Counter Picking List

Is there a list or can we create a list of which character perform best against others.

For example

Dee Jay < Ryu

Dee Jay < T Hawk

Dee Jay < Sagat

If everyone can contributes their ideas we can kinda create a top 3 counter character list for each character.

Huh? Are you saying that DJ counters all those characters, or that DJ is countered by those characters? Either way thats wrong.

DJ loses to ryu and old sagat so hes not wrong there but ovbiously he doesnt lose to hawk. hawk doesnt have one decent match

Dhalsim’s BIG counters are Vega (Claw) and Chun Li.
His marginal counters are Blanka and Honda.



Ryu - Rog, Claw?
Guile - Claw, Sim, O-Sagat, Ryu?
Gief - Chun, Guile (ehh), Honda?
Honda - anyone with a projectile, especially Ryu.
Sim - Claw, Honda?, Blanka?, Cammy j.strong?
Rog - Gief?
Chun - ???
Claw - ???

Lil’ help?

I’m sure this info is already out there but…

chun= ryu, sagat.

actually I don’t know why I’m contributing, counter picking should not be encouraged!!

Setting aside O.Sagat…

Ryu - Dhalsim, Zangief*
Ken - Dhalsim
Honda - Ryu, DeeJay
Chun-Li - Nobody
Blanka - Boxer, DeeJay
Zangief - Dhalsim, Guile
Guile - Dhalsim
Dhalsim - Claw, Chun
T.Hawk - Dhalsim, Honda
Cammy - Ryu, Honda
Fei-Long - Dhalsim, Honda
DeeJay - Ryu, Dhalsim
Barlog - Nobody
Claw - DeeJay, Boxer
Sagat - Dhalsim
Dictator - Nobody

    • unwinnable, according to Daigo. heh

hm, these are the best i can come up with. the first char i write is the counter.

Chun-Li > Boxer
Dee Jay > Honda
Guile > Zangief
Dhalsim > Zangief
Claw > Boxer
Honda > Boxer (probably arguable)
Ryu > Honda
Ken > Honda
Guile > Dictator (?)

ON SIDE NOTE: If you DID throw in O.Sagat, I believe he would be a strong counter to Chun-Li and marginally counter Boxer. This is assuming equally player skill level behind each of the characters. I could be wrong :sweat:, but I think that is a fair easement?

ryu - sim, vega, balrog, zangief
ken - sim, vega, o. sagat
chun - o. sagat, ryu, ken
guile - vega, sim, blanka
honda - ryu, ken, guile, deejay, chun
balrog - honda, chun
o sagat - sim
vega - honda, bison
gief - honda, dhalsim, chun, fei long
cammy - honda, guile, bison, vega
blanka - honda, balrog, deejay
bison - honda, chun
sim - vega, chun
fei long - o. sagat, honda
deejay - sim, ryu
t hawk - sim, honda

Boxer’s usually more of an O. Sagat counter. Rushes him down nicely, and once he gets a super Sagat’s options really become limited.

Are you saying Gief counters Ryu and nobody counters Dic? Id like to think hawk has an even matchup as strange as that sounds. Almost Any blocked Psycho Crusher or Scissor Kick = 360. 1 360 = death against dic.

Honda counters Bison/Dictator.

Honda definitely has the advantage. The gap narrows a lot if the Bison player is a specialist, though. Quite a rare breed in the US, anyway. If Zazza makes it to Vegas this weekend I like his chances vs. counter-picker-hondas.

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Most characters become very limited in their options when ROG gets his super. This is not limited to Sagat. SO there is really nothing special about that fact.:wgrin:

However, ROG may still counter O.Sagat as you say. I guess I need to do more digging.

As I said, I was not 100% sure. :sweat:

I was under the impersion the only real O.Sagat counter was Sim.

Rog/Sagat is a 50/50 match if you ask me. Without meter, Sagat has the advantage. With meter, Balrog is at the advantage. Therefore, 50/50.

…I also always felt Guile did alright against Rog. He can keep him out for a while and a jab sonic boom sometimes beats or trades with the super.

Just for characters I know about:

Gief’s worst: O. Sagat, Dhalsim, Chun, Honda, Guile (Blanka, Fei, Cammy also)
Honda’s worst: DJ, Guile, Ryu, Ken
Claw’s worst: Boxer, Honda, DJ
Hawk’s worst:

As for Hawk v. Gief, Gief probably has more bad matchups. Also, Hawk goes even with Ryu.

Guess all the bisons I play against blow then

iirc honda is countered by Ryu, Ken, Chun, Guile, and DJ. Dhalsim and O.Sagat are only minor counters for him. And everyone else on the character list is countered by Honda.