CvS2 bay areaaaaaa

I guess I should’ve checked here before posting in the FB group. Haha.

There’s not much to say about all of this…it seems like you respect me to a certain degree, but definitely not the rest of NorCal, which is pretty offensive to me. I hope you’re just trolling and won’t be such an ashole on ranbat days.

I’ll be there for sure on Sunday, and I’m free to play Friday night almost anywhere. I’d prefer just to play to honor our mutual love for this game, but if you only wanna play for money, I guess I’ll bring some cash to play you.

hahahaha leezy this is the internet. u kno by now not to be offended. but just know this, u havent had a dude like me come thru and put u on edge in a long time. YOUR FUCKING WELCOME son. its easy to be an asshole on the internet, if u havent at some point or another, idk what ur doing with ur life lol. but im not trolling. ur ok at cvs2. maybe better than me, but i think i can learn ur team and beat u before u learn my team. fair? ill run a set with u too if u want. im here to make u CARE about the game.

IM GLAD UR OFFENDED. thats why i did it, u think id be satisfied by playing u when ur not fired up? i didnt come down to ur scene to be slept on. i came into the thread like “hey fellas, wanna play a game or 2 of some capcome vs snk millionaire fighting? <3” and being nice got me nowhere. i say FUCK YOU and i even got u up in this bitch. so no matter what, i already won cuz i get to play u guys at the ranbats and u guys cant wait to shut me up. ithink about it, would u like to watch wrestling if u wanted both guys to win all the time cuz they are great people? FUCK THAT hahahaa. ill sacrifice being the villain for now to get the respect for my abilities as a player and to inspire lazy fucks to get up n get better cuz rthere are still people that they havent said theyve beaten. im a chill dude in person once u know me but til then u guys are just cvs2 players whose real names i dont knnow. what respect should be given?

leezy, ur a good player and im happy u responded cuz im trying to find out who has respect for their game and community and who is just gonna let me shit on it. but dont think im at all scared of u son, im more upset that i had to play u console the only time i played u and im ready to get that runback. we both use k groove so im down as fuck to do this shit. read between the lines leezy cuz the simple minded will just see what im saying as an insult and the smarter willl see that the mind game goes beyond what im saying. im the inception causing u guys to remember how much u love this game, im forcing the ones with pride to fight or flight and im only gonna be able to MM strong people.

no one liked justin wong at first. he was claiming east coast all day and hating on socal. then he moved on socal and we still wanted to body him as if he was a foreigner. but now hes officially west coast?!?

now im not trying to be norcal. im not trying to be socal. because most of the practice ive had in this game were all inmy mind playing the computer cuz our scene died like 5 years ago in socal. i feed off hype tho. if u dont care whether u win or lose, i dont even wanna fuck with u. id hope u feel the same when u play any game against someone

oh so in the end. MM leezy son sunday. 20 bucks first to 5. i wanna back up what i just said so put up a lil cash and prove ur good to me. seems u own the scene for free so im not here for the foot soldiers. as far as cvs2 goes, ive seen ur lil ranbat videos. im here for u son.

Seems like a no-win situation for me. If I beat you, it’s not like you’re gonna stop talking shit about NorCal. If I lose, then there’s definitely no end to all of this trolling. I guess you win regardless. I’ll play you FT5 for $20 after the ranbat on Sunday.

Please don’t be such an asshole in person. I obviously take a different approach to keeping the game alive, but we both have the same respect for the game. So at least respect us when we play you.

He’s more chill in person. When you meet him in person it’s mostly talk about the game not about who’s better than who and all the smack talk you would think.

i respect u and ur skills and ur ability to see my message thru the shit talking. but nicely put, ur approach hasnt produced enough results and im just doing shit the way i know how so consider urself professor X and consider me magneto.

that was an exception for u pierre. cuz if ur a chill dude and realize im all about the game. u remember that regardless of whether u like me or not, UR HAVING FUN PLAYING CVS2. but if u think ur tight, well my humble pie is gonna taste like shit in ur mouth cuz cvs2 pop offs are dead but joe dubbs pop offs are always alive if i feel the green light for one.

Waiting for you Joe.

Haha. I hella bruised my thumb at softball practice today. Watch out for painful play from me tomorrow.

How’d the MM turn out today?

20-7 norcal

good shit son. ur team is a perfect counterpick to kgroove. wish i didnt sleep so hard on u cuz i did not play like myself and it fucked me in the butthole after u caught momentum. i havent played (especially that serious) in about a year so thank you for making ME hungry again, u represent ur area well but i think ur the extent of it besides leezy. i only see 2 players capable of being the top in the scene and thats you and leezy. well done. lets run it on the sticks ive been practicing on at mgl. i did it ur way on jap sticks which i am unfamiliar with since we dont have in socal cuz rthey hate that game and my life which let me drop about 98 out of 100 bnbs. lets do it my way cuz i see my way in. u can tell me that a groove can RAPE k groove but u cant tell me you rape me. i will put some wd 40 on that fucking rust cuz i dropped my simple combos all day. i didnt play you at 100% and it showed. FML. you win i lose (the battle, war just begun son! lol)

however. i never said i would not give respect where its due. you played well, i played like ass. but to you ONLY. the rest of the people i played god BODIED and i wasnst evn trying, i was just trying to get them off the sticks so we could keep playing lol. but im almost positive im gonna get trolled on anyways.unfamiliarity with jap sticks is no excuse so like i said, GOOD SHIT. we had matches that were SLIVERS away virtually all games and you clutched ur combos and roll cancels exactly when u needed to. my rust is no excuse i really want to step it up but since u had fun, i wanna take you up on that runback for sure.

however, u say 20 - 7 norcal and i see it as 20 - 7 phil. cuz if u meant it that everyone else is free for me except leezy, then im gonna have fun at the ranbat tomorrow. i didnt represent and dropped everycombo but ill learn that shit, u satisfied my hunger to lose and now im hungry to win again so ur officially my rival son haha. see everyone at the ranbat tomorrow, this humble pie dont taste very good so i need to return that favor :slight_smile:

thanks for helping me with the publicity stunt. and being a good sport. i was able to strike gold and find a player who is on the level. i wasnt looking to pick on the nubs, i was looking to find the top players and i think there arent many besides u so ill look for them tomorrow if there are any. but if not, me vs. leezy in finals.

btw if anyone was at STA tonight, everyone was FUCKING NICE to me n shit. ur scenes are scattered but i like the love that i got over there especially from my boy haunts who i go way back with.

tomorrow we are streaming my match wtih leezy so i hope everyone cn make it, if not i hope u can watch it on stream. im slowly starting to like it here so i hope i didnt make real life enemies. its just shit talk on srk, dont get heated you mother fucking faggot dick sucking homos! lol jk.

im no fraud. i just need to get used to ur sticks. i have to fucking crawl before i walk but u got me ready to taket he ranbat tomorrow. only way to get this salt out my mouth lol. im holdin dat for now tho.

Man I would go today but I am feeling extra lazy. 20 min walk to bart, 45 minute bart train, 10 minute walk to south town. Yawns. Damn weed. Will someone buy me a Huge beer if I go? lol.

You gotta drink it outside if I get you a 40. I’ll leave it up to you.

I’ll be more injured than I thought today. Bruised my thumb yesterday, busted my nail this morning. Wait 'til y’all see how swollen and bruised it is.


^^^Come to the next ranbat plz.

Anyways, GGs as usual. Good shit to Mark H. Thanks for the beer leezy and stick with video games, softball is for girls anyway(jk).

Sundays have been tricky for me :frowning:

Well, there’s one more this month on the 19th, and unless they’ve changed the schedule, there are 4 in September (every Sunday except the 16th). Try to come out and rep dat Joe.

I’ll try to. I haven’t practiced CvS2 since the last time I was there xD

Keep an eye on the thread crack, I know I want to at least get one cvs2 practice session before the next tourney.

so session going down this weekend … pm me … Im down to meet at southtown or take it somewhere else