Ryuhaku Todo…
Has Long hair…
Wears a Skirt…
Important Moves.
C.HP : A very good high Priority AA. Strong Too. Beats most Normal Aerial moves.
Light Kasane Ate : B&B with light Kasane Ate. Recovers fast, cancels fireballs.
Medium and Heavy Kasane Ate : Choose which to hit opponents jiggling the stick, to hit jumping opponents. To hit Opponents you just AA out of the Air, they may block of course, but a few dots off their life bar doesn’t hurt, for you. TO hit fireballers from afar, especially Sagat
Command Grab (Not called a Tatsumakisouda) : B&B. Run and grab, Run and grab for a vacuum cleaner effect.
DF MK : Distance well, and you hit with the Tip of your foot, or sweep someone just as he lands from a jump. Time well, and you’ll hit a Fireballer just as you catch their feet.
S.MP : Fast Poke. To use when Running into someone. Then do it again.
Cho Kasane Ate : Only the Level 3 is Full screen and invincible at Start up. However if you are playing C-Groove, it would be better to do Level 2 and taunt at thr 6th hit for another few hits, This way you save a Bar. BUT, level 3 moves so fast, it hits opponents halfway across the screen jumping upwards.
- Kasane Ate from a reasonable distance until opponent wants to come close. Then Go close range and throw MPs. Important thing is to Command Throw the guy. Once that starts, you have many options…
a. Go into your B&B of C.MP -> Light Kasane Ate
b. Walk forward, do a light punch, then Command throw again.
c. Straight away do your Cho Kasane Ate.
In Corners, C.MP -> Light Kasane Ate -> Standing MP
People playing against Todo usually try to cross him up more because of his inability to reliably retaliate. In which case, you learn to Run Forwards and then do an attack. Most people have a if I don’t block i will get hit Phobia, but actually if you run away you’ll be quite safe.
His Air Kasane Ate can hit people who are standing. So you can do a jump into a Kasane Ate to pressure them (Tiger Knee Kasane Ate) Or Jump and Kasane Ate, which means that if they did an AA, they’d get hit.
Hmmmm, what to say but stay careful.
Anybody have problems using Todo? Someone here could help…