Complete "How to Change the Music in MVC2 + How to make your game selfboot" Thread

dj, if u want a link to the image file just pm me, its bittorrent though, and its selfboot. As long as you own the original i beleive i can send u the link and not get banned lol.

you’ve figured it out?? if so, good job, i can’t wait

Hey, does anyone have any experience with AFS files? They are archives used to store the ADX files in some games.

The PS2 version of 3rd Strike uses one big AFS file with all the game data stored in it. I can use an “AFS Player”, and listen to all the tracks inside the AFS (and see the correct filenames), but when I extract them, it creates like 1,500 bin files, and only 5 actual ADXs (versus screen, opening, capcom logo, game over, and credits).

I’ve tried using 2 different extractors so far, and neither of them can extract the music properly. Not only that, they don’t name the files correctly when they are extracted; they just give them generic numbers (as in the two different extractors gave the same files different names) as opposed to the correct filenames, which are named after the BG (such as 001_NYC.ADX…they rename it to crap like [AFS filename]_00264.ADX).


edit: ALso, the original OST has 2 tracks for every BG…as far as I can tell, only the first one is used. Where is the 2nd track for every stage used for the original soundtrack? … ok it seems to just randomly shift to the 2nd track mid-round?

i got a modified MvC2 with nightwish music and it rulz!!!


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well thats a yes and no. If you have DC coder cables, then yes you can. If you dont have them then no you cant. Just download a mvc2 image file from Direct connect or bit torrent.

Shifty- Yeah i got it to work. There is actually a real good selfboot program that i used. Its the only way i managed to get it to work.

When is that CvS2 one coming out?!?!?!

i’ve already been through the whole custom music ordeal with marvel fine. i didn’t encounter any problems really. first time i tried it, it worked. when i do the exact same thing with cvs2, it does not work. i can’t even make it self bootable. i am wondering what could cause this to happen?

I got cvs2 to work about a week or 2 ago. It doesnt work cause there is something about the IP.bin that is tricky. Its not in the cvs2 data at all, i think it need to be inserted in the image file or something.

how did you do it then??

Nope, the process is identical. The only things that are different is the name of the ADX files you are replacing. Everything about how to replace the files and how to make it self boot are entirely identical.

ComboMasher, I followed your steps all the way through and wen i try to convert some the Wav files to ADX files some of the WAV files will not convert? Is there something that im doing wrong that the rest of the files dont convert? Also, i am having major problems with the self boot program that i dowloaded form you site, it dont work on Windows XP, is there any way that i could get it to work on Windows XP? Do I need a newer version or i just cant use it?

Well it could just be that you have a bad WAV file. Try redownliading it and converting it again. Also make sure that you are typing in the right file name for the songs. Download that converter.bat file from my tutorial and put it with your WAV songs . That saves you time so that you dont have to type in every song.

Yo, I’m trying to make a custom mix with PS2 3rd Strike, but I’ve run into a problem.

The ADX music files for the PS2 version are inside an AFS archive, along will ALL the 3rd Strike game data.

I can extract the ADX files, but there is a huge problem. All the extractors I’ve used RENAME all the files when they extract! I know this because I have an ADX player that can view/play all the music files straight from the AFS archive.

For example, the filename for the opening music is:

o52_Open.adx (the “o” means it’s the original arcade music, not the arrange version)

But when extracted, the filename changes to:

[name of AFS file here]_1348.BIN

Now this wouldn’t really be a problem, since I know all the real filenames, so I could just name them correctly and pack them into an AFS file. BUT, the AFS file contains all the fucking GAME DATA too, and I have no clue what the real filenames are for those (the game data consists of like 300 files).

Is there any AFS tool/extractor that will keep the REAL filenames intact?

Very nice

I am having a little bit of trouble on the step where it says to convert your nrg file to a bin file, i change it to a bin file without no problems,but the major problem im having is getting that self boot program that makes the Game Self Boot, im having trouble making work on my computer, i have Windows XP Professional, would that be the problem why it is not working? If so, is there an alternate program i can use?

you could try using this program :
When you change the nrg to bin, are you just making the name of the file mvc2.nrg.bin? I did that at first and it didnt work. but try that program, it might work for you. You can try this program too:

How do you make the songs loop…At first I tried to run in chankast but no luck. When I burn it works fine in the DC.

When you convert the songs to adx, it shows you a bigass number.
After the song is done converting, type:

adxencd song.adx -lps0 -lpeBIGASSNUMBER

replace “song” with whatever the track is (adx_s000, adx_selc, etc.), and “BIGASSNUMBER” with the number that adxencd spit out when you made your adx.
That should make your adx loop.

Combomasher, i clicked on the links,and they say error, and they redirect me somewhere else!