CvS2 bay areaaaaaa

Don’t know yet. SF region area people might host
It isn’t the last dogfight, just the last one at gamecenter. We have to find a venue, we don’t have a good one until 2014 for now. (Round 1)


  1. Leezy
  2. Ehuangsan
  3. Lion X
  4. Isiah
  5. Cookye
  6. Buzzsaw
  7. Lark
  8. Manabe
  9. Hao
  10. Laban
  11. DJ Cream
  12. Steven
  13. Lord Raptor
  14. Firearms
  15. Wattman
  16. Sleazoid
  17. Geobuster
  18. Chun
  19. Tenkai
  20. Ed
  21. Honnou
  22. Roman
  23. Katana-
  24. VinL
  25. Fatacon
  26. Sam
  27. Kai
  28. Kevin
  29. JD
  30. NotKBF

when’s the next dogfight?

thinking about it this month, but not known as of yet.

we have a new venue actually, but can’t really talk about it too much yet, but it is in san carlos.
things are a little different because it isn’t open to the public, but the cvs2 cab still exists :). it’ll be invite-only but im sure warzard knows all the responsible people.

ill let you guys know sometime soon if dogfight is this month.

Thanks Manabe for the update, I’ll keep an eye out.

Dogfight is next Saturday. If you’ve never been to dogfight before PM me.

This place is only open during events, so it isn’t an arcade.

When? 3pm-1AM, Saturday, October 19.
Where? 1607 Old County Rd, San Carlos 94070.
Venue fee is $5 to play but spectating is free.


to: Manabe

Capcom vs. SNK 2
to: Manabe

Guilty Gear: Accent Core +R
to: Dakanya

Gundam Extreme VS
Vampire Savior
To: Tenkai, JD, Dakanya, Manabe

Awesome! 6 PM start for CvS, as usual?

I’m really hype for this. Great job finding an alternate venue so quickly man.

damn 42 minute drive TT^TT


@Manabe: are you good for setups? I can arrange to bring some more if necessary, let me know.

anybody still play at mgl? thinking about getting back into cvs2. probably gonna try going today.

yea sure bring a setup that would be cool

id be down to go to MGL some times if people would wanna play

nobody was at mgl but at least the sticks were in surprisingly good shape.

I thought they got rid of the cab at mgl, good to know it’s still there. Welcome back Albert, you should come out to San Carlos today if you can!

@manabe, I’ll see what I can do, should be able to bring something over.

10/19/13 dogfight
Capcom vs SNK 2 Double Elimination

  1. Leezy
  2. Senor Payaso
  3. Ehuangsan
    9.2GB Combo

will post the videos when aj puts them up

when is the next dogfight god damnit? I keep missing them cuz I dont book ahead on my calendar far enough. Is it gonna be Nov 16, Saturday?


well, i’m gonna try to go to mgl tomorrow (fri) at around 4 if anyone is free that time.

Hope you found some ppl man. The SJ contingent hasn’t really been active/reliable of late.

EDIT: Except for cookye. The session he’s been trying to promote in SJ has some cvs2 players, but I don’t have the info handy. PM me if you’re on facebook, I can put you guys in contact that way.

nobody was there. but it was fine, just trying to get used to sticks again. i might just dig up my old game cube and pelican stick that i first started playing on.

That’s true love man, playing the shitty GC port using a stock pelican stick. Though I think that stick can be modded to be good, if I’m not mistaken.

If you can make it up to San Carlos, I highly recommend coming to the next cvs2 tournament there on November 16. 15-20 player turnout is the norm for these, and it’s a lot of fun to just play.

the stick’s actually pretty good; i wish i had a gc to ps converter. yeah i’m going to try to go, though san carlos is pretty far.