Columbus, OH: jinmaster got banned, lolwut

??? anything?

Think they said a few pages ago that info is coming soon, but not finalized yet.

yea sure man

thank you sir. I apologize for being lazy :encore:

Yeah Tim, we have the date set for October – I’m going to write up the tourney post today or tomorrow and have Fugee finalize it, so we should have it posted by mid-week. Thanks for being interested and getting some more names out here :slight_smile:

you aren’t the only one.

No problem, bro. I’m just anxious hehe.

because SBIV > SB3 :bgrin:

Cause fanboys print money lol. I really can’t wait for the KOTOKO single to drop


I won’t be at Brent’s Wednesday gaiz…my first missed sessoion :sad:

I have no idea what you people are talking about…

Man I miss the forums for a day and I am behind. Let see if I can get caught up.

SBIV = Hype, cant wait.

Brents I can bring a fan as well.

BBling and I went to the SFIV tournament on Saturday It was single elimination had a great fight but lost my first match. BBling destroyed the first guy he played.

I will try to get the videos from brent up soon.

Lost my InPin adapter if you came to my house last monday check your stuff to see if you took it.
It is the inpin ps2 to ps3 adapter. I dont think anyone took it on purpose but it might have been misplaced.

I didn’t get to go to the tourny due to work.

Plus, I spent all Saturday night getting hammered and found myself picked up by two 15 year olds who stole their parent’s car. They gave me a ride around for cigarettes. :slight_smile:

male or female? The story gets more interesting depending on your answer here…

My guess would be they are guys. Steeling your moms car for cigarettes does not sound like any chick I know. Then again it has been along time since I hung out with anyone 15.

What brand is it? I’ll look through my stuff but I don’t think I took home one besides the one that’s mine.

Inpin was the brand I think. It was korean looks super cheap.


I turned 18 just two months ago. :frowning:

Dam I am getting old…

Yeah, you gotta tread lightly around that situation. Still makes for a good story though.

In other news, just shut E3 down right now, the biggest game is confirmed already:

Yeah, that’s what I was thinking…

Xbox had more than that. MGS-R coming to 360 was pretty huge, and the Natal was different…not sure I will like it but it was pretty neat. The thing that made me happiest was Left 4 Dead 2 coming this Nov.

Left 4 Dead was good, but I got tired of it quick. A lot of improvements and I would really like it.

I would rather have the next Half-Life episode than L4D2 though.

And all of those games pale in comparison to the greatness that is Monkey Island (HD Remix).

I getting excited just thinking about the possibility of a Maniac Mansion update (or god forbid a Zak McCracken re-release).

Now all we need is Sierra to follow-suit.