Columbus, OH: jinmaster got banned, lolwut

There are two things that piss me off in the game (the only things you will hear me complain about)

  1. People just running away the whole match
  2. Online connections.

That video was hilarious by the way.

This was pretty funny [media=youtube]3KwulXmBX-8&feature=related[/media]
So is this [media=youtube]UHxjbWEDWWk&feature=related[/media]

Running is just part of some peoples game. I know that it can be annoying but I respect the idea play to win. You may have read Sirlins play to win if not

Yes online is junk, I did not always think so but the more I play the more I hate it.
I think a lag hurts fighting games to much. I mean i still going to play online. (almost everyday.)

If you guys are going to be at games on main just let me know what time.

I can see Seth and Dhalsim running away the entire game. I understand the whole keep away and play conservative gameplay but I am still going to complain I guess (not out loud in public…well not very often). I guess I would have 3 complaints and the third being Sagats HK…that is a bit ridiculous.


Random fact: I-no’s theme in Guilty Gear is Daisuke Ishiwtari’s homage to X-Japan’s song “Kurenai”. Listen to 'em both sometime :wink:

You live in Europe? lol

If you think you’re complaining now, wait until you play BlazBlue

I dont really expect much from Blazblue. I am only getting it cause its free for me. I have heard it got an avg. score of 7.7 in one of the main gaming magazines. I didnt really care for GG so …its just something I will screw around with.

Oh SCREW that train of thought dude, it’s only the fighting game that’s gonna make me practice again

Yeah but those are your style fighting games Arcana/GG . I know I am going to suck at that game cause there is so much crap going on in it and its not something I care to be average at. I will choose to be average at KOF and SF4 and a very poor SSF2HDR player.

5 frame kick lol

Sagat’s HK is retarded. Which is why I love it. :wink:

If you learned to embrace the cheapness of HDR more, you’d be much better than you think.

You’ve got the potential, you just refuse to fight dirty :rofl:

edit Hey Michael, what are your thoughts on the times each game are going to start next Saturday (specifically IV and HDR)?

Well as long as you admit it…I am happy with that:wink:

I’ve got jack to do tonight.

If anyone wants to do any sort of gaming, online or otherwise, I’m free.

Will be home in about an hour.

Hey tagaS, pre-regs aside, how many people are you looking at for Focus Cancel? As for your all-star players, anyone besides Antwan, Perfect Legend, and your sexy ass? :lovin:

Bro, we should SO throw a gay bash.

I will probably be on. It be nice to get a nice lobby match thing going on.

Mm, anyone got some old PS1 saves, or at least a DexDrive? I want to make sure everything is unlocked on my growing collection. Some PS2 titles as well.

Wow… I might have some stuff, but it’s in my parent’s house in the attic. It might be tought to get at it.

I think in the next couple of months I’m supposed to help them clean it out so they can get their roof done, so it’s possible I’ll come across something.

btw, I’ll be on HDR for the next 45 mins, then I might check out the 1v100 live thing if anyone is interested.

Nice This made my day Tiggy Kurenai is one of my fav songs.

I don’t know. Ask Wayne if he’ll let you use his computer and DexDrive.

You need a PS2 memory card exploit, a flash drive, and a PS1 savegame converter which can convert between DexDrive saves, Action Replay saves, and actual memory card files. Don’t buy any extra hardware.

I anticipate 150 players total. 60 for SF4 / 25 for UFC / 25 HD:R will be the big games of the night.

Just those 3 allstars for now.


I will confirm the schedule this weekend. :wink:

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