- half correct
- correct
- incorrect
- incorrect
- correct
- whose better O_o
- correct
- Vega, Dan, Kyosuke, Morrigan, Sagat
- I thought it was Kyo but I have no clue now
- 7 I think…
- Blanka (?)
- Makoto
- Still missing 2
- incorrect
- incorrect
- incorrect
- correct.
Other noteworthy p-groovers are jal, steve h, seitai and bouya. I’m probably missing a few but Buk mentioned that Makoto is one of few players in the world that plays P-groove well enough to hang with the very top. Reasons for this include knowing when and when not to parry and making sure to get the most damage out of parries like parry into kyo’s upkicks which is rare since most cancel into beatdown punches.
Watching Makoto, I’ve seen him parry fierce tiger uppercuts three times in one game and all of them led to eating full beatdown punches or upkicks. Very amazing.
- ken and sak?
- vega morrigan dan kyosuke sagat akuma beni(?)hibiki if u count all the routes,
- im guessing haohs crazy unblockable super and gigaton blow. probably around 9k each?
- 3?
- kim and guile
- yun (i say kyos much better)
- 4
- dan?
- raiden i think and furthest would be…cammy or eagle im assuming.
- makoto
- 50%
- 2?
Ken’s doesn’t break C-groove Im pretty sure. I dont remember if Sagat’s does. Sagat’s is sooo cool.
- Half right, sakura is incorrect
- Vega, Morrigan, Kyosuke, Sagat, Akuma are right. Still missing one. Beni has 3 and Hibiki’s variations aren’t what I’m lookin for. I myself didn’t even realize the last character with 4 supers, had 4 supers. Big Hint He has one super with a trademark cameo appearance.
- Incorrect. I didn’t know Haoh’s super was unblockable and even if it is, the damage it does is still slightly less then the top 2
- incorrect
- correct (more people knew this than I thought. Kim is notoriously hard to throw out, especially since his two specials have good invincibility frames on them)
- correct, but I personally think Kyo is more dangerous with low jump too. Yun might have more variations but the damage and stun that kyo can put on you is just way too scary, at least to me)
- incorrect
- correct
- incorrect (the furthest dash is kind of a weird character. big hint she is buk’s trademark character and has the game’s worst sprite)
- correct
- correct
- incorrect
- yun then?
- fuck then uhh gigantic pressure (rugal)? akumas raging demon?
- morrigan longest? and maybe gief shortest?
- correct
- Rugal’s Super, while extremely nasty, is not on the highest tier of supers in terms of damage. Raging Demon however is one of the two correct answers :rock:. One more to go
- Morrigan does in fact have the longest dash in the game, as well as the most unique run as well. Wings are good for something. Gief does not have the shortest dash actually. Not gonna give away this one just yet but let me hint at who it is. big hint THEY are not really played much in America. The japanese however love THEM.
- Ken and Akuma. Apparently this means free jump in set ups don’t work on them.
- Pfft. The only one I knew was Morrigan and Sagat
- 5 frames
- I think minimum recovery is 2 frames?
- Kim shortest…Longest…Athena or Guile?
- Yun
- 5 hits
- 20% damage boost, +2 for jabs/shorts, +3 for strongs/forwards, +4 for fierces/roundhouses. (Cammy counterhit close s.HP = + 14 Y.Y)
- Dan
- Chang. Local around here plays a C-Chang, and I swear that dash goes NOWHERE.
- 50% more.
- I think it was 6 frames.
- Zangief SPD Super & Akuma RD - 7000 dmg (the Blanka Super is a typo)
- 6
- 20 & 8 respectively
^Nice job filling in all the missing answers. Here’s all the answers:
Which two members of the cast have 2 frame DP’s?
Akuma & Ken have 2 frame dp’s making free jumpins impossible due to the the 2 frame vulnerability period when landing after a jumping attack -
Which members of the cast have 4 supers each? There are a lot more then I originally suspected so be careful answering this question.
Akuma, Yun, Sagat, Morrigan, Kyousuke, Vega -
Which two supers do the most damage in the game, who has them and how much damage do they do?
Gief’s 720 and RD both do 7000 damage normally and blanka’s 12345 damage listed in the guidebook is indeed a typo -
How many frames of jump startup do low jump grooves have to make low jumping easier?
6 frame jump startup lag only noticeable on a very very small # of situations -
How many frames does N-Groove MAX activate last and how many frames must pass before you can cancel it?
FSgamer was correct with 20 frames and can be cancelled after 8 frames -
What is the minimum vulnerability that every character has when rolling not counting the rolls susceptibility to being thrown? Most characters have much more vulnerability than the minimum but Athena, Kim, King and Iori are lucky enough to have the bare minimum.
2 frames of full body invulnerability is the MINIMUM vulnerability everybody has -
Which character in the game has the fastest, shortest traveling roll and which has the
farthest traveling roll? For the character that has the farthest traveling roll, the frame duration of the roll does not matter.
Kim and Guile. Guile’s roll travels the farthest distance but Chang’s has the longest frame rate. -
Which character was named best OKI character (Okizeme. Fancy word for the shit you can do after a knockdown.-goodm0urning) by Buktooth in the Ongoing Tier Thread earlier this year. Don’t answer buk -_-
Yun was said by buk to be the best OKI character in the game due to his 50/50 mix-ups but again, not everybody agrees cause Yun’s damage is rather average -
How many hits does the Bison paint the fence special DP+hp (“psycho punish” but who the hell calls it that?) register on each paint (fierce version)? The high amount of hits is what causes the PTF CC to do such outrageous damage.
Psycho punish hits 5 times which is why the PTF CC does so much damage. Even though damage scaling is taking place on each hit, there are still so many hits that the CC still does massive damage. -
How much of a damage bonus do counter hits receive (% modifier)? How much of a frame advantage do you gain on a jab/short, strong/forward, fierce/roundhouse counter hit? Extremely useful to know when looking for combos.
20% with 2,3 and 4 was the correct answer that casey_mdk put -
Which of the shotos (dan, gouki, ryu, ken) has the highest hit points?
Dan. Gouki has the least hp out of the entire cast. -
Which character has the stubbiest forward dash (least dist. traveled) and which character has the dash that travels the farthest?
Casey_mdk also got this one with Chang having the stubbiest dash. 57 pixels I believe. -
Which player is regarded as the best P-Groover in the world, but as of late has moved to an isolated location, void of any comp? (opinionated but it’s pretty blatantly obvious if you’ve seen his videos)
Makoto. I would really like to see pictures of somebody whose better though as watching P-Groovers is pretty exciting. -
How much more guard crush damage do you take when you air block (C-Groove)?
50% -
When in a reversal situation, how many frames are there where you cannot be thrown?
6 frames exist where u cannot be thrown when waking up
i said 5 hits and you said i was incorrect…?
I might have thought you were responding to low jump frames. If you answered 5, you are correct and I marked it incorrectly.
I wonder what was Capcom’s reason for having Yun at such low hp. If anything, Nako should have the lowest hp cause she’s a 4.5 foot little girl it seems.
The eagle that follows her around indicates she is a member of dipset and therefore gives her more HP
How many frames of a safe fall are you invincible and how many frames does a safe fall last?
How many frames long are dodges?
In C, A, and N, which act would award you the most meter? (examples: hitting with a short, landing a special, having a forward blocked, etc.)
How much damage does an alpha counter do on connect and what can they not do?
How many frames earlier can P/K just defend and parry when recovering from a move? (pretty obvious but a good thing to always remember)
Which # settings are the default speed and default damage? (speeds 1-5, damage settings 1-4)
Who is the tallest character in the game?
How many frames does it take to jump in a non-small jump groove?
For how many frames do level 3 supers stop time?
Which two characters have the game’s shortest throw range?
How many frames of a safe fall are you invincible and how many frames does a safe fall last?
safe fall is a lie -
How many frames long are dodges?
0 because no one plays s groove -
In C, A, and N, which act would award you the most meter? (examples: hitting with a short, landing a special, having a forward blocked, etc.)
landing a special? -
How much damage does an alpha counter do on connect and what can they not do?
600, cant kill fooz -
How many frames earlier can P/K just defend and parry when recovering from a move? (pretty obvious but a good thing to always remember)
1 -
Which # settings are the default speed and default damage? (speeds 1-5, damage settings 1-4)
3, 2 -
Who is the tallest character in the game?
raiden is the tallest crouching, otherwise id say sagat -
How many frames does it take to jump in a non-small jump groove?
3? -
Which two characters have the game’s shortest throw range?
In C, A, and N, which act would award you the most meter? (examples: hitting with a short, landing a special, having a forward blocked, etc.)
gonna guess landing a fierce -
How much damage does an alpha counter do on connect and what can they not do?
600 i guess? cant kill someone -
How many frames earlier can P/K just defend and parry when recovering from a move? (pretty obvious but a good thing to always remember)
1 -
Which # settings are the default speed and default damage? (speeds 1-5, damage settings 1-4)
3, 2 -
Who is the tallest character in the game?
id say raiden crouching and tallest either yamazaki or chang -
How many frames does it take to jump in a non-small jump groove?
2 -
For how many frames do level 3 supers stop time?
3? -
Which two characters have the game’s shortest throw range?
hibki +…gief sounds right on this one
- what lol? Yes safe falls actually cannot be punished for a certain part of the falling.
- Truth, but in terms of trivia, u are wrong!
- nope
- correct
- yep
- correct
- I haven’t really seen a standing tall chart but Raiden is indeed the tallest crouching. I think it’s Sagat in terms of standing but don’t quote me.
- nope
- hibiki is half right, gief is not
- Good answer. It makes sense because Sakura, Blanka and Sagat all build meter like nuts with their very nasty fierces and roundhouses
- Yep
- Correct
- Correct Again
- Raiden is indeed the tallest crouching. I’m not sure its been discovered whose tallest standing. I’ll do research later.
- Right answer
- Nope
- half right. Hibiki has a 44 pixel throw range and the other is _____
Yun, but he has RC Grab so it doesn’t really matter.
fuck i knew gief didnt sound right i forgot about yun.