Columbus, OH: jinmaster got banned, lolwut

Can’t make it, working out. I honestly have no idea when I’ll be able to make it out next.
MvC2 possible release date

You working out from 7pm to 3AM? :looney:

No, but Brian is my ride, and he picks me up because it’s not far out of the way from where he is to Brent’s. I don’t have a reliable form of transportation right now.

Well boys I am going to miss tonight. I am sad I got some new Seth tricks to try out. Oh well I guess there is always next time.

I’ll play you on Live sometime. Only worth it playing friends for me just 'cause I hate playing random people. So annoying.


Let us know if the kitchen is fair game tonight. If it is BBing and I will bring a small TV and PS2 so we can put a setup in there to handle a few more games.

I will be coming down a little late tonight, around 10-10:30.

If anyone around the NE side of Columbus needs a ride that late let me know.

You mean outside of the runaway sonic boom and jumping fierce. :razzy:Just kidding

I let you in on a little secret “jumping strong”. Jumping fierce is so good I forgot he had other moves.

Yeah its a shame Dhalsim doesnt move as fast as Seth otherwise I would probably main him.

what evs i dont think the crowds gonna be that big

Yeah, I’m just thinking to get an extra TV for some KOF or some of the shit that nobody else wants to play.

KOF is the greatest fighting frachise ever thats why its called King of Fighters…come on guys everyone knows that :bgrin:

By everybody, you mean the Mexicans and Koreans that flood the servers on GGPO, right? SNK’s best game is Last Blade 2, period.

That’s because you haven’t been playing me Clint. I actually can get around your Seth consistently and with the new character I’ve been learning I’ll actually be able to get around him better. One of the guys at Games on Main tried to play a turtle Chun against my new char and needless to say that didn’t work out well for him :tup: Might be there next week, I’ll see. Also my phone broke so that sucks, some kid jostled my chair for laughs, knocked my phone off it, I forgot it got knocked off, when I got up I stepped on the screen. :frowning:

Last Blade 2 is the shit, and a lot of people would agree. But Garou is better.

I’m half tempted to say SSIV is better than LB2 also, but I haven’t played LB2 in a while, so I could feel differently since I’ve just had SSIV in my cab recently.

KOF is up there, and I love it, but I don’t think any of them would make my top 5 if we were talking about all genres.

Working out was worth missing game night for. :tup: Might be there next week. I dunno.

Supervillain hurry up and post. You guys don’t know him but he’s a lurker that swears he’ll never post and a Games on Main regular. Post!

Also oh yay, another thing to add to the list of things that broke. My headset broke off inside my TE stick, so that’s cool. Now I have to buy another headset and pry that out of my TE stick just so I can use another headset!

Oh yeah, my phone’s screen getting stepped in isn’t covered by the manufacturer warranty because accidental damage isn’t counted. On the bright side, I can now get a better phone for the same price I got this one. :slight_smile:

Nice I am always up for a challenge David lets make it a 2 dollar money match, first one to 5.

I will sell you one of my headsets. I just got a brand new one and thought it would cure my TE jack problems but it didnt. Now I have two headsets and need only one.

***Will the real Ryu please stand up : [media=youtube]4n_9Nd9bhco[/media]

Well I fell asleep when I got home from work tonight.

Of course now I’m up and ready to game. Oh well, should be able to make it out next week.

Hey, make fun of him all you want, but you can’t argue with results.