Counter Picking List

I’m gonna support fatboy with another name drop, because he’s totally right, but missing one key element to the matchup. This was years ago, but a really strong player (who I think abondoned SF sniff) named Geoff… shit, forget his last name, but he works at Tips and Tricks, some of you west coasters know who I mean… and he and I talked about Ryu DJ… he said somethign to the effect of:

Ryu’s red fireball helps Ryu own DJ. There’s really nothing he can do about it.

Sure enough, if you play this matchup as Ryu and use an abundance of red FBs, the fireball pressure combined with stuns and knockdowns make the matchup extremely difficult for DJ, and there really is little he can do about it. Surely it would take more than a few half circles to put down Afrolegends, but that’s without a doubt the approach ryu wants to take.

<slams gavel> Order! Order in the court!!

o.guile is the exact same speed as n.guile. Charge time is the same and everything. A simple way to test this is to do any of his rediculous corner combos with both versions of guile. You’ll find you can do them with either version(barring stuff like n.guile stand RH, etc)

Thanks for all the talk, I’m just simply trying to learn DJ’s matchups the best I can. But It’s kinda hard to find a lot of match vids for DJ when he isn’t a very popular character.

Yeah, I can understand that. Have you purchased YBH? It will really help you learn your characters.

Don’t get discouraged about DJ. Like I said, Ryu has a slight advantage. Yet try telling that to AfroLengends. He runs over hella ryu payers with his DJ. He doesn’t care. He just gonna kick ass. He makes every hit count.

I believe as with many characters, especially DJ, you need to get his combo’s down solid. When you get in you need to make sure you put them in a world of pain, and take off as much life as you can… (I.e.> cross mk> cr.jb> machine gun upper, or the easier cross up mk>cr.jabx2>st.str>sabot kicks (SB w/ Kick), these can dizzy and take off HELLA life in the process)

This is where he can overcome his small mismatches.

What is YBH? And I can pull off the majority of DJ’s combos except for his super combo, and the MGU(I just can’t get all four hits out consistently even though I know the trick).

YBH is basically the bible of Super Turbo. It has ALOT of useful info.

Now maybe someday when i’m not a broke ass I can actually buy it…

Looks as if its all in Japanese :wasted:
Is it possible to get a translated version :sweat:

While there are no fully translated hard copies available that I know of, many online communities have taken up the task of translating portions of the YBH. has all of the character specific strategy sections done. NKI put up an image explaining how to interpret the frame data. The most useful aspect of the YBH are the hit boxes and frame data, and you don’t really need to understand Japanese to take advantage of that information. It’s a great resource to have on hand as you are playing. You can always reference the hit boxes and frame data to comprehend why a move of yours got beaten out.

If there’s anything that you really desire to understand, there’s a thread in this section of the SRK forums where you can request translations from SF players with a fair understanding of Japanese. Just be sure to read the guidelines in the first post. And don’t ask for an absurd amount of translations all at once.

thanks man, those links are really useful especially the niki one, just downloading a bunch of content of the site


just watched NKI’s vids, erm when did Gouki get a super bar?!??!

^ in the Dreamcast version of ST. Tien Gouki I think? Sorta like Shin Shin Akuma.

Chun : Zangief 6:4 rofl

wth, imo way worth for Gief more like 7:3 going 8:2 for Chun

I mean, Giefs get standing ovations if they ever beat Chuns.

If you ask me, O. Sagat is a better counter to Dee Jay then Ryu. There’s no super, but the faster fireballs and recovery to me do a better job of entrapping Dee Jay and beating his fireballs.

Indeed, I think she rivals Dhalsim as Gief’s worst matchup.

deejay can get around tiger shots easier than most characters.

against high tiger shots, you can pretty much do anything if sagat is close enough after ducking it (dbl dread kicks, slide, super, hk, etc), but from a distance, you can inch your way closer to him with his slide.

against low tiger shots, lk up kicks goes over it pretty well and also lk dread kick goes over his low fireball because its invincible against low attacks.

also, sagats hitbox is extended to his arms when he throws a tiger shot so its easier to anticipate and punish a tiger shot than ryus fireball, which is almost a free dp for ryu most of the time.

Yeh i dont have too much trouble anymore with Sagat, but I didnt realize that his lk dread kick could go through sagats low fireballs! :rofl:

This is not a high level match, but it can show Dee Jay’s potential in a match-up against Sagat. Dee Jay is still listed as a 3:7 underdog to Old Sagat on T-Akiba though.

With my experience Sim and guile isn’t much of a challenge. Considering once Sim is cornered mixing up the CW trap with tick throws and rekkas is easy shit. Against Guile it’s all about making him tick the Flash kick and countering with Rekka, making guile block a high CW to lose the charge buff for a flash kick and mixing it up with various CW patterns.

Honda on the other hand is by far fe’s worst match up. This guy can literally stuff everything Fei has. CW, get’s countered by sumo head, sum slam stops S. Fierce cold, although fei can stop a sumo head with a standing short getting in close and keep pressure is tough. This is the most unfair shit I’ve dealt with in ST when it comes to matches with Fei. The only good thing he has in this match is the Flame Kick, which can stuff out the ocho throw after a CW pressure, but if blocked can leave fei open for some serious damage. Honda by far dominates this match, my best advice was to always cross him up consistantly so he could lose charge for head. But he gains charge for sumo smash. Toughest fight for Fei, but it can be done.

:confused:… you have to be kidding me. Sim, Guile, and Honda are three of Fei’s worst match-ups. One thing you’re forgetting to factor in is that Fei has a terribly hard time getting close to Sim and Guile. Even worse is that they can easily push you away once you get in close unless you’re doing a chicken wing trap. And yes honda does dominate Feng just as easily as Sim and Guile do.

:rofl: Maybe those fei long players aren’t that great. Getting over projectiles isn’t so difficult, but if it’s a shitty fei long player than he will have a hard time enough as it is. Guile isn’t so difficult, how hard is it to hope over booms with CWs mixing them up with shorts and fowards sometimes roundhouse if they are close enough. And sim? give me a break, just staying close to him and tick throwing him, hell after a CW a c. short stops his slide cold, giving you the chance to combo into rekka, It all depends on the experience you have with the character, after about a year of playing Fei non stop these characters are not difficult. Your level of creativity counts:sweat: Honda on the other hand :looney:

Let me know what you have seen and what gives you a hard time with vs Sim and Guile, everyone plays different from coast to coast.

Dhalsim is definitely Fei’s worst matchup, along with O. Sagat, and Guile and Honda are definitely super hard also.

Once Fei is in on Dhalsim, the matchup goes in his favor, but not by that much, and the problem is that it’s really hard for him to get in. He doesn’t need to be throwing fireballs unless he’s in one of the ranges where you can’t chickenwing out of it. He can duck chickenwing with slide into mixups or far crouching jab, he can antiair or trade with your jump-ins, and if you’re not at the right range, he can throw fireballs and force you to either take damage or jump up and take damage. Fei has to guess to get in, and that’s way in Dhalsim’s favor.

Guile uses booms against Fei, although not as much as in some matchups, because it’s harder for Fei to get around booms that most projectiles, on account of their width and speed mixups. That said, he shouldn’t be using them where you can easily chickenwing over them, and where you can just jump in he should be relying more on crouching forward and flash kick.