Columbus, OH: jinmaster got banned, lolwut

I already have it paid off at Gamestop, otherwise I would love to give you guys my business…you know that. If I new what games you guys got I would buy them there. Which reminds me do you think you guys will get Prototype in or could you order and I will buy it.

:confused: That guy in the background. . .too hype.

We have 360 copies right now, so stop in whenever and you can pick it up. I’ll be in the store tomorrow and I can hold it for you.

My wisdom tooth removal was FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC. I ended up waking up at the end when they were putting the final stitches in and gave some resistance apparently. They wanted to put me back to sleep to finish up except I ended up putting a kink in tthe IV, but I wasn’t coherent enough to know what was going on and they just finished it anyway. Bleeding’s pretty much entirely stopped now, and Vicodin is some good shit. I can see why House is addicted to it.

They got all 4 teeth out in 20 minutes and the stitches got put in in 15 minutes. I miss solid food though. :frowning:

Also the vitality machine gave away that I was nervous as my blood pressure was at 130 or something like that.

I had to have adult molars removed when I was a teenager before I got braces. It was similar to the wisdom teeth thing.

And Vicodin is also awesome (as is percocet). Had some last year when I broke my shoulder but they only gave me a couple doses worth.

Yeah I got like 20 pills or something like that. The pain isn’t too bad, but I’ll probably take one before I go to bed tonight to help me sleep. I needed braces before, but I was too goddamn stubborn to get them before because I thought it’d be this completely hellish experience and I think I might get them now, seeing as wisdom teeth being removed wasn’t anywhere near as bad as I thought it was going to be (especially since the worst teeth stories are about wisdom teeth removal) and braces’ll just be like having stitches in my mouth except they’d just be on my teeth. I’ll see though. :confused:

I also think Garou will be hitting XBLA soon because Garou gamerpictures were posted this morning.

That sentence actually made me laugh out loud.

Interesting news about Garou…

It makes perfect sense since SNK Playmore has terrible marketing, and it would be completely ridiculous for that to come out before KOF98 as a lead up to XII.

Either way I’m happy.

Ok I will stop by tomorrow.

Hey I just picked up a Japanese Saturn. You guys happen to have any Saturn imports in over there?

The local store by us use to have a ton, but it closed a couple years ago

We have Saturn games, no idea about imports. I’ll ask the owner and see if he has any lying around.

They’re easy to spot because they come in regular jewel cases, not the giant tall retarded ones like the U.S. releases.

Basically anything fighting and shmup I’m down for.

Totally buying this because I have a Japanese XBL account. if a points card works.

Anyone gamin this [media=youtube]raTSp1AtGt0"[/media]

Yeah I would like to.

I’ll be at Games on Main on Saturday.

You need a Japanese points card, they aren’t universal.

But they’re not hard to find. There’s a guy who sells them over on the shmups forum, I’ll find it and post a link.

edit Amazon is showing KOF XII as a July 28th release now… That’s not good. Gamestop still has it as the 7th.

If they push it back looks like I’m going to be dedicating my week off to BlazBlue. Still not bad, but not what I was expecting.

If you get an Action Replay or other 4-in-1 RAM cartridge, it will also let you play American games. Good luck finding any good Saturn games in a store, Japanese or otherwise.

Microsoft Points are region-locked for some reason, and I can’t get my Japanese account to recognize my American MasterCard either. You can only use North American-purchased points cards on North American accounts. Theoretically, you could import a points card from Japan and use it on your Japanese alt.

Speaking of Xbox Live, did anyone else pick up Gunstar Heroes? I want to co-op that with somebody. I played a few rounds of Sonic 2 online with Lucky Day a couple days ago, and player 2 would suffer a quarter-second of lag on a Westerville-to-Westerville connection, giving player 1 a huge advantage. Does Gunstar Heroes have the same kind of unbalanced netcode? This is Backbone we’re talking about here…

I know, it’s not impossible though, I’ve found them before. And the only place you’d have any chance would be a little independent place like Games on Main.

Although I’ve found MVS games at flea markets, so if I can find those I can find anything.

There are tons of places to buy them, ebay, forums, think maybe play-asia has them.

I would also be interested in trying Sonic 3. Keep in mind Sonic 2 was released a pretty long time ago on XBLA, maybe they learned some things from HD Remix.

…its a sad day for me.

Yeah, but you’ve never played Garou.

If Garou really comes out in a week, you can get that, and trust me, you won’t be dissapointed.


Buy Japanese XBLA points here:

or here:

Just means you know have more time for[media=youtube]a2W7SVQlUZ0&feature=related"[/media].