Colorado thread: 2014 that stuff down

word halfro, i didn’t get a shot at you in march, i’m sure we’'ll get to throw down this time around

Yup :frowning:

Bah… my goal is Evo next year… assuming there is one. Anyone who played me at that tourney knows I’ve got some work ahead of me.

hey nevermore are you gonna get soulcalibur 4?

SC4 = teh funs

hell yeah! lol

I got it so anyone that wants to challenge me my GT is Angelslayer srk

While it seems all the Colorado people here are north of me, I’d like to say what’s up from the Durango, southwest corner area.

If anyone wants to add me on XBL or PSN my tags are on the side. (Picked up SCIV for PS3 last night).

If anyone is in my neck of the woods let me know, I’m always down to play.

cool, I dont have a ps3 but theres a lot of people here that do also dont forget to check out

My PSN is under my name but I don’t know if I’ll touch online much. It’s DRO with ringouts…ugh. I just want to play real people.

We are way north lol

but im on psn for sc4 on occasion (probably this weekend). My PSN sn is Halfrohalfamazin.

i never even heard of mancos before today

This thread needs more 2df.

st, vs and jojo’s. Holla.

I play 3S on 2DF whenever my connection wants to cooperate. Other then that, I’m on a hiatus from online play until I move into an apartment that doesn’t have an exclusive contract with some shitty ass “cable company.”

SC4, eh? I’ve been pretty much strictly Capcom my whole life, but it’s worth a try.

i really dont like 3s online. It doesnt play the same way as st or vs. Some matches are alright but, most dont play well for me.


heeeeellloooooooo nuuuuuurse!!

whats up man, where you been?

hello! hal…halfro?! Oh I get it! half a fro. nice too meet ya!

so uh, my bracketS are rough. Can I get a redo??

Email the home office for the town center at aurora arcade (atown mall) at:

When there click on the contact link (green bear). We have to get as many individual contacts emailed as possible. If they see there is a demand then, the tilt will get it. Please do so if you care to play sf4 or t6. My personal preference would be to email for both so 2d and 3d heads can be happy.

I repeat, they HAVE to be individual emails. If they see a bunch of emails at the same ip then they will take it as one email basically. If you were to do so, maybethe library would be a good choice…i dont know

IMPORTANT: Make sure you stress that there investment WILL be worth it and they will make profits off of the games. Thats the deal breaker, requests are cool but they want to make money. The cabinets are not cheap and they want to be sure money is going to be made (or the cost of the cabs is returned). This is in our hands, after playing the games, I believe they can breathe new life into our little scene, I dont care much for serious play anymore but I dont want our scene to die off. So, don’t do it because I’m requesting it(not saying that people would), do it because you want our scene to keep going.

Dont forget to post up when done and let us all know you care about the community.

Hey Mike, good seeing you out in Vegas. Drop me a line if you are ever out again, you can crash at my place. I got a little SF4 time, the game is tight!!!