Columbus, OH: jinmaster got banned, lolwut

So games tonight guys?

WOW SF4 online is Akuma central…I really hate this f***ing game. Jump in air fireball, low kick/or medium double kick after air fireball is blocked or throw…game is retarded and cheap…It rewards those who just sit and do nothing but runaway and even when you punish the person…Guess what they get ultra and sit and camp some more till the use the ultra…This game is BS

Ken, Ryu, Akuma… Yeah, pretty much…

Basically match starts, other guy jumps back over and over until you make a move and then he mashes out a shoryuken as soon as you get close.

It’s pretty easy to deal with. I play Bison so I just stomp the hell out of them. Mix it up with Devil’s reverse and skull driver.

Usually if you want to draw them out you can just sit in the corner and wait. They’ll hit you with about 5 fireballs before they get impatient and try to come after you.

Akumas are a lot easier to deal with, partly because they are more aggresive, and partly because he takes damage like a little bitch.

I fall in love with SF4 more and more everyday. Something must be broken in me I seem to be the only one who loves it.

we should make sf 4 only on wayne’s little tv with the vcr built in lol mono sound and shit

No I dont mind playing in-person. Its the online that I hate…which is usually when I play most of my games…The only other online game that has po’ed me more than this was COD 5.

I honestly haven’t played it in two weeks. I’ve got sort of a love/hate thing going with that game. I still enjoy it, but it drives me nuts sometimes.

I have a little black and white 8" with an RF box we could get a setup going on. Would look pretty badass.

You can, it’s your fucking house. lmao Put whatever wherever

And I love the activity whenever I’m gone, awesome guys :tup:
I can’t really touch base on the problems presented, all I know is that I want to help organize/run a tourney so I can see what problems arise, and exactly how to fix them.

BTW I’m playing AH1 tonite, YOU ALL CAN’T STOP ME
Phong we should definitely get some more 3S/SFA3 going, that was mad fun on Monday. I think I’ll bring my TV and set it up in the other room.

please bring my power cord for my slim ps2 back who ever thought it was theirs

I am wanting to try out my freaking memory card to see whats going on. Hopefully Chernell is there so I can show him my SFA stick…It takes one that owns one to fully appreciate such a masterpiece…lol

I called 'em, no one picked up :confused:

HYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYPE!!! That place is gonna be way too packed this year. SFIV, BB, and KOF are going to bring so much more people than last year and that in itself was a cluster-fuck. Are you going to have it branched out into more than just Sat/Sun this year or is that too much?

That’s how I started and it’s not that bad unless you want to do the challenges. The text is so tiny, you really have no idea what you’re supposed to do.

Games haven’t been canceled tonight, right?

Whhat? Is it still on? I was just about to head out.

I’m about to head down there. I’m assuming the lack of activity in the last couple of hours on this thread means everyone is down there already.

Only PS2 power cord I took with me when I left was my PS2/Dreamcast cable that we used on the large PS2 in the extra room. It has my name on it.

In other news, I fell asleep around 5 for what was supposed to be an hour or so. I just woke up. No games for me tonight apparently :sad:

GGs everybody.

Well hell, I’d be happy to help out with SB again. Pretty much the only VG dedicated event in the city at the moment. Hell, I should have everything I need for Fighters Bingo by then.

Oh yes, reminds me that perhaps the DS Single Card crew can be called in to show up since I knew some people wanted more portable action.

And seriously, someone ought to look into taking those modular couches in the corner and just storing them in the back room for the weekend. Those things were a major pain in the ass to work around.

Good games tonight, everyone. I had some fun STHD mirror matches at the end with someone; I forgot the name. Good talking to MaDDock123 too. Man, we’ve got to figure out when to meet up at the GameWorks and get some proper OutRun2 SP SDX games against each other. The Xbox OutRun 2006 works too, if you got that. I’m just glad to see someone other than me plays that game.

Also, relevant links:
Kaizo Mario World
Kanye West

[quote=“hitstun, post:299, topic:66083”]

Good games tonight, everyone. I had some fun STHD mirror matches at the end with someone; I forgot the name. Good talking to MaDDock123 too. Man, we’ve got to figure out when to meet up at the GameWorks and get some proper OutRun2 SP SDX games against each other. The Xbox OutRun 2006 works too, if you got that. I’m just glad to see someone other than me plays that game.

Bro, how the hell could you forget my name? Its Scott. A.K.A Tha Skizz.