Is there an experation date on those antibodies? This was about over two months ago when I think I had

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I have been using the “Remember the Titans” quote… why ain’t you outside with all your little friends hollering?

Mod edit: For the love of god, dont put dildos in a forum that’s supposed to be SFW.


No, anti bodies are what are gonna fight it in theory if you catch it again. Though the research seems to be kinda all over on that part

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So let me get this straight.

You’re telling me that people with CoVid that die from pneumonia aren’t supposed to be notified as CoVid deaths?
Even though we know CoVid kills people with pneumonia-like symptoms and that most pre-existing conditions weaken the immune system and make them more succeptible to CoVid one way or the other?

Dude, you can’t seriously think that this disease isn’t as deadly as advertised. We’re seeing all kinds of people get put in dire situations because of CoVid, even if they survive. It’s especially shocking when we see pro athletes talking about how it fucked them up.

Also CoVid is not Influenza. It’s not comparable. It’s a respiratory viral disease. That’s literally all they have in common.

The specifics of how they interact with cells are completely different for all we know.

If anything, we’re getting subnotifications because of how easily CoVid can be mistaken for other diseases like pneumonia.


Some hospitals are overwhelmed, not all. When people mention “hospitals are overwhelmed”, they are talking about the hospitals in areas with huge hot spots like NYC. Taking the statement at face value and saying “see not every hospital is overwhelmed” is confirmation bias. Some people seem to think that these orders were put into place to stop the virus entirely, which was not the point. The whole point of the shelter in place orders is to flatten the curve across the nation so the health care system doesn’t get overloaded like it did in NYC and Italy, for example. The goal was clear from the start, but some people seem to have lost sight of that or believe something else entirely.


Covid makee you susceptible to bacterial infections such as pneumonia

Man people really are this dumb to defend trump


Shout out to all you follically challenged peeps…


So how far will you go to save in this pandemic? Would you go this far?

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That’s fine and that makes perfect sense but everywhere isn’t New York. New York is 50% of the cases in the country so treat it like its own thing. No reason for say Maine with 56 deaths to stay closed until the end of the month.

Plz don’t engage with that fucktard. It’s only going to make your IQ Plummet

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The biggest problem is that the country’s testing capabilities are terribly, terribly low per capita. Because of this, we have no accurate number of infections in every city and county, which is why health experts like Dr. Fauci recommended a nationwide closure to help mitigate the spread of the virus. There is no accurate telling the extent of how much the virus has spread, so the best method to slow the spread was shelter in place. A situation such as this has to be dealt with proactively, not reactively, otherwise you end up with disasters like Italy.


Too late but I don’t intend to get into long debates in this thread.

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First of all, deaths may be the most impactful number, but when talking about quarantine, the number of cases is more important.

Second, you might want to consider that y’know, not letting the virus spread and get to NY-tier situations is a good thing and the reason Maine might be on social distancing?


This thread is literally here to answer questions and dispel nonsense. So…STFU with this attitude.

I’m watching the whole thing playout before I make some big ass post.


…so Maine won’t end up a hotspot like NY??


Wait a minute, are you unironically quoting a Q post?

Oh fuck my life. :man_facepalming:


This is abhorrently excessive, but if it got to that point . . . . . it is what it is.

In all seriousness, people have used the dishwasher as a make-shift sous vide for steak. Just sear it after the cycle so it’s not well . . . . gross looking. The lasagna though . . . . that container isn’t water sealed LOL.


In other news, a lady posted on Nextdoor that her husband won’t let her cut his hair and that our governor in California should reopen salons so people can get pampered again. She was very lightly roasted for her post, like people reiterated why haircuts are not essential and how that line of thinking is problematic. Of course later she got defensive with saying it just confirmed that this shelter in place has made people meaner and that she was just looking for suggestions (suggestions or questions which she never mentioned in her original post, by the way). Some people, man. They don’t get it.


You’re telling me that people with CoVid that die from pneumonia aren’t supposed to be notified as CoVid deaths?

No, because without further testing you don’t know the reason they died. Covid carriers can be asymptomatic so the reason they died could be completely unrelated.All doctors are encouraged to do, is test for antibodies.That’s justifiable cause per the CDC to mark it as a covid death. So basically if I’m an asymptomatic covid carrier with a history of hypertension, and have a heart attack, I will be labeled a covid death. That doesn’t seem off to you?

Actually it’s worse than that and Birx says it herself in the youtube video I linked: you can mark someone as a covid death even without testing them. If a deceased patient is even assumed to come in contact with a carrier per the rules it’s okay to mark that as a covid death. Words from an actual doctor on protocol he was issued (it’s only two mintues)

I’m aware. But given their post history they’re likely being ignorant for the sake of being antagonistic.

Doesn’t matter. They’re back on my ignore list anyways. I guess the time since the last time they were on it expired.

Apologies regardless for semi-derailing.

In actual covid related stuff I’m going to call Sedgwick on Monday, as they’re closed on weekends to ask about how to extend my leave until the 1st of September which would be the full four months I’m allowed to be away.

I’m in no hurry to get back to work. Especially since we’re opening back up the state in under 2 weeks. Limited capacity or not it the state being open again adds an infinite amount of X factors that could make me get exposed because people are gonna to be dumb fucks and ease up on social distancing and wearing PPE. Or straight up stop doing nothing.

I don’t want any part in that.