CVS2 : Todo Galore

Lol Mr Fong

Aww come on read the sentence again and you’d realise what I said wasn’t what you thought I meant. Seeing that this is a Todo VS Vega, it’s only applicable to Todo VS Vega.

Cheers man. You know how we spice up strats with some extreme words.

Or maybe I’ll just rephrase that sentence, this way :
“Turtling Vegas are, what? …NOTHING against a zoning Todo”

Howz that :slight_smile:

How is that? Do your zoning methods for the todo monster differ from those that were already posted? if so, please elaborate

It’s been a while since I updated Todo tactics, so here’s some new ones that some of you may have never tried

  1. B&B in the Corner : Command Grab -> Light Kasane Ate -> S.MP -> Light Kasane Ate

Does a reasonable amount of Dizzy and Does over 4000 points of Damage.

  1. Command Grab -> Light Kasane Ate -> Cho Kasane Ate

Yes it connects if you do it fast enough. But Why would you do it? I dunno, extra Combo Points?

  1. Messed Around with Todo more and found that ending with B&B in corner during Custom Combo does more. (3000 + I think)

Corner Grab -> PING -> C.HP *3 -> S.HP -> C.HP -> Light Kasane Ate X * -> S.HP into another Command grab (Just as the Meter Finishes) -> Light Kasane Ate -> S.MP -> Light Kasane Ate.

Why C.HP 3 times? because it’s the fastest that you can press without having to fear about messing up. His S.HP needs timing most times because if it changes from his Head Chop to his Chin Push too fast, it will miss, so these attacks are there because they will hit 100% of the time as they are already properly distanced.

I can’t remember how much this does, but if you Hit the guy a few times before the CC, then this CC Follow Up will Dizzy him as it ends with normal moves. ( One MP and Two Kasane Ates Do a lot of Dizzy)

  1. Tactics that Actually Work if you dare to do it.
    B&B into a Run Into another B&B

As in, Command Grab -> C.MP-> Light Kasane Ate -> RUN -> Command Grab -> C.MP -> Light Kasane Ate.

If you mess with Todo more, you’ll realise that His B&B doesn’t really push the other guy that far back, and that when you run over, it’s not a very far run either. Added to the point that his Light Kasane Ate recovers really fast, he can just go over quick.
The fact that his B&B doesn’t topple the other Guy over helps to this strategy. So make use of it. Remember, not corner only.

I’ll come back with the details another day, I’ll have to find a friend with a Home console first so I can find out how much damage the CC does exactly.

And : Setting up into his Air Kasane Ate

Once you reach the Corner during a CC, Grab him and Tiger Knee into his Air Kasane Ate. You might have to use the Medium one in case you’re not near enough, but anyway, just do it as fast as you can and break most of his guard.

The only Way I can Connect from the Ground Grab to an air attack is if I jump and press Lp, which actually does connect, but I haven’t had the chance to test if anything else could be done to connect this into an Air Kasane Ate, can someone who has a home console help to confirm this?

Normal air kasane ates can be comboed in an air to air situation. Its happens sparsely, but j.jab or j.short into j.kasane ate works. (That was referring to N-groove). I don’t know how useful it is. but for air to air, it looks pretty cool. plus j.shorts priority+combo oppurtunity is pretty cool.

not sure if it has been posted, but if you sweep xx wave super during a cc, it ends up doing more damage since they get carried by the wave instead of having it pass through them.

Yeah Air to Air Links Works, just like Ryu’s Lk into Tatsumaki or Gouki’s one, howver, Todo’s one doesn’t count as a Combo :frowning:


Just another Update since this is up

Some of you probably saw this in a Vid somewhere, but I remembred it afer messing around with Todo again…

In Corner
Tiger Knee Light KasaneAte, Drop into C.MP into L.kasane Ate into another MP. Thats it. You can combo into a Super but that’s just a waste of a bar, unless it kills the opponent of course.

u guys forgot todo’s best move . . . his forward+mk, it catches a lot of people of guard

If you’ve got skillz, you can activate a custom before the last MP and do some mad damage A-groove combos.

Sup fluff, Im the one at chabot who uses Mai a lot.

Anyways i was using Todo fighting against a guy using Chang. When Chang sends out Choi(midget kreuger) to attack, i wondered what would happen if Todo did the counter super to choi. It turns out that counter wouldnt work at all and that choi would still be able to hit Todo. Its prolly the same thing for geese’s counters.

I guess Choi counts as a projectile instead of an actual person. It would of been sick thought if Todo had picked up little choi and slammed him onto the ground…:lol:

Thanks just got the new Todu CC down thats GeekBoy!!! and thanx to all of u and ur startz. I use todo in A groove for fun, or takin a break for the tiers.

Agreed on the F + MK. Great poke!

I suck a A groove but he really rocks in it. I’m a one trick pony… using the CC as anti-air and doing grab after grab. This is the simple alternative to RCing.

Yeah, Choi is considered a projectile, not a person. So, Todo’s counter won’t work. A regular wave would have hit him though.

By the way, “the guy at chabot that uses Mai” is not that great a description, considering there’s three people that I can think of that use Mai that play at Chabot. I’m pretty easy to identify.

Sigh, no matter what I try, the Cancel Special into Super benefits Todo much only when you do your Cho Kasane Ate after your B&B.

I mean, for the new P-Groove addition.

Other than that, it helps when you do the AA Kasane Ate, then Follow up with the Super. But…how often does one land that? The AA Kasane Ate I mean?

I just finished reading this thread (even though it’s been around for a while). The info posted here is teh sheit. Good job thumbs up. I learned a lot of new info.

c.MP can link to c.HP xx level 3 wave for those who don’t know btw.

anyone have any vids of a good A-todo?

One more person calls it this and I swear I’m gonna kill somebody.

Its called a HAKAMA. Used by ancient SAMURAI. It was designed so that the wearer appears to float as they walk. It also hides your footwork as you attack someone.

I should know…I wear one like…every couple of days going to Iaido (yes, thats what Hibiki does :P) and Kendo practice.

hahaha… you wear a skirt.

Please don’t beat me with your wooden stick though… I’m fragile in real life.

Heh heh. I wouldn’t want to do that!
And it isn’t a wooden stick…its called a shinai and its made out of bamboo…sniffle :frowning:


Ok, Todo wears a Hakama (Which from very far away looks like skirt when he’s running)

Hakamas sure looked better worn in movies like Ran.

And don’t hit me too because, uhh, I don’t wanna get hit(?)

Men! Tsuki! Men!!!

Put on some bogu and we’ll have a real “round” of fighting. :smiley: