I couldn’t find game mode either. I turned screen mode off so my TV went to 480p and 4:3.
Go to the PS3 Options on the main PS Crossbar HUD or whatever it’s called. It’s with the other options like Accessory Settings, Display Settings, etc. settings and it should be near the top something like PS2 whatever settings. Then turn off smoothing then turn off whatever is in game mode.
It’s still shitty on the PS3 whether smoothing is on or off though.
I compared the PS2 console original vs the emulated PS3 port.
^^^ Welp…pack it up guys, games finished.
How’s the revival going? If you look at twitter, people are playing cvs2, but it hasn’t really translated into having more events, at least not in our area. How’s it everywhere else?
No good for my scene. People won’t stop playing AE/Marvel. I’ve just been practicing CvS2 and grinding it out on SFxTK online. =/
That’s a drag. It’s tough to overcome the sheep mentality these days.
Should we have expected much of a “revival” out of this anyway? Like I stated before, I’d rather play CvS2 on Dreamcast than a non-optimized port with noticeable input delay.
why would there be more events or anything different? dat laggy psn release didn’t make any difference lol…
I wouldn’t go so far as to expect a full-on revival, but having an adequate port of the game on a modern console does lower the barrier of entry. If people want to play/learn the game, there’s really no excuse now.
If you optimize your settings like Nick T. described, and you aren’t playing on a laggy-ass HDTV, this port is fine. Why wouldn’t you bring this to local events?
If you can bring your DC/ps2 and have enough sticks, that is better, but lack of those things was one of the most common excuses as to why ppl stopped playing.
How do the console ports all compare to each other? I assume Dreamcast is basically perfect, right? How are PS2 and PS3 comparatively to each other and to Dreamcast? Is PS2 close to perfect? Is PS3 definitely worse than PS2?
I hope everyone kept their CVS2 copy and still have a working PS2 or DC…
DC=PS2 > PS3 >> XBox > Gamecube as far as ports are concerned
I like DC better than ps2 personally, the couple of times I’ve got to play on cvs2 cab it felt closer to dc…
but I have heard that there is difference even from cab to cab
Does this game still have lag? That’s one hell of a shame if it does.
^ of course ps3 version does. but its playable.
I also like dc version best.
I went to boot this up the other day and my MC Ctulhu’s were giving trouble with it. All the buttons work fine but the joystick response is stuttering and the PS button doesn’t respond. Wondering if anyone else has come across an issue in the same fashion. So far it’s just with CvS2’s PSN release and the Cthulhu.
I had that issue too. It worked fine before though my PS button never worked, but my stick would only take inputs 1F at a time. Dunno what the issue is.
@YariX0083 so for you there was a time whereas you were using a Cthulhu with CvS2 on PSN and it worked fine but then at some point it started acted funny like mine? I wonder if there was a CvS2 update that screwed with it?
It’s a firmware issue. The latest ps3 update caused PS3 non-pad accessories to work with PS2 classics.