Columbus, OH: jinmaster got banned, lolwut

Why not? You can completely trust total strangers in your house with over $1000 worth of equipment :wink: The only thing I imagine anyone would steal is matches lol. But I got ya, it’ll just be a little later than usual

yea im pretty sure no one is stupid enough to steal from me im a pretty nice guy …and it goes with out saying if you steal from me or anyone else in my house i will be sure to beat you to half death with a rusty shovel and chain you to a pipe in a crawl space until you starve to death andof course you wont be invited back

“Dead fucking serious”

Brent you are the best, if you life was a show on tv I would watch it everyday.

The sad news:
I am not able to make it tonight guys. My sister who I have not seen in two years will be in town for one day, today. Of all days.

David you can just leave the chair at Brent’s if you make it out tonight I know it will be safe there. Feel free to use it if you like.

…why are peeps putting family over fighting games?!? This is truly upsetting :shake:

i just cleaned the fuck out of my entire house … please clean up after your selves thanks
-the management

lol, does that mean the kitchen is fair game now? :wgrin:

No, I was just wondering if anyone else had one, because there’s no use in bringing my Neo-Geo unless anyone has another DB15 stick.

I will be building another one in the near future, so once I get that done I’ll bring it one night.

If not it’s cool, just don’t kill us for asking please

sure nuff

I’m not making it out tonight, I forgot I was going to see Terminator with friends tonight and just said I’m coming to this without remembering terminator. I also won’t be able to attend next week because I’ll be in vermont visiting my sister.

If you and Brian come out on Saturday again you’ll be able to grab it, we’ve been treating it nice.

also we’re brainstorming ideas for a tournament at games on main, nothing’s set in stone yet though


Hmmm, didn’t know that had a wed. night release. Think I’m seeing it tomorrow though.

I’ll bring it with my ps3, but we might still be short a ps3 stick. It’s been a while since i played vf but i will give it a shot.

I have yet to look at my Cthulhu and see why it’s not working on PS3, but I’ll check it out tonight and maybe my stick will be good to go for that.

Rose Ball.

There’s no need. I’ll bring my copy for the 360. Nobody has played this game for the past half a year or so because of SC4/STHD/SF4, so everybody’s going to be rusty at best.

Well, I guess if you want it earlier than 12:30am, you might want to bring a copy.

Edit: Been practicing a little.

I won’t even touch it. I haven’t played a VF game since probably the second one.


S!AH2 (PS2, not emulated)

I got converters if you bring your PS3

Wait, so you like it now? I thought you hated the port…

LOL Think about it. Why would anyone – outside of an anime con tourney – have that game’s port for a tourney? Everyone would hate you for it due to the fact that it’s severely flawed. Why do you think I said on PS2 instead of emulated? It was a terrible joke on my part apparently :looney:

But yeah, I do hate the port. I’m beyond complaining tho. There’s plenty of other games to play.

Any of you guys ever play fighter destiny man I loved the point system in that game.