Counter Picking List

I’m up for that. I just got out of a long set with med on p2p for nearly four hours. I’m tired but I’m up for it, just pm me on AIM

Yeah med is probably the opponent I play most frequently. He’s a good guy.

How do you fare vs him?

We just had about 94 matches today. The only time he gave me a hard time was with his Rog countering most of my shit, His sim isn’t so much of a problem once I get in close, he’s fun to play with. I don’t know how we match up, most of the time it’s usually me who comes out on top.

Intercepter is another story, that’s a cool cat to play with, by far he’s the one who gives me a run for my money.

I think med has a better sim then kyokuji though, at least he is more confident and actually thinks. Kyo didn’t do so well against my fei, Med knows what to do in most situations, only sim I’ve played that actually thinks online.

Anyways hit me up on aim. BadComboScrub.

Wsop was another guy I played alot with. Him and inter were cool guys. But I guess he got to involved with online poker so he’s not online, best rog I’ve played online besides Apocs. You can ask any of these guys how my fei is. Other players that I usually don’t play with are just the randoms I don’t know very well on GW. Other than that those are the guys I play with online consistantly, Nomrah also.

While I agree Sim has the edge in this fight Fei can make it tough.

Cripes. When people say “X loses to Y”, they don’t mean X has no chance, they mean that it’s more difficult for X to win than it is for Y. There are varying degrees of this, from a slight disadvantage to total domination, and neither is implicated in the simple statement “X loses to Y”. In any case, in almost every post any of us has made about Fei losing to Dhalsim, we’ve been clear to point out that no matchup in ST is unwinnable and that Fei certainly has a chance.

^^^ I agree with this 100%. I am never one to put a lot on the “numbers.” I.e. 7-3, Sim to Fei. Bottom line, which I have said b4. IM(Hubmble)O, Fei has to work harder to win this match than Sim has too…

Read my post where I break down that match up. Then watch the video’s, you’ll see hwere I am coming from. There is no doubt that Fei busts out so crazy Combo and destroys KKY. However, watch the Gains (Best Sim PLayer in the World) matches. You’ll see a lot of what was discussed. .

To win that match, Fei has to have a better timing, execution, patience, mix-ups. All Sim has to do is plays a zone, counters Fei’s attacks on reaction, and goes for the nooggie up close. That is no where near as strenuous as Fei approach to the match.

yeah of the 3 you mentioned, interceptor is the only one who can give me any difficulty at all. I think ive actually played your fei, come to think of it. My handle on there is SnackCakes(GM).

Did you read my post or did you just feel like ranting?

You didn’t offer any kind of specifics on how close the fight would be so I offered mine. Nowhere did I say/imply that you meant Fei could not win at all.

He’s not talking to you.

My apologies then.


I tried making an AIM profile but it won’t install on my computer(It says I don’t have administrative settings). I’ll just send you a PM of everything I’ve done so far.

As opposed to CE Zangief who really can’t make it tough for Shin Akuma in SFA2 Gold. Thanks for a penetrating insight!

BTW I want to slit my wrists and drown every single one of you motherfuckers in my blood.

UM…err…wow… I love you to man… I think it is a good thing when men are able to share their feelings…

That name does sound familiar, I just can’t put my finger on it. Well, the more united we get over this the better we can come into knowing eachother haha. I’ll be home later tonight, Chandler Arizona breaks my heart, I went out with a girl from Chandler : *(

I’m sure I can supply you with more insight should you need it. Just ask, I’m a nice guy.

You need jesus

Anyway, how is the matchup of Boxer vs Guile? I have a hard time stopping Flashkick abuse, seems to beat everything I have if timed right. Advice?

Anticipate the flashkick and punish it. If the Guile player knows you going to do a rush, then he’ll use flashkick to counter it. Do Boxer’s low kick rush right outside the range of his flashkick, then punish him on landing.

This thread is pretty unorganized so does anyone know where i can find a list of all the good/bad matchups of everyone vs everyone and why they are good/bad matchups?

As always, I offer the translated versions of the T-Akiba charts. The first diagram shows how strong each character is favored in each match-up. The second diagram shows the number of good over bad match-ups each character has. And in case you didn’t know, these are for ST characters only.

As for why match-ups are good or bad, there are numerous nuances that dictate the outcomes of a match. So you’ll really have to just read the individual character threads to figure out why any single match-up is considered to be strong or weak.

…well there is this site called sobatcarnival…

Damn you beat me to it :arazz: