CvS2 results. Orlando FL, INTERGALACTIC tournament

Who the fuck are you. The only 2 people in miami that’s even recognized for mvc2 is ozzy and robert…that means u can go fuck yourself. you’re not even worth replying to. And yea, I would imagine that those orlando scrubs did own you since you suck so bad.

I’ll accept that showdown. And uh, john and mummy-b’s probably going to own dem two fags shafted and ucfcocksucker.

Lose and we’re banned from orlando? WTF? Like any of us would go to that scrubby ass town anyways besides to fuck jebailey’s mom.

Not like it matters, but i’ll be at the Smash tourny at Cyberknights.

Heh, Heh, Guiness. :lol:

lol where the fuck did you get that from? It’s all in fun.


Will all of you just shut up? Justin just chill out because this is getting nowhere. Alex, you take yourself way too seriously, remember that the original design for a video game was to have fun, you seem to have forgotten that. Everyone else involved just chill the fuck out this is GAY




How bout the tie-breaker be that we see who can last the longest in ur mom’s ass?

Rick better than Alex? Are you kidding? He lost to the guy I was TRAINING who can barely link supers with Sagat, and was playing on a controller where he couldn’t get fireballs out consistently. Excellent skills there buddy.

Chris, Alex, murder those homos. :evil:

But But But…
Justin started it.

And seriously the mama jokes have no purpose here.

I’m one of the managers from Cybertron Games and would like to thank everyone who came for the tournament.

We’re trying to figure out what the next tournament should be and would like your input either here or we have some forms you could fill out at are store.

We’re hoping to bring you better tournaments in the future and your input is what will make it happen.

Thanks again to everyone and congrats to the winner(s)

Yo anthony, we’re cool alright, but seriously who are u to talk shit about rick? How long have you been around? Rick’s been in the scene for years and he is a staple of the florida sf community. Everybody respects rick, he’s the fucking man. So before you try to jump on Gaybailey’s side, respect your elders okay?

oh yea, I think ur the only one on jebailey’s side, even though he told me on aim that you suck ass and I should play you for money because you can’t do double fireballs.

Fuck that shit, put me on both teams and i’ll beat the crap out of all of those fucks:mad:

Erik owns the rest of florida with one fluggin hand in mvc2.

I hate you all:D

It’s really unfortunate you don’t get out much you piece of shit. I’d love to OWN you. But oh well everybody has their weaknesses. Yours being a chicken, yeah I called you a chicken. You go play MVC2. Don’t ever think you’re hardcore either, Adam would beat you like you beat on your, you know what while looking at a SHAQ pinup. peace.


You name the game and I’ll beat you at it. Seriously, I’ll own you at more games than you own me at hands down. You might beat me at MVC2 but WTF do you plan to get me on other than that one? I OWN YOU. for free. I’ll even play at shitty ass gainesville. You name time and place. We’ll throw down!!! &^%$ you, scrub.


Somone should organize a Orlando Vs Gainseville tourney for multiple games.

I think cvs2,smash and mvc2 would cover most bases(cept sc2 but s’ok since d wins 4 free:o )

The only question is which location would be better for the most players to be able to attend.

Oh yah, throw a tekken tourney in there too:D

I don’t like all this shit talk about my new hometown so fuk ze HaterS:mad:

Man, we already did that.

Mixup saying fuck ze haters is saying fuck ze blaziniflo.

BTW, I only agree with blaziniflo on one thing…That Rick Stalvey is the pimpest mofo in O-Town. And oh is he a sexzah beast!


You’re right, I haven’t known Rick that long. So all I can judge off is what I see. What I saw from Rick was not impressive. I never said I was good at the game either. Rick could be a beast at the game, but from what I saw I’d never know it. The truth is, whether Alex talks shit about me or not (he’s right. I can’t RC, I can’t do double fireballs and I can’t link supers – no sense in hiding it), it doesn’t change the fact that he’s still pretty good. He ran through everybody in the tourney except Alex N. but he even beat a few times before the tourney. See where I’m coming from? Anyway, lets just put all the shittalking aside and get these matches on. I say each side chooses 5 people for each game and we play round robin. I probably won’t be chosen for any of the games, but I’ll still play you for money if you want. As long as you’ll take pity on a scrub who can’t do fire balls :frowning:

More like YOU can’t do double fireballs, NERD!


Mixup, that’s being taken care of… just gimme a few more days to get all the symantics figured out.

Rick is actually pretty good, gave me a run for my money. Our match coulda gone either way.

Dwayne go look in a mirror bro, you’re like 35 and posting on a videogame thread. You pwn yourself.

People, people, people. Bring the ruckus to Miami, its the closest tournament in terms of days away. You guys will not be disappointed. Then you can all battle it out there, I can set up some money matches if you guys want to have one (not with me I’m saying, with each other :slight_smile: )