Check the post on the top of this page for Dogfight info. There should be one on Saturday, but I can’t make it. Still, there’s usually a good turnout, about 15 ppl or so.
Southtown closed, but I think they’re going to start having monthly tournaments in SF.
We haven’t sessioned in a while, ppl just been busy I think. July is crazy for me, but next month I’d be down to play some cvs2.
theres a thread here and on dustloop.
it is on the 20th (this saturday)
im probably going to make it but theres an offchance i might not be able to due to work, but it wont matter because if that happens someone else will run it for me
Where’s the location? do they let us use pad controllers btw?
Downtown San Mateo, look up San Mateo GameCenter to find the exact address. It’s in an alley near the corner of 1st and B streets, and almost literally right nextdoor to the caltrain station.
Pads are permitted, the tourney is run on console (although they do have cvs2 on japanese cab as well, which is awesome).
Coming up there with a friend tmr. Where should I park?
1: Leezy
2: Andrew
3: Ehuangsan
4: 2000watts
5: Dennis
5: DJ Cream
7: Manabe
7: Lark
9: Sleazoid
9: Danny
9: scrubbyfarfechd
9: Superscience
13: JD
13: Not KBF
think next dog fight is august 17th
Brotherman made it?!? Cool.
Extravagant, Maka, LionX didn’t make it? What’s up with that?
Still, a pretty good turnout.
Some bad news:
Gamecenter is going to close down on the 22nd
So next dogfight will be the last dogfight at the San Mateo venue because of this, we probably plan to still do it but the new venue isn’t decided yet…
Thanks for the heads up, yeah I saw the bad news
I’ll definitely keep an eye out for where the next dogfight is going to take place, any ideas yet?
Warzard I heard you were an event this weekend?
Yep, we are playing at San Mateo Game Center this Saturday night, starting at 8 PMish. Come on down man, it’s been a minute
at the game center are we allowed to use pad controllers?
Yes, tournament is run on console, and pads are allowed.
cvs2 this sat at gamecenter, last one thats gonna be at gamecenter guys!
GGs from last weekend Manabe (even though I don’t even think we got to play, LOL). There won’t be a dogfight on September 21st?
wait what time does the CvS2 event start?
We start the event at 3pm today but cvs2 tournament specifcally is around 6 pm as always, you can always come early for casuals or whatever
and yeah haha ggs
p-kyo mang
Did cvs2 go down this past weekend? I’m sorry I missed it, especially if it’s the last one.
We’ll run it back at Game Center sometime soon, I’m trying to play more these days.
LOL, and yes. Dat P-Kyo was pretty damn nasty.
Yeah CVS2 was running, good times to. Me and Sleazoid somehow got 3 draw games in a row. Unstoppable force Met Unmoveable Object AKA Sgat Cr. Fr vs Sagat Cr. Fr
LOL, wow, nice. That conjures images of two people headbutting each other until they both are KOed. Was that on stream?
Wait, is this dat collusion I keep hearing about?