Who did you play in the FT10?
Hatred of myself. That’s how I was able to deal with it. By accepting that I hated myself enough to grind SFV online, the pain that came with online became easier to manage.
Who did you play in the FT10?
Hatred of myself. That’s how I was able to deal with it. By accepting that I hated myself enough to grind SFV online, the pain that came with online became easier to manage.
Hate grants your strenght?`
Self hate at that?
You’re literally to angry at yourself to drop SFV?
This is madness.
Nah, all the lag is in the suspect places. Honestly this is the part about this that ends up making it wholly unenjoyable to play online. If I zone you out, I can’t really win through zoning because I can’t chip you out. But then a random assorted characters can do some silly shit to get openings they didn’t earn by playing.
I’m beating this guy for 50 seconds but a set of fucking idiots in japan decided that he should be able to hit two buttons and force me to block from full screen and have to eat 4 mix ups or put myself in way more danger than necessary.
Gonna play Hawkingbird in a FT10 next friday. His Alex/Birdie/Lucia vs my Lonesome Zeku.
Honestly I can’t wait for SF6 to come out. Wanna see how many people still defend after they no longer have to play it because of the CPT.
Like Sajam did a whole vid about this game is well designed. Did a whole ass vid, never streams himself playing.
There is a lot to unpackage but I’ll just say a bit.
Never been to the corona thread in gd so I don’t know what they are talking about, but starting out:WHO, whom everyone seems to be deferring to, is on the take. No one should be taking these jokers serious after all they’ve done (or failed to).
First they say travel bans aren’t necessary (bad optics for China):
Then after the virus has had a chance to incubate in populations, then suddenly travel bans are necessary. Then masks aren’t necessary, then they are (what is everyone paying these guys for?)
Taiwan does an excellent job containing the virus but because China doesn’t recognize Taiwan as its own nation, therefore neither does WHO:
Then they say that individuals recovered from corona don’t produce antibodies therefore reinfection is possible (then what’s the point of a vaccine?) but then they realize how silly this sounds so the next day they rescind that and say body may produce some antibodies, forming some sort of protection.
I know this isn’t directly related to anti-quarantiners but its all connected, bear with me.
Either that or I could save you the trouble since I’ve been following this story since it broke.
So right now I need to know whether there is something that you don’t understand or if you’re being an asshole.
Before I go any further, let me ask you this Pertho: you are obviously in favor of the quarantines so, what’s the end game? Do we quarantine for a few more weeks? Months? Years? Until we get a vaccine? Till we get mass testing?
We have a Corona Thread for this.
This is the SFV Roasting Thread.
Look, the US government fucked Everything up. Not one thing, two things or three things, they fucked up
Now instead of course correcting or trying to find a set of appropriate measures to deal with shit, we’re dealing with this clusterfuck. The quarantines are working because we aren’t balls deep in a bigger shit show in a lot of places. We have issues because instead of these fucking idiots looking at what was going on in China and all the other issues surrounding it (like the liquidity issue since people need money on hand), we have w/e it is that we have for a government.
I can’t give you a timeline on vaccines, medication etc because the people who know can’t tell you. What they can point to is the fact that it fucked up Wuhan and Italy when you let it run roughshod.
So what you should really do is turn around and ask the Trump admin and then all the dumbfucky state officials who didn’t want to hear it the same questions:
Now that you’ve obviously fucked it all up, what’s the end game? Do we quarantine for a few more weeks? Months? Years? Until we get a vaccine? Till we get mass testing?
Because we failed to act appropiate to protect the stock market even though the stock market was going to get bodied regardless. You know why? Because the stock market pushed for factories to go to China and they need a functioning China to do anything. So even though there’s a very clear danger that this disease presents with its ability to overload health systems through either an 10% ~ 20% serious rate, the fact that increases in people with a lot of comorbidities that are common in the US etc, it is causing serious harm to people who appeared to have had no issues with their lung (because SARS also created long term health issues in the people who got it)…
Instead we get the people who let things get fucked up, turning around and encouraging to to be restless because they refuse to address the very obvious problems our economic system has when it comes to a situation like this.
I know a lot of small business people who are hurting. You know where money went to help them out? To fucking corporations. BoA was out there acting wild like they did with the money to help home owners who were underwater back in 08-10. But here we are encouraging the same short term thinking because you’re assuming there are no answers for long term problems. The same people that fucked up the beginning of this problem are now running circles around your head so you fuck up another section of it.
Had to check what thread I was in lol
Can we return to wholesome 3rd Strike talk?
Great idea
SF3 is trash
Now this is more like it!
Hopefully. Otherwise I’m going to hear some bullshit like we gotta reopen in dumb shit ways when China still hasn’t fully reopened.
Instead of concentrating the aid that people need and bringing a sense of calm to the situation, the early reporting underplayed the situation, then the trump admin underplayed the situation and now its a clusterfuck.
Hell its to the point where local news networks can’t even update people on stuff they missed without being accused of “fear mongering”. Legit important things you need to know, “Why are you guys trying to scare people?”
And here I thought we were done with this.
How did it go last night? Hope you and your family are well.
Mom had to go to the hospital last night after 8/10 days of not really eating. So I had to rush over to her apartment because we won’t be able to visit her at the hospital due to this fake disease.
The totally fake disease that has a good batting average against people with issues. Since my mom is doing chemo, that mean she for all practical purposes her immune system isn’t there. So if one of us catches CoVid, and spread it asymptomatically, there’s a good chance would inadvertently give my mom a fake disease so lets reopen everything immediately instead of asking better from the government so we can hasten the spread of an unknown pathogen faster.
Because people keep focusing on 80% who breeze through it; they forget the other 20% who dont’ and then we have to juggle up the CFR on it.
See I harp on you fuckers over your bad argumentation for stuff like this. Because the same group of dumbfucks will ignore an argument only to bring it back if it suits their needs. how does this play out?
This projection is bullshit so we shouldn’t listen to it.
But hey, whenever we get a projection on possible spread of the virus and asymptomatic things that favors them:
Oh well now you should listen to that projection.
I hope she’s doing well and that none of you catch the totally fake disease.
What’s funny is that the way information has been rolled out in the US turned things into a bigger clusterfuck than it needed to be.
The “just a flu” meme was hilariously pervasive from a lot of people; hell it made its way here into SRK too (because the FGC is sub big cultures hence things trickle down to it as opposed to it being a problem the scene created…not that people understand why that would matter).
Its all sort of FUBAR and people are going to want a lot of places open because they need cash on hands to take care of life. I’m okay but that doesn’t mean the rest of the people around me are. But instead of really figuring out how we do this, we got 1,200 in memes per person and a senator who said “That should last you 10 weeks”.
But it makes perfect sense. Only someone in that state could endure this game at that level for so long.
Had to mug Starhammer’s signature gif for that one, this is just too much bullshit.
Hol up. Stop. First things first. Go to the thread.
See you there.
Horrible news. I’ll be praying for her recovery.
I don’t think even the 80% breeze through it. My friend tested positive and she’s a healthy 30 year old. Spent about 2 weeks at home crying and thinking she was going to die. I hate to think about what it does to the more vulnerable.
Well the other issue is that you legitimately my have some really fucking bad lung damage. But the US is so decentralized and the US news networks have taken such a beating the last…6 years that proper info is rough.
With the 2010 census data, the people over 60 back then was 20% of the country. So on that alone one comorbidity factor was pretty high up. Add obesity to it, asthma, smokers, high blood pressure and…diabetes (china strangely has a high amount of diabetics).
So feel free to play with those numbers. But right, what we aren’t telling people is that instead of asking a lot of people to play ball (because that’s hard) instead we should put you at risk of a disease that can put you in the hospital for at least 2 weeks which you won’t be able to afford to pay and could ALSO give you long term lung damage in a country where protections on health care are lobbied against by insurance companies.
Hahahaha bro what?