work has led me to create a trivia thread that’s similar to the one buk made a long time ago. It’s just some random information pulled from jchensor/buk’s guides and from random matches I’ve seen. I’m pretty sure I have the correct answer to most of the questions but some might have more answers then I realize. I’ll try to keep em specific:
Which character has the fastest roundhouse based sweep (d+hk) in the game?
Which 2 characters can be juggled much lower to the ground than the rest of the cast?
Which super can Eagle’s Saint Andrew’s Green reflect and what happens if the reflected super connects?
Which three characters have autoguard on their specials? Two are obvious and one is not.
Which special, not counting supers, has the most invincibility frames? (autoguard does not count as invincibility)
Which normal causes 40 stun alone on connect and who has it? Two connects of this normal will dizzy nearly any character. (I’m pretty sure this is the only normal in the game that has added stun but I may be wrong)
Which two supers can be landed as cross-ups and who has them? (I’m pretty sure there are only two, but somebody please correct me if I’m wrong)
Which three characters have ground based CC’s that will break a full C-Groove Guard bar?
How many frames of invincibility do you have combined when using the A-groove activate?
How large is the frame window for accepting JDing and Parrying inputs when you return to neutral? (OTG)
1.) Evil Ryu? Does that count, think its 4 frames? If not i think Blanka is up there.
7.) Serpent wave hits from behind if thats a crossup, if you time the roll wrong you will roll right behind Kyo and then get smacked by the tail end. Or if you cross up kyo and he reversals the super you might touch his back and get flung forward? Is that it?
It’s Yuri by the guidebook, but if it’s a typo, then Laugh is correct as well with rock, mai and yuri having the fastest sweeps (5 frames)
By cross-ups I meant you can hit them if they’re blocking towards the direction you’re facing. So far from what I’ve seen, the only two that can do it consistently are Blanka DL and Kim’s air super (Hou’ou Kyaku). It can actually hit fat characters fairly deep. Serpent wave can hit people trying to cross you up as can Raiden’s Fire Spit super (fairly surprising). I have never seen King’s super cross-up but the amount of King’s I’ve seen is approximately 0. Laugh I think you might be right up Super Psycho Crusher being able to cross-up waking up targets. I just haven’t seen a non-A-groove bison in forever.
I should have clarified better for guard crush CC’s as I was mainly going for guard crushes that crushed soon enough that you could still throw in a large amount of damage and then execute the super. Iori, Sakura and Kyo each have ground CC’s capable of breaking your entire guard and then following up. Todo’s air CC can also guard crush you from full. I know bison’s CC will leave you so close to being crushed that you can follow it up with a psycho crusher for some good average dmg but that wasn’t quite what I was lookin for.
The A-groove activate leaves you invincible for a full 19 frames.
The window for accepting JD’s is 7 and the window for accepting parries is 10 when you return to neutral. It is only 5 when you hold the stick in the direction you’re parrying making it more difficult. So in terms of the argument, which is easier, JD’s or parries, it all depends on how you hold the stick.
edit: I’ll try to come up with trickier questions next time cuz people really know their stuff. I was surprised especially of laugh knowing that gief’s jumping headbutt does 40 stun on its own. The shits nasty.
Dan’s sweep is 5 frames too.
If you count console only chars, E. Ryu/S. Akuma/U. Rugal all have 4-frame sweeps. Plus, E. Ryu & S. Akuma have easy ways to combo into sweep (into Hurricane Kick into big combo).
Watch Zenfire’s King tutorial video, he shows some set-ups for the cross-up super.
I checked the Zenfire tutorial. Very nice guide but the super leads to her staying on the left side instead of crossing up. Wonder why it does that :looney:. It probably still hits up as a cross-up though which is pretty cool.
I only play regularly on the arcade version so I haven’t seen the boss characters in use other than by the computer and I can’t really use em either. Dan having a 5 frame sweep is surprising tho.
Which special, not counting supers, has the most invincibility frames?
(autoguard does not count as invincibility)
yoga teleport
Which normal causes 40 stun alone on connect and who has it? Two connects of this normal will dizzy nearly any character. (I’m pretty sure this is the only normal in the game that has added stun but I may be wrong)
gief headbutt
Which two supers can be landed as cross-ups and who has them? (I’m pretty sure there are only two, but somebody please correct me if I’m wrong)
kyos gasoline super, blankas DL
Which three characters have ground based CC’s that will break a full C-Groove Guard bar?
kyo, iori, sakura
How many frames of invincibility do you have combined when using the A-groove activate?
17 -21?
How large is the frame window for accepting JDing and Parrying inputs when you return to neutral? (OTG)
The Serpent Wave crossup is done by doing a really late RC version of it which will put you on the other side still facing the same direction. It supposedly does hella chip dammage I think it was Buk who posted about Kindebu doing that ish in training mode.
I think people are referring to RCing Kyo’s super, you can cause it to cross up. Its only useful if blocked, iirc.
Its 5/10 for ground parries. 5 for a dirty parry, 10 for clean. In the air its 5/8 (unless my sys guide is outdated). Also you can cancel the lag in a failed parry attempt. Though not common, I think it has uses.
You could guess that, its like one hit stun in other sf games right…? I think I remember an old sairec video where he uses it in a combo.
Bonus trivia. Never seen this mentioned anywhere, but maki’s qcf+k moves, mk (slide) and hk (overhead) both do irregular stun. Each move does an initial hit from the special, 300 damage + 3 stun, then ~1100 damage + 0 stun… So if you think back to seeing any random maki matches you’ll probably remember you’ve never seen her dizzy with this move. Thats why, you get fuckin gimped on the stun. Thanks capcom I guess the move is too good or something…
Which character has the fastest roundhouse based sweep (d+hk) in the game? Evil Ryu, if not him, then I’ll say… Boxer
Which 2 characters can be juggled much lower to the ground than the rest of the cast? Chun and… Dhalsim?
Which super can Eagle’s Saint Andrew’s Green reflect and what happens if the reflected super connects?
Which three characters have autoguard on their specials? Two are obvious and one is not. Kyo, Chang, Eagle
Which special, not counting supers, has the most invincibility frames? (autoguard does not count as invincibility) Ken jab srk?
Which normal causes 40 stun alone on connect and who has it? Two connects of this normal will dizzy nearly any character. (I’m pretty sure this is the only normal in the game that has added stun but I may be wrong) Zangief headbutt
Which two supers can be landed as cross-ups and who has them? (I’m pretty sure there are only two, but somebody please correct me if I’m wrong) kim divekick super, blanka electric ball super
Which three characters have ground based CC’s that will break a full C-Groove Guard bar? Kyo, Iori, Sak
How many frames of invincibility do you have combined when using the A-groove activate? 20?
How large is the frame window for accepting JDing and Parrying inputs when you return to neutral? (OTG) 6
Hmm I must’ve misread the guide very badly yesterday but to correct myself:
"They have a 5 frame parry window if you HOLD the direction on the stick, and a 10 frame parry window if you let the stick go back to neutral after tapping a direction. " Ground Parry
“Air parries have the same 5 frame window for holding the direction on the stick, but also have a less forgiving 8 frame window if you let the stick go back to neutral.” Air Parry
“All Just Defends have the same stats, airborne or ground based, high or low. When tapping OR holding back, the game accepts the first 7 frames after doing so as an active Just Defend input.” JD
I must’ve been really out of it w/o my cup of joe yesterday. I’ll try to come up with better questions today that are more challenging.
Final Answers:
Yuri’s sweep is marked as 3 in the guidebook but in reality, it’s a 5 frame sweep along with rock, dan and mai. Credit to FSgamer for pointing out guidebook mistakes and for half the answer and to laugh for getting it right partially as well.
Chun and Guile, lots of people got this right.
Kyosuke’s fireball super is the only super that can be reflected by eagle’s bat swing. Does massive damage and usually stuns if it connects.
Many people also got this right. Kyo, Chang and Eagle are the only characters in the game with autoguard.
Raiden’s Ready-Go has the most invincibility out of any special at a massive 31 frames with the fierce version. I didn’t really consider teleports but if you do, yoga teleport comes in at 71, bison 61, Akuma 21, Morrigan “79,” and Athena 36. People really like to think out of the box so I’ll make sure to be super specific during the next set of questions.
Gief air headbutt awards 40 stun and will dizzy nearly every character after 2 connects
Apparently there are more crossup supers then i realized. Blanka DL, King’s Illusion dance can hit people who aren’t neutral crouching, Kim’s air kick super, and kyo’s serpent wave RC’d.
The only characters i’ve seen that can be done by humans to fully break a c-groove guardbar and follow up with a lvl 1 are iori, kyo and sakura. The other CC i’ve seen that can do a full guard bar break with a follow up super is Todo’s air wave CC.
19 full frames: “Including the 5 frames of start up, the first 19 frames of a CC are totally invincible.”
5 for holding the stick forwards and 10 when returning to neutral for parries. JD’s are 7 frames for everything. In the air, parries only have an 8 frame window when returning to neutral and 5 when holding.
More questions to come later today. Hopefully most harder to answer.
im pretty certain there are lots of ccs that break a full guardbar, but require inhuman execution like ken’s and sagat’s
doesn’t todo tigerknee waves guardbreak and allow a combo also?
does bison’s count? (standard block cc till meter runs out, then block combo low jabs, low forward xx fierce psycho crusher which guard breaks and allows a combo)
Yeah people really thought outside the box when answering most of these. I was thinking in terms of human execution and grounded. Todo’s tiger knee’d waves does definitely break a full guard bar and can be followed up which I think i put up earlier. Bison I know can break you due to the painting but I don’t think he can follow up with a super which was what I was going for. I know once you’re flashing he can combo and psycho crusher you to finish but again, people just being way more creative then I thought.
I also never thought of adding in teleports to the most invincible special becuz it’s a bit of a shady region. Technically morrigan’s teleport is the longest “invincible” special/super but I said no supers, so Yoga teleport is the most invincible special. Gratz to who thought of that. Completely overlooked.
Which members of the cast have 4 supers each? There are a lot more then I originally suspected so be careful answering this question.
Which two supers do the most damage in the game, who has them and how much damage do they do?
How many frames of jump startup do low jump grooves have to make low jumping easier?
How many frames does N-Groove MAX activate last and how many frames must pass before you can cancel it?
What is the minimum vulnerability that every character has when rolling not counting the rolls susceptibility to being thrown? Most characters have much more vulnerability than the minimum but Athena, Kim, King and Iori are lucky enough to have the bare minimum.
Which character in the game has the fastest, shortest traveling roll and which has the farthest traveling roll? For the character that has the farthest traveling roll, the frame duration of the roll does not matter.
Which character was named best OKI character (Okizeme. Fancy word for the shit you can do after a knockdown.-goodm0urning) by Buktooth in the Ongoing Tier Thread earlier this year. Don’t answer buk -_-
How many hits does the Bison paint the fence special DP+hp (“psycho punish” but who the hell calls it that?) register on each paint (fierce version)? The high amount of hits is what causes the PTF CC to do such outrageous damage.
How much of a damage bonus do counter hits receive (% modifier)? How much of a frame advantage do you gain on a jab/short, strong/forward, fierce/roundhouse counter hit? Extremely useful to know when looking for combos.
Which of the shotos (dan, gouki, ryu, ken) has the highest hit points?
Which character has the stubbiest forward dash (least dist. traveled) and which character has the dash that travels the farthest?
Which player is regarded as the best P-Groover in the world, but as of late has moved to an isolated location, void of any comp? (opinionated but it’s pretty blatantly obvious if you’ve seen his videos)
How much more guard crush damage do you take when you air block (C-Groove)?
When in a reversal situation, how many frames are there where you cannot be thrown? (recent)
E.Ryu, O.Iori, U.Rugal and S.Akuma are not part of this trivia. I don’t know anything about them other than they take damage like hell and give out the spanks.
edit: Do people even enjoy this trivia? I don’t want to waste time if this is pointless but it seems like a pretty good way to make the day go by quicker.