Sounds good.
it seems like youve gotten people riled up. hopefully some of them show up on Saturday
if MGL has a machine with nothing broken I’d rather play there, since it’s closer for both of us and free parking
Sounds good.
it seems like youve gotten people riled up. hopefully some of them show up on Saturday
if MGL has a machine with nothing broken I’d rather play there, since it’s closer for both of us and free parking
Ugh. This is terrible. Even at Socal’s peak they were never good at CVS2. Combofiend and Gene Wong aside; it just wasn’t their game. I lived there for 6 years. I’d know.
Also, is Deus a fat Asian guy? I think we met at Evo2k3. In fact he would have met me and DisNub.
Joe Dubbs, if you wanna play at consoles then I’m down. I’m from SJ Cali, and from where I work I am an exit away from Jacklin Road.
I dont like CvS2 with a stick, so if you play me consoles I am down. Can host at my place. I understand you’re looking for a challenge, and I’m looking for a challenge too. I can’t promise you any amazing matches, as I haven’t played in a while, but I’m always down to play.
I play SF4 too and I’m much better at that game. So either or, lemme know. Anytime this weekend we can play. Saturday, Sunday, you name it.
ill check out mgl tonight if i can find bud. i cantplay soberbut since u said sta maintains their cabs and cuz iminthe ranbat on sat, lets just do it there. i HOPE i pissed off some people. im fresh meat, im calling ur scene fraudulent and talking shit, and im offering money. any “real honest” self respecting player should take meup on that offer. but its only u so far disnub. but i know ill run into lion, maka, and extravagina.( u guyscant run forever)
this isnt aboutsocal being better than norcal. there is no socal cvs2 at all. i represent the players who chose to still be godlike at this game even afterthe game died off. whatbetter stage than norcal, the cvs2 time warp where u guys still regularly play and havethe means to up ur game. great players never lose that hunger and i promise ricky and choi wont give u an opportunity like this so get hype n playmyass cuz if not, ur scene loses credibility. so ifthis is chess,considerthis A CHECK
Trust me I’ll play you. But I don’t like playing with the arcade stick, so let’s play at my house. I’m quite interested to see how good you are anyway. I dont have money, so let’s play some casuals.
I dont plan to go to MGL tonight; I was there yesterday but I saw nobody there. What time did you come?
extravagant… there u are!! ill play u for free tomorrow if u can make it to mlg just cuz arcade is my preference… but only if u can help me put together a MM with someone else ORRRRRR if u can find me a connect for some greenery cuz i have no idea how to get my hands on that norcal tree)
the way i see it, casuals are fun as fuck and i hope that u guys are even down to get casuals in on a regular basis cuz i could do that shit til everyones BROKE but in order for me to actually say i played norcal cvs2 players at their best, something has to be on the line. that added pressure (whether it be because ur putting up money, or because im shitting on the integrity of ur scene, or maybe u just wanna shut me up and dont wanna lose to a motherfucker like me regardless of the amount) adds a sense of responsibility to u as a player. making it so there is minimal sandbagging/trolling and reduces the risk of someone saying they didnt try or whatever bullshit excuse someone can come up with to excuse the loss and not give credit that is due.
i dont give a fuck if anyone likes me cuz u dont, u obviously just dont know me, but dont tell me you dont agree with me just to troll. its true i think u guys are frauds but im not a troll, i will give respect where it is due ALL DAY. but so far, just know pretty much all of you do NOT deserve a shred of respect yet. u gotta earn that shit. i dont think respect is free for ME either and thats why im putting up my own money to show it. plus im the one talking all this shit so if i get bodied then ILL be the ultimate fraud. but i have enough confidence and balls to call a whole scene out yet most of u are reluctant to respond to the challenge of just one guy. without playing im exposing the hungry from the frauds already.
but from the bottom of my heart i want to say that … i love cvs2. i know you guys do too so THANK YOU GUYS ALL FOR THAT. unfortunately i think most u disgrace one of the best fighting games ever made with kindergarten skills and poor fundamentals which u guys dont work at improving, yet u guys pat urselves on the back at the end of the day and think u did ur scene justice when people like me and deus just roll our eyes. and the only argument people have against me is that im a troll which is a delusion that they would rather hold on to instead of realizing that even if u close ur eyes as tight as u can, doesnt change the fact that im in YOUR hood calling u guys out in YOUR game with enough skill to back it up. i dont have the intention of proving to myself that im good, i already knew that shit hahaha. but i have EVERY intention of proving that you guys arent even close to my level… so please dont bother being a tough guy and saying some irrelavant shit to me cuz no one has muscles to flex on me. ud be better of just putting ur money where ur mouth is and keeping some integrity as a man like disnub did.
extravagant. lets get games in tomorrow night. ill pm u and we can figure this shit out. but it seems like u just told me ur a pad cvs2 player (correct me if im wrong). its an arcade game made in 1999 homie!! play me on arcade sticks at mlg or sta cuz ranbats are coming and im not running any sets on a dreamcast emulator when i havent even had a chance to visit sta to play casually on the setups i actually need to get used to.
ugh i’d really want money match these guys but i think the drive is gonna be too much for this in combination with rust of not really having played for years except for like that one time in october. anyways i hope you record joey, i want to see some footage!
hahaha if nub brings homies ima make them hold my camera. yeah i havent played really since we played in october but fuck itt. dude, i kno the drive is super gnarly but i hop u can try to make it to one of these ranbats man. that would be so clutch. we could 2v2 anyone out here free for sure. i mean i already took over their thread. i hope i can get a hold of haunts, i havent seen that dude in so long and i hope he still loves cvs2 cuz i kno he could work magic with even a basic phone with a camera in it haha. if i can manage to find a way to record it, i will GLADLY post the video in this thread for u to check out. but i stillw anna play lionx and maka but neither of them have replied yet. talk to lion if u can. they dont all have to be for 100. thats just what disnub said so if i find faggots like maka at sta ima go straight up to him and try to get a MM in. check out sta cvs2 ranbat video on sunday tho. im sure theyll stream it!!
I can help you find some bomb. let’s play at my house tonight; I don’t have much time on this forum anymore, cause my bosses are catching on that I’ve been dicking around and browsing forums.
so I wanna tell you that I can help you find some MJ. lets get some casuals in. I hate using the arcade stick for cvs2, because I am a pad player. if all hell breaks loose, I will use a stick, but I’ll always be a bit disappointed that I am not at my comfort zone
Oh man i don’t check this thread enough. Its pretty hilarious so far.
I am not much of a guy for Money Matches, I don’t like the concept in general even since i started this scene back in 04, but for you Joe i won’t mind $10 if it has to be like that. Its just not my thing.
However I won’t be entirely free until after the Aug 10-11th weekend outside of Ranbats. I will see about meeting up and playing some matches afterwords since I have a lot of streaming equipment coming in and I am requested to stream some anime con’s tournament. I will have to get back to you on that.
If you guys really want, we should set up a console playing date and we can stream that shit online since i have the equipment. We can do a tournie/MM/casuals i don’t care.
EDIT: I would like to at least meet you first before any streaming shit goes down though.
I’m hosting at my place next Friday August 10th. you wanna come?
I won’t be free until after the 10-12th weekend so maybe afterwards.
Joe Dubbs I think I met u at NCR a few years ago. I was the guy recording matches on my digital camera. Yeah, Extravagant & I are planning to do Cvs2 house sessions once or twice a month in South San Jose. We have 3 setups and only play Cvs2 so u will get a lot of games. There is a separate thread for this that we will update when it gets closer. Planning to do one next Friday. Let me know if u can make it. Lionx feel free to come down to our sessions sometime. We had 8 people last time.
yeah i was at ncr 09 over in sunnyvale. my first and only cvs2 console tourney. idk how u even remember that!! hahahha. didnt represent right but i got to play leezy n blackrob at least. but now i live here where u guys have tourneys on an arcade. too sick. ill pm u my info and just let me kno, im down to come through to ur sessions. i live in hayward but i aint worried about the drive as long as u help supply players for me to beat
I just got a chance to play with Joe and yeah, he’s not all talk. So if I may advice to my norcal fellows, get ready for a good match. I got bodied pretty badly and we played 3 sets of ft5. I lost all 3. I’m no special cookie when it comes to CvS2 though, but hey this guy is really humble and cool in person. If you talk shit, back it up. If you’re smart, stay humble and use any game against him as a learning experience.
And our ft5 sets, I wasn’t even close to winning each set. It was HORRIBLE. So mad props to Joe for keeping it real and backing up his shit. (at least against me anyway)
I know I’m not a good representation for norcal CvS2, but I did my best. If it weren’t a week day I’d play all night no kidding. Losing just makes the game more addicting.
Anyways, thanks for coming out Joe and I’m honored to at least make your drive down from Hayward worth it. This is only the beginning though and I don’t plan on giving up anytime soon.
EDIT: And he is truly passionate about the game. So, this is a real committed player, loyal to CvS2.
huge props where they are due to extravagant for helping me out in more ways than one lol. those sets were fun as fuck tho regardless of the score ur snk characters are DEADLY with a pad allowing u to combo those qcf - hcb supers for FRAY lol. but yeah its fucking sick that u actually have interest in the game and in getting better so im definitely down to roll to ur sessions if u do them on a friday or whatever so just let me know when u have players to come thru cuz since u have a stick i can use IM IN THERE!!! ur a chill dude beyond the game so good shit for being a nice host n allowing my high ass to play for a few hours. ill hit u up n we can play again tomorrow before i go to mlg for the ssf4 tourney. (WHERE I CAN BE FOUND TO BE CHALLENGED TO CVS2 IF ANYONE IS READING FYI. FREE MONEY lol.) respect given son and ill see u soon bro.
but playing extravagant does not mean i have done what i came to do. im here for EVERYONE from the ones that think theyre ok to the frauds that think they are sick at this game. shit…i drove 30 minutes to get to that homies house so i am definitely not just talking. im ryu looking for a fight.
p.s. i still have that money match with disnub on saturday and on sunday im gonna find lionx if hes there to run a set and if *** MAKA***s there im calling him out to his face if he attends cuz u dont just tell a homie “fuck you.” and dip, thats some real bitch shit haha. difference is ill tell that shit right to his fucking face and hope itll help him grow some fucking nuts cuz im taking his lunch money too. im gonna expose EVERY FRAUD out there and im not some bitch to be talked shit to so watch ur mouth norcal cuz ima make u grab ur ankles when u HOLD DAT cuz u aint got shit on me.
actually we can do the money match thursday at milpitas golfland if you want. i feel like we can build up more hype for saturday though.
the side of me that cares about the money part of our match wants to say yes but im all about hype and if the cvs2 homies in this scene can show half the enthusiasm for the game that extravagant did at his pad today then id love to have spectators around to watch.
if possible we should try to get this shit recorded and posted up on IPW to bring a lil exposure to cvs2 since its the only site that still puts cvs2 videos in their articles. wishful thinking anyways
anyone know how to make that happen???
yoooo… how about this. if i beat u, u get me into that anime expo ur streaming!! vip status