We are working on that. Id say we have a 30% chance right about now along with t6. 30% is not that great but, better then no chance at all.
It’d be nice. All of the games at the arcade have a stale feel to them, bring on the new games.
Tournament info up on first page, second post!
Bump for tourny entrants
Yo Half I am in town this weekend, do you think you have time to fix my stick real quick?
Just saw this, im in a shitty way this weekend. Im sorry man. Let me know, if you can, when you are coming back out and Ill make it a point.
Srk colorado kids, if you are signing up for the tournament, let me know. There is NO MORE same day registering.
somebody said that you was looking for me i’m in the hood
Half, what the word on the cabs for A-town?
I gotta hit him up. BUT, I am hearing bad things about importing sf4 before it comes here (like the inability to recieve updates to the game ).
Sept Tourney…
{LunchBOX} is the tag. I wanna go out for SCIV, need some work before C3 hits. Heads up, I got 2 additional PS3 controllers let me know if you need 'em. See ya’ll then.
Thanks. Ill add you on.
Do you know about www.coloradofusion.net ?? Check it out when you get the chance. The tournament is posted in the “competition” section.
Registered on Colorado Fusion… waiting for mod approval.
Since I’ve got a few days still, I’m gonna see if my schedule will permit attending. I didn’t do so well last time, but I had a lot of fun and it’d be great to play 3S again.
ok, ill just put you on 3s tentatively.
You guys need to be on ggpo, some SFA2 some luvin’.
Updated new releases post on first page. Kof 12 has a place holder release date!
What’s your nick there? I might have missed you. If so, sign up again and send me a pm when you do, please. Name over there is Skillzilla.
ggs half-ro on 2df
new to 2df
ggpo player tho
ima colorado guy too
by the way that bronco/charger game was crazy
I might of missed it but what time does the tourney start?