Columbus, OH: jinmaster got banned, lolwut

Fuck You

Sup man, how you doing, its me, Michael. I don’t even like myself, so its cool. :rofl:

WHOO BOY, the Focus Cancel thread is gonna get UGLY. Just sayin’…

I can make it ugly, if you want.

I am glade I like playing fighting games more then starting or participating in a bunch of pointless drama.

Yeah, I mean I haven’t gotten to know you well enough to know anything about you Michael (not sure we’ve even talked more than a word or two). But those guys are really being bitches in that thread.

They’re making themselves look worse every time they post.

If you wanna run a tourney just keep doing your thing and get as many people as you can. I wouldn’t worry about them.

I don’t hate or want to continue any drama with Mike, really. To be honest, me and him had some good times getting together with a crew and hitting up OSU at 3 AM. Fun times.

Yeah. I’m gonna stay away from that craziness. Michael, if you keep up the good behavior, I will support you as much as possible! I might even try to attend. However, I really am going to Origins that weekend. So it will be a little crazy.

Nonsense – soon all of Ohio will register, and more out of state players will follow suit, apparently

Also, why Marcel said “the original location of Season’s Beatings was a club in Cleveland” I have no idea, since that’s 100% false, as was most of his cracked-out post. We looked and thought about a lot of venues, but never anything in Cle. “Stop being a girl please”? Nobody in Columbus plays 3s, much less Ohio or whatever region they’re trying to glean gamers from? uhhh. And apprently Marcel thinks we’re raking in bags of cash from SB since “we aren’t doing it for the community”. He doesn’t even want to know how much it costs alone to move MoMo’s pool tables

Might want to throw it into that topic, man. I think we should just keep this one drama free from now on lol

I’m not posting in that low-tier quagmire, haha, twice was enough. I’m not posting to argue, and everything I said would only need to be read by the people in here anyway. I was just gonna PM Marcell to say WTF, but if those are his attitudes I’m not interested in talking to him. I didn’t know he was like that.

We could always start a fight club to take out some of this tension…I have alot of aggression just from playing SFHD and SF4 so it would be good to release some of that lol.

I think that things can only get so big and be so good just run by the community. I don’t know why people think that it is a bad idea to run things like a business. Running a tournament like a business makes sense to me.

The best tournament I have been yet is seasons beatings 3. There where some time issues and space issues but all in all it was fantastic. I hope that the people that run it make some money so they will do it again. I don’t feel that it is wrong for the people running the tournament to make money. If the tournament is good people will keep coming back.

I totally agree with you. People that are running these tournaments should make a profit doing it…If the price is too high you have the choice to not go. But as far as the Hooter thing…come on. If its setup in a nice setting then hell yeah whomever organizes an event thats top tier should get paid. Top tier being smooth and organized and in a proper location. From what Michael has “typed” it looks like its going to be a pretty nicely setup tournament.

The issue people have with it is Mike’s attitude, plain and simple. You can’t see it now, thanks to all the edits, but what Marcel is saying now is what Mike was saying originally.

I still remember driving with Mike for like an hour, telling him to throw 3s in there and HDR. He went with them, which was good and all, but it took me to say “you’ll make some good cash there” for him to do it.

We don’t make $$, haha. As long as the thing pays for itself (which it did every year I think but the first) we’re happy. If we end up taking more than we spent (we did a little last year) we basically just budget that into next year’s tourney when it rolls around (for promotional stuff + random expenses, such as more megaphones).

FunFact: Fugee and I are almost ready to announce SB4 once we get ahold of MoMo’s and confirm that the date is OK.

We also talked again about getting a DVD out, so we hope to have that all done to sell at SB4. It won’t just be matches – we have a lot of interviews and player stuff, not just from the weekend of the tourney either, but leading up to the events of SB3.

Fugee and I both have decent jobs, so making money on a videogame thing was never a concern

Well it looks like the only cost Michael has is the renting of the hotel room and maybe some tables and chairs if those are not already supplied (should be though) So he could add a million different games if he wanted to…adding games doesnt cost him money and he gets a % of the pot ,plus he is going to be using other peoples setups so… It only makes sense to add more games…especially since SFHD is still somewhat new and 3s has a good following. If I was him I would add TvC, KOF12, BlazBlue. If he can get setups for those… he only gains from it… Just how I view it. If you can draw in a larger crowd with more variety = more money. Right or Wrong ?

Nice!!! I cant wait. If you need Tv’s or systems just post up I will be glade to help out. I am glade to hear you are not losing money. I think making money helps make future events more successful. Like you said you used the profits to make future events better. Reinvesting in the dream. :lovin:

I use to run some lan events in collage and start to hate the clean up. So I just took the profit from the event and paid a cleanning company.

Long story short SB4 I am Hype.

Right! Even if they did not want to run some games just give people in those scenes a place to do it.

My self I love competition I often play games I have no business playing just to compete.

p.s Sorry for the double post.

So it will be at MoMo’s again? Hopefully it can contain everyone, but I cannot wait to get some Chicken Katsu.

Yeah, it’s gonna be rough. Even after we post the date, we’re still figuring out the schedule/layout :stuck_out_tongue: