Columbus, OH: jinmaster got banned, lolwut

Yup, another week where I’m probably not going to see any of you. I don’t think a meeting at Brent’s will be pleasant until things cool down - both the weather and the forum drama. I just want to stay out of things here while shit runs its course. I’m probably going to go see Transformers 2 with my friends at midnight anyway. Hopefully people here can report back to this thread next week on how the various tournaments went. I won’t be going to any of them.

Anybody up for Magic: The Gathering or Gunstar Heroes on Xbox Live? Hit me up. Also, this thread clearly needs more lulz: [media=youtube]sQKfAWe2rBs[/media]

what drama am i missing out on something
edit: just read the FC thread after unknown sources told me it was going to be canceled were definitely playing to night hopefully i get to see a fight.

lol, I wouldn’t worry about it.

It’s just a bunch of schoolgirl forum drama, it’s not like anyone is threatening anyone else.

I dont know…Marcell did kind of call out Josh-JimSensei :looney: …the drama continues tonight LIVE at Brents (fyi the shit on FC is just stupid)

Are we going to get some KOF in tonight (should I bring my PS2)?

I’m buying Garou on XBLA today and we can play that if you guys want. I can bring my 360 and a TV from Games. (we have extra CRTs laying around)

i allready got it
edit:the port if fucking awful!!!

Yeah it very comical, ‘your a poopie head no your a poopie head’

I do find it funny how it when people get all up in arms about mike saying he is the best in Ohio. Like it even matters.

Yeah I and I thought Marcell was jims hero. Also Jim nice ass woopin you gave me the other night. Your game is getting good. You should come to FC I think you would roll over mike.

Also I am not going to be there till like 8 or 9 but I do plan on coming. I will bring a box fan.

Sorry you had to waste 800 ms pts

I think its funny how he says he is the best…because it comes out of nowhere…Oh he did win the Hooters Tournament I mean that is on par with EVO :rofl: . Mike is good entertainment…makes me laugh sometimes as long as he is not like he was last Wed…that was just straight up annoying. Its almost sad that Mike is going to California.

On that note I thought Mike was Jims hero…maybe Mike and Marcell (M&M) are both Jim’s heroes. Anyway they are both great guys to look up to :wgrin:

You fucker you just ruined my day. Now I have nothing to look forward to sitting here at work.

What’s the problem with it (other than the online which I expect to be shit)?

its like as bad as Hyper Fighting online sucks and its got to be like the damn DC port or somthing its ass just dont feel right

…edited for my shitty work connection…

Good thing there’s GGPO, huh? Makes you wonder what XII’s netcode’s gonna look like, considering SNK can’t learn from Hyper Fighting’s past mistakes.

Most of the XBLA releases are done by a third party or seperate teams, not the original developer.

bad online I can handle though, because even Hyper Fighting is fine when I play people in Columbus online.

I’d be suprised if it’s the DC port. Does the menu say Fatal Fury or Garou?

I stand by my statement.

Just got my ass raped on HD Remix… I dont mind losing but what I hate the most is not improving. I know the players I am fighting are very good online but I cant do shit against anyone. Its like why even try at this game at this point.

I played Chaghatai , Fifth n someBud, and SargentxxSlawta… Out of the ten or so games I played…I was only close on maybe 2.

I know this game takes a while to learn but it just feels like I have made no progress whatsoever

Oh yeah, I’m not saying it’s not a valid question, just throwing that out there.

As far as GGPO goes, it’s great for the competition and what it runs (and the whole free thing), but I don’t have a good comfortable place to play on my PC.

My laptop runs it alright from my couch, but it’s got a tiny ass 15" screen and doesn’t compare to my TV.

Spend a solid day playing as each character online and you’ll have a better appreciation of hit boxes and what the weaknesses are. That’s a good tool for practice.

Especially since you normally play Ryu, you’ll see a lot of the matchups there.

im not hosting tonight its to hot and i have to sleep early can you take over this week clint?

yo brent! So motw online sucks? pooo i was gonna get it. Back to 2df…

Yeah its 91 degrees outside…your house is probably in the 110’s lol.

Damn, no drama can unfold in person now. :frowning:

EDIT: I’m heading on to Xbox Live. Send those invites!