Columbus, OH: jinmaster got banned, lolwut

Yeah the first time I saw it I thought it would be HF’ as well. I guess it sort of is… This is the board I’m talking about. There was never a US release of it. It appears to be identical to the version of SF2 that’s included in the Anniversary Collection for PS2 and xbox. The ebay description is misleading as it mentions the inclusion of the Alpha games (which is wrong). There’s a better description on wikipedia here.

Done and done.

I am so hype to game tonight!!! It has been two weeks since I have been at Blastys, feels like months.

no games tonight im mega busy stupid summer is ruining me gotta get my bike ready to race this sat sorry fellas dont hate me :frowning: its tuff for me to run this and mantain my other hobbies with weds being my only day off

Too late :mad:
lol j/k. Duty calls dude. Sometimes rl sux. I got stuff to do today myself

And that Street Fighter movie sounds…exactly like something I need to keep avoiding.

Chris Klein is amazing as Charlie because he’s so funny. Too bad the 10 minutes of Charlie Nash video got removed from youtube.

Brent I could never hate you. You are the unofficial king of Columbus.
Also where are racing at this weekend? I might check it out unless I have to pay with blood to get in.

If anyone still wants to game tonight hit me up we can game at my house.

If no one can make it we could always play HDR or SFIV online.

But, but, but. . .Mahvel. :sad: Where am I supposed to get my fix without lag spikes? You don’t get it man, I’m fiendin’!

Sounds good, what time?

No worries.

No, not funny. Terrible. I will fast forward through every second of him being on screen if I ever watch that again.

Can I get a pm with your address? And if possible let me know how late you’re able to have people over to game.

I’m normally not able to make it down to Brent’s until around 11, so if your thinking of an earlier sort of thing I might not come down.

Rakae, I’ll be there if crimson is going.

Where the HELL is that avatar, boi? I made it just for you, and you go and throw it out? What the fuck is wrong with you?!:mad:

Speaking of avatars, thanks Cliff.

I had actually thought about keeping it… then i decided not to.

Geting started around 6 tonight. I should be home by 5:30. I work at 7a.m so I can only stay up till 1 or 2 this old man needs his sleep lol. (Damn I am getting old.)

I’ll be online tonight, so if you guys get a set-up going on XBL, I’ll be down for games.

I too might want to check this out. Let us know.

I’m gonna go sleep a little (I too work at 7). I should be able to get to your place. I’ll call when I wake up to make sure its still on. Thanks for volunteering!

what…the hell…

I ain’t goin’ out tonite, I gotta go to bed early and get up early. My body wakes up when it wants to :confused:

I’m working days again, so count me in.

Also, my love of what Japanese gamers call “Kusoge” is well known around here. But in my search to find titles for my proposed Fighters Bingo, I have found true shit. You have been warned.

If anyone is going to Rakae’s and can pick up Michael from the short north around 9 (when he gets off work) it would be cool. He’s looking for a ride. Call or text me at 614-397-1011 and let me know if you can.

thanks for picking up the slack i left Sir i will be in IL this weekend and MI the next but we should be gameing nextweek

I’d love to come but I’m getting my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow. Getting knocked the fuck out, though. Might be there next week though.

KOF in like 2 and a half weeks get ready!!

also [media=youtube]DpXNLtu0Ye4[/media]

G1 at it’s finest :smiley:

Pause that video at any moment and look at the inputs that are leading to ultras and DPs and you’ll see my mosted hated aspect of SFIV.