CvS2 results. Orlando FL, INTERGALACTIC tournament

adamwarlord: g-ville vs o-town cvs2 tourney? hrmm, let’s see. Trent lives there. Navarro lives there. uh yea… how bout u vs me in cvs2? that’s more fair.

gimmedemshoes/pencildick: we cancelled our shit cause no one wanted to enter. I banned RC’s and supers and all that shit, and everyone started bitching about how they can’t win without hitting the start button to begin the game. WTFever. Figure a way around it. Shit. wtf? can’t I do anything right? what the fuck else do I have to ban? tv’s? I already banned mixup. wtf? damn scrubs…:bluu:

Sorry to Say I got 20 bucks on AdamWarlord vs your ass.

WTF retard, i aint trent. If i were trent, why would i speak in the third person?

Hey smart guy, he wasn’t talkin about you

Hey reject,

if he wasn’t talking about me, then why did he directly reply to my post?

Yeah everyone knowz shafted! is Alex J.

If Shafted was Alex J, he’d kill himself.

Anyway, rick get on AIM.

If anyone was Alex J, they’d kill themselves. I’m surprised that he hasn’t killed himself yet. Maybe he just got shafted.

Man If I owned DBS/Worked there, I’d of committed suicide along time ago, and given my family the insurance money to survive, Cause damn that place MAKE NO MONEY.

damn erik, this kid’s trying u.

Your monkey lookin ass wouldn’t get hired there in the first place.

Cable scrubs talk the most shit ever!


Funny thing is E, he’s more advanced than adam is with alot of his unfly strats using sentinel:lol:

The random hate must be countered:p

The only random hate I see is coming from the bad apples in Gainesville. They weren’t at this tourney, nor do they play CvS2. I give a sh!t about their lives? I do not come in here with an attempt at counterfit indignation to cause war. I am not trying to feed them the kilbossi. I do not mock their one game wonder skill. Their chicken-shit incognito accounts come in here trying to ruin everyone who was at this tournaments good time. Do you know who gimmiedemshoes is? I’ve become enraged and foaming at the mouth.

Adam > Justin in CvS2.


Dywane is top tier!

Nothing against Erik, I know he’s a great person.

Just sick and tired of you and your gainesville folk always picking on everything Orlando does, or starting shit because you don’t like the rules. I admit the 2 tiers were gay, but hey it had twice the turnout your tourney did the same weekend. Shit your tourney was so ghetto, You still haven’t posted results after 4 days.

You don’t see any of us going to gville tourney threads and making up new screen names and making fun of everybody in em, Grow up dude. I agree with Dwayne for once with his shit talking cause he has a point.
Just stop withthe BS and new screen names to get your point across.
By the way How bout those showdown Results eh?

Are we all joking here or what? I can’t really tell…seriously…

/me claps

For once i’ll say, good point jebaily.

I give props to jebailey too. Excellent point.