Columbus, OH: jinmaster got banned, lolwut

Wait…are we talking about the Big City Tourney or the Asian Festival date? lol

I was talking about the Big City Tourney. I never even knew there was an Asian Festival…maybe I will check that out next year. I love me some beautiful asian women :lovin:…:rofl:

Re: That Daigo Vid



–David Sirlin

But more custom Marvel talk. I’ve got two more slots for character colors. If you’re cool with lemon-lime, Santhrax, and dat purp themes, I’ll go ahead and take some requests. I’m not 100% sure with what I’m going to do with music yet, but I have options in the air. Include specific characters, I won’t do all of them. That shit takes way too long.

Crimson - "Too…strong…"
I could really care less for the colors, just the soundtrack. Nothing in particular I want, just something different. I mean, what good is a color if you suck at the game, amirite?

This video had me in freaking tears (laughing tears ;D ) [media=youtube]n7duU65wVao[/media]

So good it went on my iPod a little over a month ago :tup:

No Championship Katana for me, I guess. The good thing is I didn’t play IV. I’m so tired of that game. The only time I play it is when I go to Brent’s.

The only one I really liked was the flash with 3rd Strike characters.

“I told you to knock that off Twelve, or so help me God I’m going to put you in a jar and shove you up my own ass”


Ditto on IV. I can’t even bring myself to practice it or play online anymore. The only real gaming I do in terms of FGs is at Brent’s. :confused:

My fav of the collab is [media=youtube]MG9Jq5OI7IY"[/media] (too funny OMG), and the one where Guile had the epic phail flashkick. But yeah, the 3S bar was easily the best one.

That one’s pretty good. The one with C. Viper is hilarious too, but it’s OH SO FUCKING WRONG. :frowning: I also greatly enjoy Zombiepimp’s.

Just to cover my ass, I just checked the thread for the big city tourney, and the date still said the 23rd (today). So those who thought it was Sunday were wrong I guess…? Unless there was a post I missed that said it was moved to the 24th (Sunday) at the last minute. And if there was in fact such a post, the first post + title should have been edited to reflect that change. Whateva, I’m not going/wasn’t going anyway due to the job not giving me that day off. I just didn’t wanna have a buncha peeps not show up just because of a misunderstanding on my part.

I WILL be at the I Scream social tho, got the day off for dat, whoo hoo~

I’m going to bed…

Anyone ever have trouble with their PS2 not reading the memory card…or could the memory card be messed up ?

So. . . who won?

It’s a ViewSonic 13" (maybe smaller not sure). I got it at microcenter for like $125 or so last year.

Yeah sorry about that. I don’t normally double post… I guess I was being kind of selfish and hoping that if I bumped the thread some solution to burning the game myself might come along… Won’t happen again!

Thanks for making me a copy!

Edit: Michael won.

Thats nice…tiger shot galore :razzy:

So how did TvC go ?

It didn’t :sad:

Not unexpected.

Anyone down for some Killer Instinct this week?

Tiggy You dont have to bring a tv your stick should be enough.

Wow the big city thing was on saturday I am glade I did not high tail it back to PA just to be let down.
I thought it was on sunday as well. I be up for some KI tomorrow get your combo breakers ready because I am going to ULTRA.

One of two things: Either your mem card is a POS, or the mem card reader in the PS2 is messed up – poon could easily tell you, as he fixed both my PS2s. My slim is just a POS though, it’s still messing up :confused:

Meh, it wasn’t just you double-posting.
And big surprise on Mike winning

Should I bring my PS3 for HDR? I don’t have a stick for 360.

EDIT: Just looked at the big city tourney website…Michael won the “Ultimate Prize”

If there is a PS2 tomorrow, I will just bring my memory card to see if it works on it. Good thing I bought a warranty with the PS2 from when I purchased it off of ebay.

I used to have problems with one of my memory cards all the time when I had a PS2.