Columbus, OH: jinmaster got banned, lolwut

They way they angled the buttons looks like your hands are in an awkward position.

You get used to it, but it’s not my preferred layout. Most people like that stick a lot, but I like the new one better.

That multi-game disc would be awesome! I would be forever grateful!

I’ve run a custom soundtrack MvC2 on my DC before. My issue is that I have a Mac. I can’t run Alcohol and so can’t burn the discs myself (every custom soundtrack version I’ve dl’d has been some weird Alcohol 120% file format).

Have you tried Burn? Not sure what formats you’re getting, but I’ve used it for Wii stuff.

I tried LiquidCD and Disco, but I didn’t find Burn. Looks like it might work. I will give it a try!

Also, if we’re going to be using my system on Monday someone will need to bring a memory card with all characters unlocked. I sadly don’t have a full save file :sad:

Update: I just coastered 2 more discs. The second one appears to boot. It loads the Dreamcast screen like a game and then moves to the music cd player…

Also looks like Burn only works for .iso’s

I can’t remember what format alcohol uses, but couldn’t you just rip it out of the alcohol format, compile an iso and burn that?

Hell, count me in for Monday.

I’m stopping by Yo! Games Saturday afternoon for the new releases and some of the imports I saw the other week.

I’m in for Monday.

Who will need a ride for Big City Tournament? I’ll pick anyone up near the Columbus area on the grounds they provide a couple of bucks for Gas.

And I suspect we’ll be doing some casuals after the Tournament at someone’s house, correct?

Hey Edward what type of TV is the one you bring? It’s damn nice.

Terminator was amazing. I also played Punchout at Gamestop at Easton…that was alot of fun but I dont like how you have to use the remote as a controller. They should just let you use the classic controller they have. At first I thought you were using the remote/controller for motion but you are just using the dpad and 1&2 buttons to fight. It was alot of fun though.

Hey guys not sure if I am going to make it to the big city thing tomorrow. Stuck in PA right now. I was looking forward to seeing josh’s Seth. Well any way good luck to everyone.

Actually you can use the classic controler and it also uses motion with the nunchuck and wii controller…thats cool.

Who I’ve got so far for Marvel shit:

Tiggy-I’m just going to give you both versions.

Ed-Toodles’ Capcom Fighting Collection

Anybody else while I have C2H5OH 120% open?

EDIT: At the rate we’re going, we’re going to have to make another thread in less than a month. Not to be an ass or backseat-mod, but the stupid rule of “Start anew at 1000” calls for the edit function.

Kk Crimson. And I whole-heartedly agree with ya: EDIT YA POSTS FOLKS. I wanted to say it before, but I just held off on it. Now that someone else has said exactly what I was thinking, if you got something extra to say that you forgot to say before ANNND your post is the last one currently, use dat Edit button. Kk thx

I know most of you losers are at the Big City Tourney right now, but I am posting to say that I’m getting ready to go to the Asian Festival, which is within walking distance from my house :tup:

Rakae, do you need me to bring a TV/system on Monday?

Shit, that was today? I really thought it was tomorrow, but whatever. Wow.

Yeah, I was under the impression that it was on Sunday again. Oh well, back to my movie watching spree.

Man your not going to win your Chapionship Katana and defend you title and honor…thats got to be extremely dissapointing for you :rofl: . I thought it was on Sunday as well not that I was going anyway.

Yeah, it was today on a Saturday. I only really just walked around, nothing in particular I was looking for. Oh, but there was this woman that was balancing like three bowls on her head while doing slow but fluid dancing, it was pretty cool. Bought some food and then went home. I would’ve stayed longer, but I had just got off work at 4pm and didn’t really settle in yet, plus it was freaking hot. There was also more than just Asian cultures represented…Italian Slushie anyone?

And Snake, I guess you weren’t hungry for dat Championship Katana…? BTW stay away from the Street Fighter Collab on Newgrounds…although that shit was mad funny.

And [media=youtube]o7HZlKXfB_I"[/media]

lol. Oops. I thought the tourney was tomorrow too.