CvS2 bay areaaaaaa

Ranbats this weekend, who all’s coming out (besides the regulars)?

you down to play 1v1 tomorrow evening in san jose?

Im down for some practice games today. PM me

gonna be at sta if anyone wnats to get games in over there

Man I just woke up and I have a hangover the size of California. I’ll be at the next one for sure.

Do people just go to sta to play cvs2, or is it just for the ranbats? I miss playing this game with new people with different stlyes. I drove to sf from santa cruz just to play cvs2 and only 2 other people were there. They played me for a little then quit to play kof. What I’m asking is do people just gather on like friday night to play? Last time I went to svgl same story. Sad. I did like the vibe at sta . true arcade. No fucking ticket games. amen.

Sup man, yeah people go to sta for cvs2 (I know I do at least), but there aren’t a lot of us. Your best bet is to post here a few days in advance of going, and try to get some people together to play. Post here next time you want to go and I’ll try to make it out.

Thx for the reply Mr. Warzard. I’m thinking of driving up tomorrow thursday night to play for a few hours. Last time I came up the traffic on 101 going into the city was fucked so bad. So I was going to shoot for around 7pm. My friend is down to go as well so thats 2 peeps right there. We are both out of practice but what ever I just miss going to arcades. He plays P and I play a scruby C. I would also go to svgl or mgl if thats easier for people.bout the same from Santa Cruz.

We go north tonight! Southtown is the destination unless someone posts here saying otherwise. 7ish. Come on yall don’t let us drive for an hour and a half just to battle ourselves.

Good luck tonight. I’m tied up, weekends are better for me.

im gonna be at mgl tonight playing cvs2 (along with ae and 3s of course). u should come by john joe. there are 2 cabs for cvs2 but they are on american stick. but there will be people there, idk how sta is on weekdays but thursdays are good at mgl.

I’mma do a 6-8 man session with 2-3 setups at my place in SJ. anybody wanna come?

Sta was fun, shouts to that k groove rolento, I gotta do dreamcast practice mode for combos I forgot. Streetfighter 4 is dead long live cvs2!

GGs! I was Rolento/Rugal/Geese (K).

Thanks to everyone for the awesome matches ast night and keeping the CvS2 community alive.

Pierre, to be honest, you flaking last week made up my mind not to go to your place this week. I’m glad so many people made it out last night, but it’s hard to expect all of Southtown to roll down there when the South Bay hasn’t repped at all in the last 3-4 ranbats. Think twice before you call me out again, I’ve driven all over the state just to play this game over the last 11 years. You flaked on us last week, so don’t act like I owe you a trip down there or I’m not trying to keep this game alive.

I didn’t flake on purpose dude; There was a lost in communication when I was trying to head up there. I couldn’t reach Sam because he was at the gym. Trust me, I wanted to go, but I couldn’t reach Sam until the session actually started later. Ask Sam about it. I’m not blaming him for it, no that’s not true. I wanted to ask him if I could bring my TV and console for extra setups, but by the time I reached him it was too late. I was hounding him with calls like at 7 PM to confirm with him if I could come by myself with more stuff. Unfortunately I never reached him in time and by the time I reached Sam I would’ve been 2-3 hours late to miss the party.

Trust me, I had literally had only $30 that weekend to eat my lunch but I saved it for gas to head on over. I’m not in any way trying to disrespect you or the others for not coming, no, that’s not true. Matter of fact it’s the opposite and I respect you guys a lot & just wished you were there.

Though it was wrong of me to flake out, I’m sorry. Things happened and trust me, I don’t like flaking out either. Next time there’s a session in Sam’s place I will for sure be there.

yo leezy, i understand ur reasoning and id hate to choose sides on a matter that has nothing to do with me but i will say this.

@leezy - ive done more than my share of traveling since cvs2 til ssf4 so i know how that shit go but pierre is chill as fuck in my book. hes always been an hospitable host whether it be a room full of dudes or when it was just me but either way hes definitely one of the nicest homies ive met so far and i cant see him meaning any disrespect if he flaked on you and even tho hes not og he definitely has the passion for the game and still trains to get better at the game. though ur point may be valid (because i can tell u put work into getting good which means that uve done the traveling necessary to get the experience), i hope u change ur mind and make it to the next session to grind out some games and have fun. in the cvs2 world, ur already the man nigga u dont gotta get all defensive, so chill out bruh. this is a good opportunity to practice in a chill setting with cool people and relax. hope ur traveling days arent over already old man cuz we got games to play :stuck_out_tongue:

@pierre - cmon son! idk what happend but u shouldve at least pm’ed ppl n shit or left text messages. getting left hanging is wack and u know if the roles were reversed, ud have a salty taste in ur mouth (<~ thats what she said). ive barely been here in norcal but i can already tell that its CRUCIAL that u get numbers whenever theres a session involved cuz its not easy to get around in this weird ass area. theres bridges and a million freeways and highways and all this other shit so when people make the effort to drive out, its not as easy as it is down in socal. its easy to have sessions at ur own place but it always shows more if ur willing to go to other peoples events too. id flake on leezy if he was holding some shit like a persona4 party or some shit haha but when its cvs2, u dont flake on ogs.

i know im not the one to talk cuz it originally looked like i was just trying to start shit with everyone on this thread but my ultimate plan was to get the hype back for this game. the numbers of people who play or even care about cvs2 are absolutely dwindling so get ur shit together guys. if ur holding an event and invite people, GET THEIR NUMBER or give out urs. if ur attending an event, have an address or at least 2 phone numbers or some shit. communication 101 lets get shit right cuz everyones chill and i dont wanna see this dumb shit being the reason why cvs2 isnt growing.

joe dubbs. the best ryo that ever lived.

the reason cvs2 isnt growing is cause its over a decade old and hard to learn :wink:

I’d say cvs2 has been growing, at least in the past year or so. CvS2 is in the best shape now than it has been in years, at least since 2009. The main reason for this are the revival efforts around the country, which have really been led by the ranbats at STA. People who haven’t touched the game in years now try to come out and support the game on a semi-regular basis by showing up to these tournaments.

The only way I see to keep that going is to continue to show support for the STA ranbats. Back when we were getting 25 people per ranbat, it made a BIG statement. We were outdrawing SF4, and a lot of people noticed. It’s too bad we’ve kind of lost that momentum.

Here’s what’s gone wrong since then:

-Too many veterans have flaked out and gone back into the abyss.

-The new players gave up.