Good to see you too man. Im glad you got to play for a least a little while, it sucks that evo turns off all the games on sunday alot. If I go next year to evo, ill hit you up for some housing
Is there any marvel players in pueblo? I may have to go there next week and would be nice to get some games in. im down to play other games even tho I suck at them. HF ST cvs2 or 3S. Im really bad at the latter 2 but hey Ima be bored prolly.
Honestly, there is probably no chance you will play anything besides tekken in pueblo. All of the Capcom heads are down by denver or in it. If you can get down this way, I could try and set something up for you to play mvc2.
Prolly not in Denver. I have no business down up there and its a bit too far to drive just for marvel =/ What bout The Springs?
There are some marvel players (well more like people that play marvel lol) in the springs. Ill see if I cant get one of them to try and hit you up on here.
Ok koo. The springs is the farthest Im willing to travel for marvel while(if) Im threre. Damn the Springs has hella placesd to get drunk at too =p
If night life + marvel is what you seek, i would still recommend denver
There’s a cab at the citadel mall. I’m down to play tonight or tomorrow. Not really my game, but I’ll play. Post up quickly if you want to play.
I wont even know if Im going till tonight then its a solid 24 straight hours drive from where im at in cali. So earliest i could play would be sunday. Im waiting on my mom to see if were going. Driving an hour thirty plus minutes back home wasted aint that fun but I agree Denver is where its at with the night life.
What time Sunday?
Not sure since things are still up in the air. Is there a lot of players for marvel in Springs?
Nope. 2-3 players not including me.
Ok sorry fella my mom canceled her trip to CO so I wont be driver her anymore. Sorry for the uprise.
So right now none of the cops a the base cant leave the local area, but the next weekend Im able to leave me and my friend should be coming down. Ill tell you all so we can meet up and shit, get some cvs2 on.
I havent played in over a year and a half so we’ll see how I do lol. Ill pick everything back up fast, plus Alpha 2 keeps me fresh
Is any Denver arcades gon get sf4