Columbus, OH: jinmaster got banned, lolwut

Tiggy, I have no qualms about playing it on game night. I don’t have a PS3 yet though. If you have converters (which, I still have to sell the other half of my soul to get) then it’s all good.

confirmed garou on american xbla this week, didn’t think they’d just release it in Japan only as they’ve never done an xbla title in just one region first before

Yeah, I was going to mention that’s never happened so far, so I was pretty sure it’s coming this week.

I know what I’m playing for the next couple of weeks at least until BB.

Hopefully the online is at least average.

man I am so old and uncool I had to Google DFC, Which I don’t have objections to. Could not find a good definition for bubz (but I think I have a good idea).

But back to the games. I will be at game night on Wednesday maybe alittle late but I got to get the practice in for focus cancel. Also any one want to play SFIV tomorrow night online or other. Let me know.

I think DFC is “Dem Flat Chests” lol

I don’t know if I’ll be there Wednesday, I gotta get ready for school and all that jazz

I shall be trying to get into BB in a big way. I’m such a scrub, but I’m hoping that I’ll really be able to sit down and learn this shit.

I’m getting BB at launch. Anything for more GG-style fighting.

I’ll get some matches with you on IV sometime Clint. I have to try out the new character I’ve been learning against your Seth. No mic though, broke another one. :confused:

lol, what’s with the secrecy on the “new char”. It’s not like it’s going to be someone we’ve never heard of.


Its Magneto

check out the new Alice In Wonderland …dont laugh. Yes its Alice In Wonderland Tim Burton style baby.

I haven’t looked at it yet, but I’m going to go out on a limb and say it’s got a score by Danny Elfman, Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, & lots of foggy gothic looking settings.

Tim Burton is a one trick pony. It’s a pretty big pony, but it’s hard to get excited about any of his stuff anymore.

Yes Brian, my new character is Magneto. To unlock him you have to have the computer fight the computer. One computer is Zangief. The computer who’s not Zangief has to win.

I am on now David if you are ready fo those games.

I will be training till you are ready

lol!i JUST remembered my old account pass,haha!so random.sitting here at 1 in the afternoon watching my friend play banjo kazooie.been up like 27 hours playing guilty and halo,and im like “…i…just remembered something…”.anyway,just wanted to post,see if games were going on tommorrow.i work crazy late now,so if there is ill probably have to peace around 8 or so.been having lots of fun with hdr.more so even sf4 with my pal paul.:smiley:

Holy shit dude, WTF is your problem? lmao I got some questions for you:

  1. What made you remember your old password, and what are you doing with the new account? :looney:

  2. Who in the hell was playing Banjo-Kazooie, and why were you watching them play?

  3. 27 hours…really? lol Sounds like old times tho, so I can’t hate

  4. How late do you work till?

Tell Paul I said hi, I haven’t been going out nearly as much these days, save Wednesday nights (saves gas :tup:)

I am sure most of the Columbus crew has been checking the focus cancel thread but if not check it out for a laugh.

Also are we gaming tomorrow (Question mark) it broke on this keyboard.

so yall are gonna play some GG “like” games :(… needs more GG and cowbell…

If anyone wants to go to Arcade Legends, let me know. I think I’d rather go to a Tournament that’s got a set date and venue over…well, y’know.

Sorry man lol. I can’t really make excuses at this point about not playing GG. What it comes down to is not having the motivation to get past the walls I ran into in the past practicing GG. At least Chernell showed freaking results, he actually listened to you and put info to good use. lol Add to that my hype is pretty much killed right now so I refuse to practice until I get BlazBlue :confused:

Jim, I’d be happy to take you up on that offer, but I gotta work :sad:

Clint, I have read…and I didn’t laugh. At all. I’m sorry, I just was purely saddened by it. It’s shit like this that makes me unhype. Remember that one Wednesday at Brent’s when I said the FC1 thread was gonna get ugly? Well that’s exactly what the fuck happened. That’s all I gotta say about that thread…

Like Sabin says in his sig: “SRK should stand for Stupid Retarded Kids”. I’ve seen more than enough evidence on SRK before the FC1 thread, but when it’s this close to home…I unno. Plus people from VA coming through and bashing ALL OF OHIO…ijdk. Whatevs, I’ve said what I’m gonna say. I want nothing to do with drama, I just want to play fightan gaems

Ok, Gamestop says 7/20 now for KOF XII…

Sooo… I’ve now revised my stance on BB. I have a week off work the week after BB is released, so my plan now is to cram and practice and actually try to learn BB.

I’ll re-evaluate my interest in it once KOF comes out, but for now I’m researching and checking out vids to see who I might want to pick up and main.