Conspiracy theories…

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Fucking wifi players … spreading corona all over the interwebs.


Even $1200 for 3 months extendable for another 3 depending on the state of the pandemic would be very helpful and would guarantee some stability and help out the ones that need a bailout the most.
(This is similar to what’s happening here.)

Assuming both sides try to reach a middle ground, that’s likely to be the deal.

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the cops didn’t shut it down when Antifa was doing it, now they’ve got no ground to stand on.

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Go out and protest with your peoples

The endgame was always very clear.

First you need to reduce the load on hospitals.
Then you need to remove any backlogs for testing.
After that, you need to have enough tests available to quickly test people that might have been infected recently. At this point, you can start slowly opening up the economy.

Have you read Trump’s plan to reopen the economy? That’s not a bad plan, he should follow it.

The idea of a quarantine is to not completely overwhelm the health system all at once.
The idea is simple, if it’s bad now, it’s nothing compared to what it would be if the virus was running unchecked.

If you have hospitals completely overwhelmed by these highly-infectious CoVid patients, you don’t have room to fit other patients with completely unrelated diseases like say, heart issues. And to make this worse, most of these put you in the risk group.

I lost a friend that had diabetes (iirc, she wasn’t even 40) and a cousin that has some heart issues got infected and had to be put in a coma yesterday.

The more random ass protests for “muh freedom” and clownshoes conspiracy theories, the longer you’ll have to sit your ass down in quarantine.

The only people that really are getting all kinds of fucked are the small businesses, and they should be protesting virtually so the government help them.

All these Karens and mindless zombies asking for haircuts and trying to downplay the Corona Crisis are complete fucking idiots making everything worse for everyone.


This is my main concern with all of this. Your administration releases guidelines and the same day tell State’s not to follow them.


Pertho did no such thing.

But yeah, it’s just fucking ridiculous.

At least y’all ain’t on the political turmoil we are down here. Trump may be bad and dangerous, but Bolsonaro is on the verge of an impeachment process. I can’t imagine two worse countries at handling this crisis. This is bonkers.


It is trump wanting 2 things and siding with the loud sycophants minority

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I don’t own any people.

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My dude, what’s the death count of CoVid rn? And it sure as fuck didn’t get that high in a whole year.

Oh you didn’t know? I thought it was widely known that it would be a one-time $1200 stimulus check.

Trump and his administration thought the $1200 stimulus check, expanded unemployment, and the paycheck protection program would be enough to last ten weeks.


My family has a history of diabetes and HBP…I can’t afford to inadvertently infect them or myself with this virus.

I’ll sleep off 2020 if I have to.


I ain’t up north, so some of the finer details kinda slip by me.

At least down here in Brazil we’re getting 3 months and potentially another 3, so this kinda calmed people down because now they at least know they’re not going to starve.
Granted, the raw cash is nowhere near what you guys are getting, but it at least puts food on the table for a while.

Emt friend just sent me this. We have allergies and asthma and we’re really worried about the possibility this virus which attacks you respitsory wise could be super dangerous for us. But this may bring us some hope


I’ve always had allergy problems, this seems to check out. I lost smell/taste for a week and had a minor cough, otherwise Covid-19 didn’t seem to affect me too bad (assuming that’s what I had)


Have you done an anti bodies check?

Except the hospitals aren’t getting overwhelmed.

In fact the opposite is happening, they’re laying medical staff off:

There’s also a lot of malpractice going on that no one seems to be talking about.


Same with me. :thinking:

Really interesting seeing this info.


Nah I haven’t. Is it something I should look into?