I’m not sure how any of these things helps against Sagat as much as the sobat which hops right over low tigers?
Slippery slope. It’s possible to get close, it’s possible to win against characters that are tough or just plain dominate others. My points are that Fei Long is a great character, and just because of some 3:7 ratio doesn’t mean Sim can dominate, the tables turn both ways. By the way, I would enjoy playing you online over P2P. I want to see what one year of bullshit really is.
Anything is possible in matches, I’m not going to flare up attention by saying Fei Long is the best, he isn’t. There are ways around certain situations. Other ways it’s alot harder. By the way, most of my statements are direction towards you in this thread and not anyone else. So let’s talk about that p2p match sometime soon, hopefully today.
As do I. Now note that I never said Fei can completely dominate the match. For an experienced player knowing his shit, this match can go both ways. Reading a Sim player isn’t so difficult. There are elements such as Fei’s invincibility during a rekka super which can punish alot of repeated mistakes some Sim players do. I simply said fei can get passed these obstacles, anyone can.
So before everyone get’s pissy and starts complaining that I’m saying Fei Long is number one, he isn’t. I didn’t directly tell you FATBOY that you insisted on using a chart to determine a win/ratio system. I should of been more DIRECT towards Corner trap.
Of course I’ve had my hardships coming across great Sim players. It ISN’T easy getting stuck in those situations, but experienced players can over come these obstacles with paitence and confidence.
Playing tournament winners doesn’t necessarily grant you a spot of being the best player. There are still alot of things I have to learn about the game. But everyone knows a good player when they come across one, don’t drive down this slope because everyone is going to go through this sooner or later.
I’m actually trying to get on Kaillera, but I seem to have some problems. But since we can’t talk about ROM’s in forums we’ll have to carry this out in a PM.
And let me remind you of what you were originally trying to say “Fei Long wins against Dhalsim” and my answer was “Dhalsim wins against Fei Long.” Can you honestly dispute this? I have 13 years of competitive gaming history in ST, opinions of top players, match-up sheets, Fei vs. Sim specific strategies, and tourney results all to back up my claim. What do you have? Nothing but your lone single opinion. Now you’re trying to switch it up and say “Fei stands a chance against Sim” as opposed to what you were originally trying to say. You can’t be changing your stances in the middle of an argument, face it Fei is the underdog in this match-up. Sure Fei has a chance at winning this match, because no match is a free given, but that wasn’t what we were originally arguing about. Is was about you saying that Feei has the advantage in this match, when it’s obviously the other way around. Just admit that Dhalsim is the better man in this match-up(not saying that this fight is an automatic win for sim). Just accept this and move on, you’ve already lost the argument whether you want to admit it or not(have you noticed that absolutely nobody is agreeing with you?).
Ok, put your money where your mouth is Corner Trap. Hope you can live up to your name :lol:
Pm me for the details.
I’m so glad you completely ignored my first post towards you and decided to quote my smiley face. And I already listed my problems so far on the last page of this thread:
Alright man everything goes 50/50. Are you going to be another fucking Emil and sit back with your great philosophical ideas Morpheus?
While your at it post up some of these links to these videos of Fei long losing to Sim. I’d like to see some of them. A monkey can get an emulator running online. How can you find yourself having problems? I still have not received a PM. I want to see your great ideas put to the test. You have been contrasending me more than enough, put your shit to the test already.
Funny how when I have everything to back up my claims while you have nothing, you want to say my statements are nothing but philosophical ideas. And how in the hell do you play on a keyboard?
Some advice Morpheus, go see an oracle and get a PS2/USB Convertor.
Some advice, back up your claims.
I noticed that I made some mistakes earlier. Sim vs. Fei is actually listed a an 8:2 match-up in Sim’s favor. This makes Sim, Fei’s absolutely worst match-up alongside O.Sagat. Overall Fei’s worst match-ups are against Sim, O.Sagat, DeeJay, Guile, and Honda. His best match-ups are against Zangief, and T.Hawk(everyone else is pretty much a fair match-up). It’s funny how you’re going to pick two of Fei’s worst match-ups(Sim and Guile), and say that they’re no challenge at all. And when I want to back up my claim saying that Sim has the advantage over Fei, you’re going to label me as a theory fighter. You do know thats it’s best to admit when you’re wrong.
I’m not wrong about anything man, matches go 50/50. I just want to see your theroies put to the test, so go and buy a PS2 convertor. I want to see what your theroies can do against me. Tell you what, I’ll even have some of the best players on kailera watch.
Yeah, playing me who is someone who has only started playing this year and doesn’t even use Sim as his main is so going to prove a point. How about you actually get a skilled Sim player to test this all out, I’m pretty sure that will work out for the better. And not all matches are 50/50 that is completely delusional. To say that means that ST is perfectly balanced, and can you honestly sit here and say that ST is balanced? Sim vs. Fei is more of a 80/20 match-up. The match is definitely in sims favor but fei still has a chance(or the match would’ve been 100/0). Have you not noticed that everyone else who has commented on this topic has agreed that Sim > Fei? Go ahead and ask some of your online buddies and see who they think has the advantage in that match-up.
Either way I’ll still play you.
Im on kaillera all the time. I’d be happy to play sim against your fei. Can’t promise 8-2, but I definitely feel confident
Also, who are you considering “some of the best players?” There’s not a player on there I cant win 50% or more against with the right characters. Also, to have someone watch, let alone several people, greatly increases the lag. If you’re a kaillera regular, you should know that
Can you help me with Kaillera? I can’t seem to work this. But since we’ll probably end up talking about ROM’s can we carry this to a PM conversation? Cause I really need help with working this.
This has become tiresome. Fei loses to Dhalsim.
^^^^^ This guy is the bomb… LOL… I love this guy!
Extrakurm: To base game play opinions on P2P internet game play is utterly flawed. You can’t use it to accurately judge character match ups.
100% agreed. Though you’ll have to concede that net play IS sufficient to silence a mouth
Agreed. In fact, basing which character is better on some random guy playing another random guy(No offense…I’m a random guy too :wgrin:) doesn’t really do the argument justice. Instead, let’s take a look at how the top players do.
IMHO, the best Sim I’ve ever seen is Gian’s and the best Fei I’ve ever seen is Noguchi. Here’s a couple of clips of them in action, along with a bonus because KKY’s Sim is in there too:
I would definitely agree that Sim does have the advantage in this match-up. But I certainly don’t think it’s 8/2. That seems a little off to me. And I’m going to go so far as to conjecture that those statistics are skewed based on more people playing Sim than Fei over the years.
I’m just a scrub, but when I think about picking a character that can beat Fei I think I’d have a lot easier time beating him with Honda than I would with Sim. And I play Sim a lot more than I play Honda. But maybe that’s just me?
Somebody that always gives me fun comp. Intercepter, WSOP, and med. The lag affects both players equally, just takes some time getting used to. I can’t do most of my shit online but it’s the best thing to play somebody half way across the country, alot of people can’t do there shit online as they do offline. But regardless it’s fun.