Columbus, OH: jinmaster got banned, lolwut

Yes…I have no life so I am doing nothing. I work till 10am and then the rest of the day is empty.

I’m picking up a side-job this Saturday from 8-5, so no go for me.

Yeah, I’ll be at Games on Main for most of the day tomorrow, so if any of you want to come you’re welcome to. I know Brian’ll come down. Bring what you want and we can hook stuff up. (I know what Ed’s bringing if he comes down :P) We also have Punchout too so we can try that versus too. (I haven’t tried it yet and I’ve had it since launch)

Hello friends

If anyone wants to get better at SF4

I’m looking to play some games on Saturday

I can even host at my crib, I just need some people to bring set-ups.

We can chip in $5 and all have pizza and drinks too.

Who is interested?? :rock:


i might be down mike.ive been playing alot more honda now,am am actually kinda liking the game a bit more now that i understand it.all in all,casuals would be nice:D

I haven’t played SF4 in two or three days. :frowning:

Clint,Nick,Edward…are you guys going to Games on Main. If so what time do you think you will be there ?

Not sure if I’ll be able to get down there for a few hours. Got a friend whose band is playing at the Arts Festival, I might go down and hang out there for a while.

Yeah I got called into work, I am still down to game I just don’t get off till 4.
If everyone is still going to be at games on main then I will come up.

I am heading out here in a bit and will probably stay for a while…past 4 for sure.

Damn… I just woke up. I’ll proly head out in an hour or so…

I planned on leaving earlier but I overslept (obviously).

Well it is 4:39 now and I am still sitting here at work. !@#$ hit the fan here so looks like a will not make it to games on main. I guess there is always next time.

Games start at 6

Hit me up on AIM for addy or just cycle back when Jim Sensi posted it. :tup:

My car battery totally died. I don’t know if I’m gonna get to go anywhere today. I might show up at Michael’s eventually.

Just got home from watching the Crew game and I’m pretty tired so not going to make it out to Michael’s (if it’s even still going on).

Thanks for the invite though, will try to make it next time.

Games on Main was pretty kick ass. Excellent space there, definitely going to get out there again.

My KOF skills are extremely rusty (probably cause I only ever play single player). I need to get on GGPO and work on them.

Any of you artist out there or know someone that is an artist or that is planning on taking an art class. I have my art supplies from this quarter (I dropped the class the first week) that I want to get rid of. I paid $185 for everything and will get rid of it considerably lower than that cause I have no use for it and its just sitting in my trunk.

I’m an artist, but I don’t think I have any money or need to buy art supplies right now. The only thing I may be interested in are good watercolor paper and maybe some canvases. What are you trying to get rid of? I can ask around to see if there’s something someone I know might be interested in.

portfolio bag
Drawing Board
18x24 70lb 50sheet drawing paper
18x24 50lb 125sheet sketch paper
waterproof drawing ink
Vine charcoal 12 sticks
Alphacolor Char-Kole square drawing sticks
Generals White Compressed Charcoal
#4 art brush
Generals Charcoal 557-hb hard pencil
Generals Charcoal Pencil Kit (2b,4b,6b,1white pencil)
5x7 chamois cloth
Kneaded Rubber
pencil sharpner
2 glass jars
4 metal clips
Utrecht Drawing & Sketching Premium Fine art pencils
Platic Container to hold all supplies

I was wanting to get rid of everything together so I dont have to hold onto it anymore.

Here is a link to SBO match with Mike Ross comeback against Sagat player…its pretty insane.[media=youtube]ksx0DZ5G54o&feature=channel_page[/media]

Saw this in the random image thread and got a kick out of it.

Hey Nick that Rambo guy from HD Remix that you were telling me about is pretty famous

Now I have to go check out some of his youtube stuff.


