CvS2 bay areaaaaaa

Thanks man, I’ll be there to rep dat cvs2!

If there is NCI this weekend. I can bring a PS2 setup with a stick. Also if it’s possible to get a ride back into Daly City.

The dogfight happens once a month, so check back in mid-June for the next one. Dunno If i’m gonna play cvs2 I’m gonna be so rusty. Might only play marvel.

oh snap shin siting

we need more side games at our dog fights… more bull shitting , i shouldnt be reading a fing book on the down time

yoooo southtown is revived? when did this happen haha

and yeah we might run cvs2 again at dogfight but im assuming people will go to the southtown event.

p.s. to maka the other games at dogfight are vsav guilty and aquapazza o_o

Revived for one night only, LOL. Their event is this weekend, I thought dogfight was every 3rd Saturday? Wouldn’t that make dogfight next weekend (the 22nd)?

and naw, theres 5 saturdays this month. so were the 15th, unfortunate

That is unfortunate :confused: Will have to catch the Dogfight again in a couple of months, have fun guys!

PS: what’s the link for the past streams again? LionX wanted video proof of his glorious tournament victory, LOL.

right here

SO who is going to day? I have a really bad hangover and don’t think I can make it in time.


Aww, you shoulda come out man. They started late anyway b/c of equipment delays. They didn’t run a cvs2 tournament because we didn’t have enough people. Word is, though, that this is going to become a monthly thing, so try and make it out next month!


so dog fight this saturday???

hey i want to play CvS2 too! ive been wanting to play it online like really bad for a few years! how can i? and whats MGL and SVGL

Playing cvs2 online is possible through the demul dreamcat/naomi emulator, but I haven’t heard of people getting it to run smoothly. Mgl and svgl are arcades in the South Bay. I don’t think they have cvs at mgl anymore, but they still do at Sunnyvale golfland (svgl). If you want to play offline, your best bet is to come to NorCal dogfights, a monthly tournament they have at Game Center in San Mateo.

Coincidentally, I’ll be at Game Center on Wednesday this week. Going primarily to play kof, but I’d be happy to play cvs2. Still the best game ever.

what time is gamecenter open on wednesday?

also is anyone going to evo to play cvs2?

According to their facebook, they open at 6 today.

I’ll be at evo, but I’m not aware of anything going on for cvs2.

Where’s all the CvS2 action at. I want to come back. There’s something called dogfight or something? what happened to South Town and etc?