Columbus, OH: jinmaster got banned, lolwut

Its not that I want to play bad people. I just wanted to play some people on my level (which happens to be bad) till I understand what the hell is going on in the game. I just cant believe that so many people have mastered the game within 24 hrs. I know that there are BB arcades and stuff but I didnt think that you couldnt find a beginner level game the first day the game is released. Its kind of like if you were a baby and your parents told you to **** crawling you are just going to have to run. Thats how I felt last night playing this game…and I probably learned more bad habits that way (just mash all buttons till something happens) than I would playing someone on my level.

Its a cool game. I am not knocking it in any way…just not my type of game I guess.

anxiously awaiting KOF 12’s arrival into my hands, all other games will cease to exist to me

When I am playing any type of game that I am getting smashed at I stop worrying about the win. I start just working finding solution to the moves that over come me. Start figuring the games system out. BB seems like it is going to take some time to understand each match up. This game has mad diversity no one feels the same.

Considering he’s exactly like his arcade/story counterpart, seth is a godsend compared to this fucker. seth is atleast toned down, hakumen isn’t.

He seems kind of slow to me and has to use those diamonds to do any special moves but has power. If you have a projectile spam and wait for whiffs. The cat girl is so crazy good. She is like playing on easy.

Meh. I don’t know how much Seth is toned down any from his arcade counterpart.

On the hardest difficulty setting on SFIV Seth is fucking easy. He takes damage like a bitch, deals no damage, and moves like a sloth.

Seems to be pretty much how he is in the multiplayer mode.

Haven’t played BB yet though, so I can’t compare him to the bosses in that.

FYI - Hakumen is generally regarded the second worst character in the game after Tager.

Seth takes the same amount of damage as everyone else, he has less health in vers7s mode than in arcade. Ultra does about as much damage as Abel’s. Clint can give a better explanation than me.

I fucking love Tager, but you’re playing at such a disadvantage. :frowning:

I don’t know a lot about the computer version of Seth. I heard rumor once that he has more life and does more damage but I am not sure thats true.

What Seth is, is perfect and you must play him that way. I cant even come close to playing him perfect but working on it. I think that the computers AI is good at punishing your mistakes.
Dont know why I am tell you this, you all already know this.

Something I really like about BB is the in match talk back and forth. It is like auto taunt when you do something cool. Way better than the SFIV announcer. When the cat girl says look its the boobie lady I about lost it.

There’s some hilarious skits in story mode that are extra that has Litchi teaching Taokaka how to be a true vigilante. It’s hilarious.

were playing tonite…blaz blu is gay

I’ll be there. The community has returned to its usual over-hype of new fighting game releases and all is well. I might have to try BlazBlue tonight if it’s there.

How’s the online play in KOF98um? I might have to pick that up if it doesn’t fail like Garou MotW.

and u know if anyone wants to bring me a pizza feel free to

Garou isn’t bad with under 100 ping.

KOF98UM will have the same netcode. Just like Samurai Shodown did, and Fatal Fury Special.

Damn… I messed up. Looks like I won’t be making it out tonight. If I left now I would only be able to stay a half hour. I’ve got work at 7.

Here it is, Dark Presence, the worst looking fighter to come out in years. There is no good reason for this to exist.

BlazBlue is all about Taokaka, apparently. And JAM Project can make *[media=youtube]Fxk1MIS6ov4"[/media]*epic.


Oh and I’m not planning on coming out tonight. I just got home with BlazBlue an hour ago.

And whenever I get a new fighting game I like to lock myself in the house and practice the hell out of it for a couple of days.

It bothers me to have to wait my turn to play something I’m excited about. So it’s all single player and training mode for me for the next couple of hours.

I’ll be there next week, have the week off work.

Good shit at game night tonight.


So I’ve been practicing this game most of the night.

It sure is pretty… but I’m going to be honest I don’t have a clue what the fuck is going on the majority of the time.

Welcome to the club :tup:…there are a few of us :razzy: The only person I got to play was Sean and I might as well play frisbee with my BlazBlue disc cause I was worthless.

I’m still going through characters though, I think I’ll have a better time when I decide on someone to learn.