Columbus, OH: jinmaster got banned, lolwut

We still here !!


We booked the location for this event way before the hooters tournament.

Clint, thanks for keeping your interest in our event although many people tried their hardest to discourage members to come.

Clint just to let you know…I went out of my way and got the best people I know, as well as went to multiple game stores with flyers where I know managers personally, gamestops/ebgames where I know managers (personally) from winning the *city street fighter 4 tournament * (and they arent allowed to do this unless you go through their corporate offices…), every game store and beyond. The flyer is everywhere. And the word is out.
We’ll have fun because the best, realest people will be in the building!

To all of the people working for other tournament organizers in columbus thats trying make stuff up and take away our shine, yall aint even worthy to be in our presence, and arent wanted anyway.

To everyone else (especially here in columbus):

Yall may not like jinmaster, and thats cool. This guy did a lot to make this tournament happen and all he gets is hate.
Before you go on and think you dont like me because of association, just remember, keep your cool or you’ll get dealt wit. Fast. If you have a problem with me, let it be known.

The fake parade or any loser with fake information on this site will not stop this tournament.

Especially for a first tournament, **this is the best tournament columbus and most of ohio has ever seen. ** And I dont hype anything.

Theres lots of interesting things we’re doing with this event like streaming the finals on , nobody in the fighting game community here in columbus has done this for a tournament. Call me crazy but this is a way to show the world how we get down here in columbus and show them what our scene is capable of but most of yall rather be girls online and not get nowhere instead of take advantage of what serious people are trying to offer. And yall wonder why we more serious huh??
This and my next tournament are all about progression, the future of gaming. Yall dont know me personally but im pretty sure you can see based off of that thread why I stopped playing games years ago and why me and all the REAL people like me that game dont come to this site. Hell even the smash bros players know how stupid people get on this site and its not good for anyone.
Most of the people coming to the tournament do not have srk accounts so they’ll be a lot of new faces. Lots of fun.

See yall there!!!

If you need more information on the event goto the cancel or add the facebook event page on facebook.

Ill continue to throw tournaments in the future and my next one will be outrageous!! Guaranteed.

I appreciate everyone involved and anyone traveling/bringing setups for the event.


Marcell may come off as one of those random dickheads online, but he’s cool. Nothing like what he acts like online. You better have that PS2 converter for me or I won’t be able to participate. :frowning:

Hey Marcell I think you are cool as hell, and I think you will do a great job with this tourny. My only complaint is that I dont think you should or need to retaliate against people that are dissuading this event or yourself. Let your actions speak louder than words (thats pretty cliche but its the truth) Dude when I see you bashing these guys that are bashing you …honestly it just puts you at their level man, and I am not saying those other guys are bad either cause I dont know them.

I dont know who started what scene…it doesnt even matter cause now we are in the present and looking towards the future. So run your event, do well, and set up another. Let the playa play ;D

Josh- dude that was low man. I remember that one game night I took you to Kroger to buy deodorant…people can stink when it gets hot and crowded. You should go check out a rock concert…All you smell is ass… pretty disgusting. Thats why I may retire my spectating rock concert days lol.

JSYK I’m still coming to FC. The drama is a bit out of hand tho…I just wanna play man…

BTW how is space looking for casuals in non-tourney games? I like playin KOF and HNK…

Yeah, Josh, that was SOOOOOO wrong. You’re a bad person and deserve to be cockslapped by a hundred cocks.


I’m half tempted to make this my sig, but I make it a habit never to change my sig quote (or av).


Hello Engrish:

btw, this is a port of the AES/MVS game, the offline is perfect. I’ve never played the PS2 version, so maybe that’s different, but this one is true to the arcade.

Haven’t tried online though, I’m sure that will let me down.

I heard that it has host advantage, host has 0 lag but the other guy has a lot.

Won’t be buying it for that reason.

According to what I’ve read it’s pretty good at under 100, but unplayable above that. So we’ll see how that works.

I’m hoping it will at least be ok against people here in Columbus, I usually get around 20-30 ping against people here.





I was mostly kidding about the Soth comment, but c’mon - you’ve all said it at one point. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m a bed person. Also, the next person in charge of naming this thread, do a better job. Try “Comumbus, Ohio HAIL JOSH QUEEN, RIGHTER OF WRONGS”. I think that’ll do nicely.

Now, as far as Marcell being a nice guy in person: fuck that. That makes him a goddamned coward. You can’t be 2 different things like the guy from the old spice commercial. If you’re not an asshole in person and online only you’re no different than an 11 year old that curses at you on XBL because theres no accountability. Be who you want to be and see how quickly the community turns on you.

Can we just keep the trash talking out of here…The FC thread was closed so we dont need to bring more trash talking to this thread…97% of the people that post on here dont really care about hearing it all over again. If people dont like Marcell, I am pretty sure they will let him know. Everyone told Mike pretty much how they felt about him.

Just drop the drama and move on. I dont know you, I really dont know Marcell but I really dont think that this thread is meant to dispute who likes who and all that bs. You guys have words…meet in person. End of discussion… MOVE ON. Thanks

On a good note. BlazBlue comes out Tuesday…I guess I am forced to play it since KOF 12 is delayed…Garbage. Is there any word about KOF 98 coming out…or is that coming out after KOF 12 since Garou just came out.

First off, that’s not trash talk. Secondly, have you ever read a regional thread? They’re almost nothing BUT drama! But yes, BB is exciting!@

lol. Guess that will have to go up in the next poll.

Side note: If anyone in Columbus has Pandora battery for psp, I need to borrow it.

I am just saying lets just try to keep peace here and not let too much blow up. I dont want Shoryuken to become Days of Our Lives :cool:

Nick- did you get Garou ? Not sure if I should buy this since BB comes out Tuesday.

SRK was “Days of our Lives” before “Days of our Lives” was “Days of our Lives”. I’ll forgive your ignorance because of your Join Date. There’s a lot of history involved with such amazing drama. Sometimes you need to embrace it. Love it. Let it love you back.

Of course I did, I’m a sucker for anything SNK, you should know that by now.

I love me some Kevin Rion.

“hum dee dum”

Info on “I Got Next” Doc