CvS2 bay areaaaaaa

hey , hey guys … I want hype but not of this nature … this game is old … and more importantly … we are old … we have shit to do and more important things to spend money on. That’s fine.

Make it where you can and when you can , make sure you put out a call . Try to host if you can and when you do ask for peeps to bring beer and sticks. Leezy always does but all we ask is that people try. If you dont show up and people talk shit on stream or behind your back I can understand being pissed but the only thing you can do about it is show up.

This shit is actually really funny and really telling because what I see is that once a CVS2 scene springs back up everyone wants back in. They want it to be at their place or near their spot.

I say if you cant go to a place hold sessions at your own and start a local community … teach newer players. But unless I feel for now the fact of the matter is Leezy is the best player playing and people will most like travel to his training sessions then anyone else’s. He’s also closer to alot of us (actually shout out to sam and shin for hosting). So I say everyone that can try to make it to a session or hold your own. If you cant then make it to a ranbat , beat Leezy and people will start giving you rides to sessions just for the competition. Leezy doesnt need a ride or beer money but if he did I would try to supply it because hes a big part of the game and its worth it to me. The game is good but its not nearly as good if we dont support the competition and people around it. It really doesnt take much. Anything else you do in your adult night life probably cost 3 times as much and might get you locked in jail (if your anything like me).

Keep Rocking Baby!

Seeing the ranbat footage from sta got me interested in cvs2 again.

I kinda figured this would become a bigger deal than I intended, but that’s e-life.

Pierre, no love lost. This wouldn’t have been a big deal to me if you hadn’t taken 3 hours to respond and had just told me what had happened. I was under the impression that you were on your way to Sam’s, so I asked where you were. Your response 3 hours later was “hey, I’m hosting next week.” You just ignored our session and invited me to yours instead. I wasn’t upset about it then, but then you posted that we’re not reppin’ down there it was a slap in the face.

I’ll be down there again. I probably took it more personally 'cause I was hyping you up at Sam’s since I was impressed by your play at Allen’s, and then you didn’t come through, so I was left trying to describe everything instead of you being there in person.

So after all that, we have a whole month of ranbats coming up. Who’s playing where on Friday?

I’ll probably do another one at my place if nobody else is hosting for grabs. With 1 setup though, I suppose 2-3 people max should be the numbers.

2000watts might come and do 2 setups though, and if that happens we can have 4-5 people

edit: Nvm, I might have an important business to take care of Friday night. Stay tuned. I think Sam may run a session, we dont know yet, but I’m curious as well. If I can change my plans to Thursday night so I have Friday off then I’ll host/attend.

<— Best CvS 2 player here…

Nuff said =P

yo leezy. keep it real bruh, you were trying to make a statement. if u werent trying to make it a big deal u wouldve just pm’ed pierre. but u put him on blast in this thread. u may not have “intended” to do anything but the opinion of a top player discredits the integrity of the only dude in cali (maybe even USA?) who is willing to host cvs2 specific sessions who may not be a vet but is still the kind of key player u need to keep a scene alive. so im just regulating to make sure nothing gets out of hand cuz casuals will make people more confident in their skills. people get better, more people @ tourneys. thats the goal right??

bottom line: we’d like to see u at casuals with us. no ones hating on anyone. lets runnnn ittt. :slight_smile:

We’ll continue to do sessions in the South Bay. There’s enough locals coming out to keep it running. Anyone goin to the ranbat on Sunday?

Dude Leezy’s Rock and Kim is just madness… I didn’t stand any chance last time and got bodied by his randomselect. It’s all good though, I’ll take whatever punishment from the top dog xD (I’m not a masochist though!) But yeah it was my fault for not informing Leezy of my situation, I remember responding to his txt at midnight and just said I was gonna host the Friday after. So that’s my bad too not Leezy or Sam’s. But yeah, let’s squash this thing; we all got the same agenda,which is the love for this game, and let’s keep the CvS2 brotherhood strong.

Yeah me and watts got things to do this Friday so we gonna push the next session to next Friday. Or if there’s a session somewhere else we’ll drive up.

I might host next Friday @ my place with 2000watts. Or, Mr Warzard / MakA may inform of us the hype they’re whipping out. Stay tuned, there’s quite some new blood coming out and it is getting fairly interesting.

mlg tonight ?

im in there n black rob will probably show up too. ill be there at 6 try to make it out. ill have a red beanie on bruh

mlg or MGL?

da fuq… I think he means MGL. I’ll be coming out too with my sucky arcade stick skillz

Tell MGL management to fix the other Cvs2 machine and then we can make it the hype spot again.

I’m not gonna make it down there tonight, but I’ll leave next Friday open if y’all are gonna host.

good to see your still alive … try to make it to the ranbat at least … stay thirsty my friend

Goin to the ranbat with black rob.

I’ll be hosting a session at my place this Friday @ 7:30 PM up in SSSJ. Familiar faces are welcome; new ones PM me

I’ll be there by 8:30 with my MAS and beer, unless I can’t find a store near your house.

There’s a liquor store right by my place for your convenience ^^

Planning my weekend. Anyone down to get some games at mgl Sat during their tight or fight event? If not maybe ill go to the ranbat.