I meant at max distance. I was wondering if Cannon drill manages to sneak under Boxer’s Heabutt.
I meant at max distance. I was wondering if Cannon drill manages to sneak under Boxer’s Heabutt.
Nope. It’s not a combo at max range.
should this be a sticky?
Not to pimp my own vids, but if you are looking for a DJ vs Fei match, i have one here. None of us are that good and we were just playing casually, but even with that in mind you can see DJ only loses if he makes mistakes really.
Starts at 2:25 ish
I’ve noticed in ST that DJ’s cr.hp and are god hand against anything fei wants to do. DJ’s normals rape fei.
Good thread and here is my HDR Balrog tier list.
Ryu 4-6
Ken 4.5-5.5
E Honda 7-3
Chun Li 6-4
Blanka 8-2
Zangief 3-7
Guile 6-4
Dhalsim 4.5-5.5
T Hawk 7-3
Cammy 6-4
Fei Long 7-3
Dee Jay 5.5-4.5
Balrog X
Vega 6-4
Sagat 5-5
M Bison 4-6
Total 83.5
Balrogs weaker corner game and him being easier to zone has a lot to due with Ryu, Ken and Sagats scores being this way. Ryus fake fireball also helps and Ken has new zoning strategies with his faster hurricane kick. E Hondas nerfs against non fireball characters really hurt him in this match. Blanka has too hard of a time getting in on Balrog. Cammy can still be kept out well with the turn around punch. Zangiefs buffs combined with Balrogs nerfs put this match in Zangiefs favor by a lot when it was about even in ST. The fast lariats first rotation of invincible on the bottom was one of the biggest factor in hurting this match since Balrog heavily relies on rushes there. HDR T Hawk is worse and makes this match even harder for him. T Hawks dive does not knockdown and this also hurt him. T Hawks good priority does not help much against most of balrogs moves. Vegas lack of repeatable wall dives due to it no longer knocking down when on the ground hurt him. Balrogs nerfed buffalo headbutt hurt him quite a bit against M Bison and it is a terrible mix up now. I found the crouching medium into scissors gets the knockdown and if M Bison lands another successful poke then Balrog seems to get dizzied allowing M Bison to end the game. Balrogs throw range is also lower which hurts him and the damage of his grab is less which also hurts him here.
The rest should be self explanatory.
His, too! Usually when I think about shutting down Fei, I’m thinking cr. mk.
Cropped out this from your post, since this is the meat of it. Anyway, while I agree that the match got slightly better for Fei, I don’t think I’m ready to call it a 6-4 yet. Fei can get in a little easier, but once there he still loses the match. Even if cr. fierce beats cr. forward when timed perfectly, Dee Jay’s normals in general beat Fei’s. If the entire fight were one of melee range, I’d call it 6-4 Dee Jay. Since Dee Jay still has his zoning game that Fei has to get through first (and which will usually put Fei at a significant health disadvantage once he does eventually get in), I still gotta call it 7-3 Dee Jay.
Indeed. DeeJay doesn’t really have to take any risks in this match up and can win pretty easily if he plays a good zone/turtle game and crosses up when advantageous. DeeJay’s normals have unsettling priority (if you’re a Fei player) and it will be very difficult for Fei to get in. CWs are virtually useless in this match as they can be beaten by upkicks or j.LP–or they can be blocked and swept/thrown.
Once Fei’s in, it’s really not all that difficult for DeeJay to get him back out. DeeJay can simply block, watch for tick throw attempts and quickly LK upkick or just counter throw since he has the better throw range. If Fei tries to go for the flame kick, DeeJay can block and then punish with cr.MK/cr.HK/throw/dread kicks etc. to score the knockdown and then crossup or simply play the keep away zone game all over again. When you’re Fei, the crossup is really the least of your concerns–at least DeeJay is close when he crosses up.
Nothing that Fei received has made this match harder for DeeJay. LK CW is just a cr.HK waiting to happen. 7-3 is a fair assessment.
Ken as a top tier character thelo?, questionable.
I have to say Super Turbo Ken is a character with a lot of disadvantages, like 2 versions of his 3 dp are nerfed, it’s almost a suicide try to make a strong or fierce shoryuken cause they rarely knock downs when hit.
Ken HD Remix is a solid character, he’s not longer a medium tier, but i think other characters like dhalsim and chun li are above him in that chart.
Just my opinion of course.
I gotta admit, Ken is a lot better in HDR than ST (or should I say it suits my inprecise execution better) since I can walk up 2xcr.short super or walk up cr.forward jab dp without getting crazy kicks. Also they fixed the super reversal bug, and knockdown dps just make sense. I’d say he was the lower end of mid tier in ST, but at the higher end of mid in HDR. Nice buffs improve overall pressure game, but still has problem matchups.
I personally feel that Ken’s fireball needed buffing more than anything, to make him a solid all rounder (I do feel that Ryu is maybe top 5 now, and Ken is now the all rounder). I think just giving him a faster fierce fireball would have made him a little too similar to Ryu, so why not give Ken the fake fireball instead?
Maybe that would make him too good? I don’t know. Ryu never had problems zoning the majority of guys or winning fireball fights before, so fake fireball seems like a needless buff.
A fully invincible Shoryuken would be a much bigger buff than a fake Hadoken IMO.
The only thing I would change about Ken is having his current Krazy Kick motion changed to :bdp::k:; other than that, Ken is perfect.
Do you have any matchup ratings you disagree with? If so, I’d be interested to know about your opinion on them. Or even on matchup ratings you agree with, actually. The more ratings we can gather, the more this chart will actually be a consensus chart.
Zero1_, Blitzfu, GoldenArch - you might have clicked on the wrong thread by mistake, this is where we try to discuss HD Remix matchups, not the wishlist thread.
From whom did you get the rating for Ken v. Vega?
Fake fireball wasn’t added for zoning purposes. Choi said that Ryu needed something to deal with Dhalsim’s drills from close range. If Ryu threw a fireball, Dhalsim could jump then drill, and avoid the fireball and hit Ryu. The fake fireball was designed to allow for Ryu to bait Dhalsim into jumping and drilling, and then recover quickly before Dhalsim’s drills could connect, then Ryu could respond with a dragon punch and whack Dhalsim out of the air.
Of course the problem was that Dhalsim’s drill was the fastest attack that could get over Ryu’s fireballs from up close and hit him while he was in recovery. So the fake fireball was designed to bait and punish the fastest jumping attack that could beat Ryu’s fireballs from up close. Meaning all of the slower attacks that jump over Ryu’s fireball and punish him now lose, and lose heavily, to fake fireball as bait followed by an anti-air dragon punch. Honda, Hawk, and Dictator now have harder times getting in on Ryu in HDR than ST because of the fake fireball (something that Sirlin didn’t anticipate).
Now that HDR has been properly playtested we can see that not only has the fake fireball made baiting characters other than Dhalsim incredibly effective for Ryu, but it has augmented his zoning game to make him the best zoning character in HDR. Sirlin said that R.Sagat had the best fireballs, meaning R.Sagat was the best zoning character, but that is not the case because R.Ryu is clearly better. I can’t remember who said it but the quote was something like “Remix Ryu makes Remix Sagat pointless”.
I disagree. O.Ken had three invincible dragon punches in ST and was worse overall than N.Ryu. If you gave R.Ken the same dragon punches as O.Ken I still don’t think he’d be as good as R.Ryu.
Regarding VFF’s post, it should also be noted that the fake fireball allows Ryu to recover much quicker out of attacks. It is often used to combo into a throw and also to recover from a sweep and cross-up faster. Either way, the move is deadly.
It’s hard for me to agree with that.
Claw has to play Ken pretty much by the book - get him in the corner and poke, but even pokes are risky against Ken. Anything even resembling a pattern of pokes can be punished by a a DP. Although Claw can bait SRKs all day long, I, personally, don’t tend to fall for them. For me, it’s pretty easy to react to a fake. If you keep Claw at full screen, his wall shenanigans are quite ineffective. Plus, at full screen, he can only punish the :hp: version as the other two usually don’t land in a punishable range. Knockdowns are a real Hell for Claw as well. a cross-up :lk: tatsu will make his flip whiff 100% of the time leading to an easy walk up knee bash situation (or, instead of a kneebash, a :hk: throw to reset the distance and put Claw at full screen). This puts Ken at a great advantage as he can jump in at Claw, walk underneath or stay on the original side.
In conclusion:
Ken (6) v. Claw (4)
Hell, even quicker characters with fireball evading moves like Cammy and Fei Long have a crazy time getting in on a competent Ryu in HDR. At least Hawk and Dictator have a few tricks themselves to alter speeds from the ground to attempt to throw Ryu off; Honda’s just that much more screwed. Ken did get some great buffs, but Ryu got a whole new dynamic to his already amazing zoning game (which still has the trump card with his super to back it up as well).
That said, as a Hawk player primarily, I still fear Ken a little more than Ryu in that specific matchup. Also, though they are very close, I still think Zangief has a slight edge over Hawk due to his superior command grab, faster sweep, and good mix of lariats that beat a lot of your ranged pokes and assaults from the air. Hawk is faster, and can beat any of Gief’s jumping attacks, but good Giefs will only jump at you when they know it’s going to catch you off-guard. /twocents
No doubt you play a beastly Ken, but which Vega players have you beaten this hard? I’m just curious : )