CvS2 to be released next week on PSN (No online and STILL with input lag)

I probably came across as pessimistic and cynical in my last post, so sorry.

Maybe a full-on revival would be too much to ask for, but how do we go about putting CvS2 out there for the current generation of fighting games to get some new blood into CvS2? Can’t just let the old-heads have all the fun and we can’t really put any hope into Capcom or SNK-Playmore going for another CvS game. Not much stock for a proper re-release either.

Only way I can see is just to get some heads together and play the game. I’m hopeful next year’s CEO will be a good tournament, but expecting some miracle from above ain’t gonna get it done. Get the game played at your local gathering and take it from there.

The CEO tourney next week is featuring it too.

Are any of you folks with PS360+ or any other PCB aside from the MC Cthulhu able to play CvS2 PSN effectively?

On the revival tip, here is a cvs2 group on fb, join up!

Would you mind requesting capcom to do a balanced patch for the game ?? and .adjusting the normal combos timing and make it like 3rd strike ??

^ hahaahahhahahaah

“Joined: 6 years ago”. oh I know you are not THAT stupid…

As KOF 2002 UM (which the old vers is 1 year younger than CvS2) player i don’t think so…
The game is so popular even some KOF fans consider it better than KOF13…
Try to find out by yourself if that new ver was a stupid idea : )

  1. Changing CvS2 combo timing to be more like 3S would be pants-on-head retarded. If we wanted to play 3S, we would play 3S.

  2. Please remove the image from your signature. They are not permitted here at SRK. Thanks in advance, -mods

2 Things, one you may have some luck updating the firmware, (not sure about the process for PS3 hardware and what that means for saved stuff, etc…) but I don’t think its anything to do with the processor exactly, its something to do with the input emulation, yes the processor is different between PS2 and PS3 but if that were the problem the entire game (video, loading, etc) too would also be slow, the input lag problem seems a little more isolated and somehow poorly emulated… apparently there are other PS2 (on PS3) games with this kind of issue too, but I’m not sure how important the issue is to other games, the problem is to CvS2 its very important to the gameplay… if I were playing an untimed Sudoku it would be a minor annoyance, but in CvS2 this lag doesn’t cut it…

I really wanna get down in this game only issue is I don’t have room for a CRT right now…
I’ve heard ps2 lags when not being used on CRT so I’m wondering how that lag compares to the PS3’s port/emulation. Both would be running on a Samsung UHD TV, I can give more stats on the TV but from what I understand it has the lowest range of lag Samsung TVs allow.

I plan on getting a better CvS2 setup eventually, but for now my only options are ps2 or ps3 on a modern TV.