Hmm, ok I’ll describe a Match for you to see if it’s something you’d like.
First, something that I usually experience.
K-Todo vs C-Sagat
Round One…Fight
Sagat does a poke, whiff
another poke , whiff, trying to force me to walk back in fear, another poke…but suddenly he’s hit by a heavy wave.
He stops poking for a bit. So he decides to do high/low tiger
I JD, He does another, but gets hit by another wave. SO he stops the fireball for a bit.
He jiggles his joystick back and forth
I jiggle my joystick back and forth, do a light wave.
I watch for a reaction. He doesn’t move? Another Heavy wave.
He stands too much? I Slide kick him form the appropriate distance.
Suddenly, he decides to roll.
C.HP. It connects, because rolls always end with the character in standing position, and Todo’s C.HP stays there quite a while.
He decides to jump then, I C.HP again. And if i guess he’s going to do ANYTHING other than uppercut/super (from so far away), I run over and Command grab him, just as he reaches the ground.
This is the time for Psychological games.Clever opponents will tend to mash moves as you’re doing combos to them. Those not so used to it and just defend, will have a painful time, because After that Command grab, I have the choice of doing another one then B&B. And you always have the option of running over and Karaing into ANOTHER GRAB while he’s having that 1 second breather. I’m willing to take the risk of getting hit. If I am hit, then it just starts the match from the beginning portion.
This is a realistic example of what actually happens during a match. C-Sagat just can’t get in. Usually in situations like this, the Sagat is forced into the corner. My heavy Wave has a longer range than his longest poke, and the ONLY way he gets in is
- You do a wave and he decided to jump at the same time (You’re too predictable)
- You got careless and didn’t AA him when he jumped, or stop him when he rolled.
Characters that fall into this C/A trap
Akuma (Watch out for the Dive kick, and he can jump hurricane out so he’s not so stuck, but that’s all)
Blanka (Without RC elec)
Geese (But has a high jump so be careful)
Iori (Careful of the roll)
Ken (Can Jump hurricane to shift the spacing, but you’ll still be zoning him in the end)
Kim (Careful of the roll)
King (careful of the roll)
M.Bison (But has a really high Jump arc to diffuse the situation)
Ryo (careful of his overhead chop)
Of course, there RC something or another for some of these characters, so change your style to suit it.
If these same characters are in other grooves, the basics to fighting them are there, but be careful of Low jumps. And Be careful of Parry.
Characters not included are those that generally won’t let Todo Force them back. These are People with special jumping or poking properties that Just makes Todo work harder.
Ok anyway, now transfer all this to A-groove, you’ll manage to keep yourself zoning and yet build up a bar at the same time, and when you have a full bar, what are you going to do next? Again he’ll never come to you because of Activation into Command grab as an AA (yeah) or Roll in because you’ll still keep him away (Or Activation into grab if you’re fast lol). Random supers are meaningless to him because you’re always far enough to block them.
Now the thing is, do you want to go in and do that CC? Or are you ok with Zoning him to death? I’m K, I’m pure rushdown into the JD Frenzy into whatever the hell opening I can get. A is a whoooole lotta more technical. You can choose do crazy stuff like chip him for 4500~ damage off the bat if he’s already stuck in the corner but blocking and you darent go too near. You can Activate from halfway accross the screen, do your heavy wave and use that to get in to chip him some more (read the previous pages on how to do stuff like that, not a lot of people do it, some don’t know you can do it). It’s rather safe because when the heavy wave connects it puts him in block stun and you’re already in his face because of the double slide, or slide into kara throw. Somewhere along the chipping line, you can go for the grab,
You can always also tiger knee the wave (If you want to take the risk) because it does 6000~ (!!!) worth of Chip damage if you plain just do it alone. And the Guard breaks BEFORE that so once you practice it right, just before the guard breaks, you land, you break it, HP, then super. OK but this one really depends how good you’re at getting in because seriously, you have to have him in the corner, and you literally have to be in his face.
Oh yes, an update on the From Midscreen CC. Remember anytime you do a Wave and it connects, if you had thrown anotehr move out before that it would have been considered as Connected? Then for example if the opponent is in the corner and you want to get in ;
Activate (midscreen away) -> Heavy Wave -> Slides Kick just as the wave hits, -> cancel the Slide Kick with an LP so that it doesn’t hit -> Immediately kara Command Grab. You have to do these very quickly becase they come right one after the other, and with precision so the Slide doesn’t connect. Alternatively , if you’re slightly closer a bit you can replace the slide with a S.HP, then before he pulls himself back, Kara Command grab. Like previously, it’s as if You did a Heavy wave and suddenly teleported next to him and grabbed him, literally anyone who blinks for a bit will think that way. IMHO I think it’s bloody scary for anyone who’s not used to it. And I’ve never ever heard of people widely using this so i’m guessing not a lot of people will have actually seen it either. When I tried to discuss this property some time back people said that it was already beaten to death. Oh well.
Gah, I always feel like I missed something out. maybe I’ll edit later if I realise anything. Anyway, have fun.