CvS2 bay areaaaaaa

I dont know what you think you are doing but all I have to say is. Fuck you. Come play us or shut the fuck up.

MM - Joe Dubbz vs all of NorCal lmao

i think you vs him would be pretty interesting

i’m waiting to see how much money he puts up

He probably went to MGL and pwned some random scrub who was trying to show off to his girlfriend, then Joe Dubbs probably walked out of MGL and went home and came into this thread and disputed himself NorcaL Champion!

I leave for a week and the thread becomes a clown show…whatevs, I guess, as long as you guys are having fun with this.

THAT being said, I’d like to see a MM between Dubbs and lookatdisnub.

If anybody wants to play before the ranbats next weekend, post up here.

lol either way. regardless of whether or not i will OWN them. i am absolutely as good as i am saying i am. it doesnt have to be high stakes but if u want it to be just talk to me. i just wanna see if any of u guys are a challenge. ricky? john? id absolutely LOVE to play those dudes but i doubt i will cuz they are so busy. but tell em where and when and i will. if not ill money match lookitdisnub or u extravagant. just wait til ranbats/

this looks like its always been a clown thread n im calling norcal out cuz everyone told me id get to play a shitload of top level cvs2 but seems that no one cares about one of my favorite games. its been a huge disappointment but ill just say that its cuz its off season for ranbats. i guess calling u guys out was the only way to get attention so fuck it. ill go with it. u guys suck tranny tits. im the shit. i am socals best at cvs2 [besides gene maybe cuz he actually still plays] but best k groove in WORLD for sure. i aint going anywhere so im not trolling ill see u guys around n lets get MM’s in on a real game. so ill see u next sunday warzard, extravagant, and disnub. and tell ur buddies they are free too n get them to come to ranbats

MAKA UR GARBAGE U FUCKING FAGGOT> U ARENT ANYONE IN ANY SCENE SO SHUT THE FUCK UP. TELL EM WHERE TO PLAY U AND I WILL PLAY U 3s ssf4 or cvs2 u fucking lil bitch. i dont just talk so when i see u im taking ur fuckign lunch money. and ur boys if u even have friends. ask around. i aint no fucking scrub u fucking lil bitch. and i aint part of fgc. im just me. so lets meet up. IM CALLING YOU OUT AND IF U SAY NO UR A BIGGER FAGGOT AND SHOULD REALLY CLOSE UR ACCT.


id love to meet u guys in person and see how u really are when ur not behind a computer screen and behind a cabinet instead. so im done venting on TROLLS. just fucking play me and shut me up urselves. STA ranbat 1st seaason ill get there early to MM anyone. end of story. im not gonna promote e-banging. ill just see u in person n see if u have the balls to say the same shit to my face.

2/3 set = $10 minimum.

and if anyone wants to play me TODAY i live near milpitas golfland and we can settle there so no one gets embarassed.

I’d be willing to drive down if it were for $100+

I havent been to MGL in a while, but last time I was there the machines were ass. Southtown would be best, since they actually maintain their machines.

Anyways, if you’re still interested, I got this Saturday and next Friday off. My work schedule is random, but I won’t be making it to the next ranbat

lets do it at southtown. never been there before but i think that if u get homecourt advantage that would be the best. im down for friday or saturday. any other takers in some cvs2 money matches? im calling out anyone who wants to play. maka especially lol. youtubed ranbat and saw you dude… i like that u like cvs2 but ur ass son… u should just money match me or be quiet n let grown ups talk son.

so yeah. this friday or saturday whenever u guys want it. lets money match before season starts.

1st to 3 = $20

(but im only going if i can get at least 3 takers who want to play 2 sets or 5 players who want to play at least 1 set. thats how im doing it.
let me kno wuts good and well all meet up around 6 on friday at STA but ill work that out after i find out who besides u is down. u got homies who think they are tight??? BRING THEM.)

p.s. if u play sf4 or 3s i will do a $100 MM here at mgl.

3s: 1st to 15 = $100
ssf4 = 1st to 10 = $100

so far i got:

  1. maka
  2. lookatdisnub
  3. extravagant
  4. lionx??

anyways. everyone who plays cvs2 should money match me. its fun trolling tourneys and never getting first as im sure all of u guys do every fucking week but heres a chance where u can actually win something for once! u guys shouldnt be mad at me. isnt it better than trolling tournaments and just basically donating to leezy or black rob? smh…

I’ll do a $100 first to 10 or whatever in CvS2 (I don’t play 3s or sf4) at southtown. It’s not really homefield advantage for me, but they’ve got the best cabs. If the MGL cabs work I’m down to play there too, I just haven’t been there in months so I don’t know how things are there atm

OH SHIT. HEY JOE LET ME GET YOUR BACK ON THIS. NORCAL IS FREE (except for a few people ericlee/johnchoi/rickyo lol i wouldnt fuck with them).

i cant believe i even opened this thread up what are the odds.




yes run over us bring your money too kthx

hmm… so im some guy who just beat a nub at mlg huh? i mean look at this, im bringing attention to ur thread, people kno im whats good and i even have a backer who may not even know how good i am but knows how BAD NORCAL IS LOLOL, funny thing is, i know that im not trolling and that i mean every word i say, but u guys still dont get it yet… so stubborn. smh. u guys have been in ur lil bubble too long. where u think norcal is the shit and remember that even tho not many people care about cvs2, dont think that the ones that actually do dont have an opinion. and the general consensus of norcal cvs2 is that 99% of u guys are just fanboys now which is cool too cuz i love cvs2 and anyone who recognizes how sick that game is gets respect. but just know ur role and dont be naive. cuz u just look ignorant as shit when u talk shit about me but wont play me urself. wise ones know to get the fuck out of the way. so show me all ur idiots and ill expose each one.

check out my original post, i was pretty eager to check out the scene i herad so much about, especially coming from a scene that does not give a fuck about cvs2 at all. but since i got no love back, i call u guys out for being frauds cuz it doesnt look like anyone cares anymore. and LOOK HOW MANY PPL REPLY AND UNITE AGAINST THE FOREIGNER. not a coincidence that i knew it would work and disnub is the only one with the balls to MM me. im still waiting for MAKA and extravagant so if anyone knows these guys. text them, tweet them, fb them, and let them kno to come to STA this frday or sat or whenever disnub wnats to do it.

i mean is disnub the only one who wants free money?? im probably terrible right?? so why isnt everyone one of u motherfuckers down to shut me up by PLAYING ME and taking my troll dollars. talking online means nothing. i just wanna hear MONEY and WHEN AND WHERE. everything else is irrelevant. so save the troll remarks for ur stream chat. if u aint talking bout money or playing me in cvs2 then u aint talking bout SHIT.

p.s. xxdeusxx u can get in on this all day son. idk where u live or whatever but just pm let me kno how u wanna do it. its like im really trying to help them by warning them not to sleep on me but whatever.

btw. xxdeusxx is a gdlk k groove cvs2 player from the OC. just remembered who he was and yeah, u dont want none of that either. but after u expose me for the fraudulent troll im trying to set myself up to be so badly, u should take his money too.

we are EXTRA FREE!!! <3

haha omg this is so badd. its like hunting deer with an suv. so you guys are bambi. so free.

lmao seen your vids and leezy is the only guy out of all of you that could do anything against either of us. the rest are fraudulent.

hahahha. ill meet and talk to leezy @ sta on sunday n try to get something going with him too. but real talk, if anyone wants to get hype n talk shit on me or hype up ur boys who im clowning then feel free to come by n watch…

joe dubbs vs. norcals hometown frauds.
episode 1:disnub

**amount: $100.00 **
where: Southtown Arcade
when: friday 4pm <— let me know if this works for you
**game: cvs2 **
format: 1st to 15

  • changing teams is fine but only if u lost previous match.
  • double characters allowed if u can pull it off. if u fuck it up, u have to stick with the selected team.

anyone else wanna MM?? pm me or talk shit and look stupid like disNUBrightHERE. hahha LITERALLY.

2/3 match for $10 for anyone one else who wants to play. ill play everyone who wants to run it. so ill be there from 3pm til whenever it gets dead. so reschedule ur gyno appointments. drop the bullshit excuses and come by n bring a little money. dont just let disnub go out all by himself. thats cold blooded n im the one calling u guys fanboys! lolol.

I can’t do this Friday but I can do Saturday or next Friday at any time. First to 15 is fine, just gonna take forever :slight_smile:

k saturday at 4 cuz i have to do the ssf4 tourney at 7. enough time for me to do the MM and smoke bud before the tourney starts. lol, i kno its gonna take forever. but if im putting up 100 PLUS driving to SF, i wanna make sure i satisfy my cvs craving. i havent had to play serious since playing deus at least a year back down in socal. i hope there are more like u disnub. i hate people who just talk but dont play. or play but dont try to actually get good and choose to just troll. i think we can agree on that shit.

see u saturday son.