Columbus, OH: jinmaster got banned, lolwut


I know you’re prolly gonna respond to my last post, but before that we should talk more BB. You should def play someone who doesn’t talk so much during blockstrings, cause you’ll be blocking A LOT once I vent in BB gameplay, and I don’t wanna hear a chara like Rachel or Bang in my ear (trashtalk)

(serioustalk) The research/vids is a good idea. That’s why I ended up wanting to main four characters lol

Ok half and half response to both posts:

As far as FC1 is concerned, I don’t really care about all of the drama. I can’t stand the fucking “I built this scene” bullshit. Because nobody gives a shit.

I’ve been around the internet and message boards (going back to BBS, which nearly all of you will have no clue about) for too long to get caught up in that garbage.

I’ll probably make it over there, knowing that Clint, David, Bing, and some other guys I know and like will be over there gaming. I intend to mainly just play casuals and not put too much interest in the tourneys.

I also don’t really agree with Mike’s way of advertising himself or the tourney. But to be honest, aside from that I don’t really know Mike, so I’m not going to judge him without giving him a chance.

I will say though that if people have a problem with him or something he’s done in the past, then they have every right to boycott, and let people know about it.

Now on BB:

I haven’t decided on anyone yet. A lot of my decision in a game usually goes into the person who suits my style (not quite turtling, but more sitting back and countering than rushing). Unfortunately the aksys games don’t really lend themselves to sitting back and waiting.

And a big part of who I play will come down to who I feel I will be able to pull off combos and such with. I will admit to always having difficulty with constant DP motions, hence the reason I never play a shoto in most SF games. I don’t feel like I can rely on a DP motion for defense on a consistent basis.

So far the characters that look interesting to me from a design perspective are Noel, Tager, and Arukane. But we’ll see.

I am going back into depression. They were playing this game on PS3 at Devastation tourny…come on.

I’m not going to Focus Cancel LuckyDay, as I can’t afford it. I might be at game night tomorrow, no idea. I think we’re going to set up a register list at Games on Main here soon, maybe when KoF comes out.

Reading for the day:
Narcissistic Personality Disorder

reads thread title and glances at the first gamertag

Nope, doesn’t remind me of anyone I know
And just because I’m bored…

The HNK reference went right over my head.

its very fucking hot at my house up to you guys if you still wantt o play there tommarow might want to take a vote its like really hot right now

I’ll bring that fan I offered a couple of weeks ago.

I got some small easy to carry fans.

If I get my way I’m going to be maining Noel. Only thing is I may find her play style appalling in the end. I won’t be able to say until I actually try the game for several weeks. I mostly want to run Noel because those guns are awesome. Plus I don’t like playing as a male character if I can help it… :sweat:

In other (related) news, I really want the BlazBlue art book that Gamestop is offering… Only thing is, I refuse to buy my game there…

In other, other news, I’m dropping Chun in SFIV. I’m either going to main Guile or Ryu from now… I’m having huge problems with Guile’s FK into super. Any advice? I’ve done it once or twice on accident… I really don’t want to main a shoto, mostly because of the stigma doing so carries with it, but if its the only way I can have fun with the game I will play Ryu. So far Guile has been much fun!

An additional issue with my SFIV practice has popped up… my CRT died… Now I’m gonna need to move my road ready LCD to a position where I can actually use it whilst at home. :sad:

Finally I’d like to note that I still don’t play SFIV with any real seriousness. I’m going to put way more time into BB than I ever have put into any other fighting game (that’s the plan anyway).

Edit: I too can bring a fan. I think those people who are still going to Mike’s shindig would like to get some practice in. Also, I don’t want to go another week without gaming in your kitchen Brent.

Why not get it at Gamestop. The guys at my Gamestop are awesome. They all know me by name and we always have great conversations on games, sometimes they give me promo shirts and stuff. I love getting my games there.

As for Guile. As soon as you do the FK you have to go back to down back position then do the super motion. Its a pretty tough input but with practice you should be able to get it. Its kind of like the FADC…hard at first then its second nature. Alot of people just camp with Guile but he has a pretty sweet pressure game.

Brent, your kitchen is the coolest (as in anti-hot lol) place in your house since the fan is right above you.

Ok, does anyone have a t8 torx screwdriver (or bit) to open a wireless 360 pad?

If so, I need to borrow it for about 10 minutes. Pm me.

I like the guys at gamestop, its just I like to support the little indy stores. I really get along with the guys at Play It Trade It so I try to buy from them whenever possible. However… I really want the booklet, and the bonus discs… Is it too late to preorder?

Thanks for the input on Guile. So no charge for the super then? I felt that I should hold the db for at least a split second or something. I will keep trying after I move my setup. Does that same series work FK to ultra or not?

1.i have no idea how or why it happened,it was one of those out of nowhere things.
2.bowman of course:Dwe where tired.we couldnt object.:smiley:
3.yeah,we started getting the giggles,and everything was funny for some reason.thats when we looked at the time and were like "ohhhhh ok,lol"
4.from 11pm,to 8 in the morn now.

i shall tell him.alls been well,people are busy lateley,understandable old chap.just let me know when you want to game,im down!:lovin:

You have to preorder BB online and then you can just do instore pickup. I would do that asap since your Gamestop needs to get it shipped out to them and have you on record. And yes its still available for preorder.

The Guile motion is FK …immediately after you do down up, you go back to your dp position and then you do the super motion. I am going to go to training to get it down to make sure I am telling you right. I know I have done it before since I have completed all of the normal trials.

You still playing SF4?

Re: FK xx DFK

Down 2 sec, Up, 360 the stick after hit-confirming. I’m not joking, it really works and that’s how lenient this game is.

EDIT: FK xx Ultra doesn’t work, but I’m pretty sure you can juggle with this super into ultra.

EDIT SECOND IMPACT: [media=youtube]lato8FmMoIQ[/media] Guess his FK puts the op in a juggle state.

When I was doing it I would do (hold down back for charge for flash kick) ( up toward to do flash kick) then do pretty mush 1/2 to 3/4 circle right after up toward to do the super…Pretty much what Wayne said.

That combo at 33 sec. and 2:15 …ok the whole video is insane

Yeah I watched that video when it first came out and I was pleased.