CvS2 bay areaaaaaa

Nah it wasn’t on stream unofrtunatley.

The collusion thing is a joke about all the potsplitting going on.

Yeah it went down, i believe we got 18 people?
hasn’t been uploaded as far as i know yet, but there will be one more dogfight at GC actually.

rumor has it that the new venue may be in redwood city but just a rumor for now

i’m also going this sat incase you are down to play randomly

Glad the turnout was still so strong. If the regulars would’ve come out, that means we could’ve had 25+.

Redwood City would be good for me, hopefully that would bring out some more south bay players too.

Thx for the invite, we def should play more at GC while the getting is good. Turns out I’m going to be tied up Saturday, so no casuals for me. Let me know when you’re heading over again though, and hopefully I can meet up. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays are generally good for me, while the weekends are hit and miss.

thanks for coming guys~ Saturday was a blast

Brotherman, Warzard, Leezy, and 2000watts

here’s my thread whenever I’m gonna host

Yeah man GGs all around. See you at Game Center on the 21st for sure (last dogfight tournament).

Is the dogfight going to be a recorded livestream?

They usually stream the end of the tournament (top 8 or so).

I’m so going :slight_smile:

They allow pads right?

Pads are allowed, what type of pad is your preference? We usually have PS2 and PS3 setups.

Anyone wanna do something goofy on the side? Like a EX Groove tournament for the hell of it?

Including Boss characters?

What time is the event actually? I actually checked my schedule and I’m working that day :frowning:

ggs @KaoriManabe

Hope to come by next Dogfights. Gotta make sure to not mess up RC Body ga like 7 times in a row.

Sure, why not. I doubt anybody would stay late for it, but run it around the same time and I’m sure ppl will jump on it. I suggest programming the EX grooves in advance, nobody’s trying to sit around and watch someone else come up with an EX groove each match, LOL.

Damn I can’t make it guys. I’m working that day morning until night.

yeah, so this sat at gamecenter we’re doing a tourney

doors open at 3pm
cvs2 tourney starts at 6pm as usual

if as many people as possible can come that would be good :slight_smile:

and since the event is actually 24h we can toss in a random silly tourney or a 2nd cvs2 tourney on sunday

I don’t know anything about EX-Groove so yeah let me know

Thanks for confirming the time Manabe. Expecting a good turnout. We can figure out the second tournament thing when we get there, no biggie.

Been a long time since I touched this game. I’ll go tonight , will there be casuals as well?

Yeah, they’ve got a cab, and they may have a spare CRT for casuals too as the tourney progresses.

Sweet can’t wait to see you all again. Been a long time

OMFG I missed it. God damnit was it really last night?

Hey Manabe, do you want to start hosting CvS2 sessions or tourneys somewhere? I wanna start playing more I can’t believe I keep missing the dog fights. I thought it was LAST Saturday NOT last night!!!

edit: actually, are there any CvS2 tourneys coming up? any other ones? And yesterday was the very last dogfight right?